• Bury The Right
    2 years ago

    “Consistent hostile attitude against libs” is simply a prerequisite for being based.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

      • @Ottar
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️OP
    2 years ago

    Admin of fascist instance promoting said instance – COOL AND GOOD 👍👍

    Telling that piece of shit to fuck off – UNCIVIL NOOOOO 😠😠

    Admins of Lemmy, review your rules. You are being brigaded, and they are taking full advantage of the fact that they can promote their vile ideas “politely” and get away with it.

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @CriticalResist8A
        152 years ago

        Just look at their sidebar and tell me it’s a “pro free speech” instance. They have to be transphobic and antivax right in the sidebar, and their banner picture is the “viking” guy from the Jan 6 Capitol riot.

        It’s a tale as old as fascism; they claim some liberal language like free speech, tolerance or objectivity and then use and abuse it while clueless libs cheer on them for elevating the marketplace of ideas.

        This is exactly what I saw when I created antifastonetoss and when I was on Reddit btw. I even once reported an outright fascist to the mods of a biggish subreddit (he was a regular there) and they told me “as long as they don’t bring any of that here we won’t ban them”.

        Fascists use that, they’re very good at playing just within the boundaries and not crossing the line too overtly, painting themselves as victims when you say anything.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    2 years ago

    Interesting. Apparently one doesn’t get notified they were banned.

    I’ll try to get in touch with the admin/admins. In the meantime if fascists think they can use my comments as platforms to promote their shitty instance I will keep telling them to fuck off.

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    302 years ago

    Im confused. I dont interact with ANY instances except deliberate anti lib instances that are communist in some fashion.

    Is this a similar situation like GenZedong from reddit where the lemmygrad thing can get taken down?

    Just a reminder to the libs. No amount of taking down communist social media is gonna lower your rent or raise your pay or stop the rise of China or stop Russia from pushing in the shit of your favorite fascist country.

    But I mean… Do you, libs. Youre always gonna be losers where it matters most.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      2 years ago

      Lemmygrad is its own instance but I think the plan some are pushing for on lemmy (the beehaw and sopuli users) is for lemmy.ml to defederate from lemmygrad, thus isolating us in our own corner of the internet. Lemmy.ml and lemmygrad both tie in for 1st place in activity,

      • @GloriousDoubleK
        182 years ago

        Y’all are therapy for me. I dont care if they defederate so long as I can interact here.

        I can respect how many here might want cross pollenation in order to grow. But… 🤷‍♂️

    • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️OP
      2 years ago

      Is this a similar situation like GenZedong from reddit where the lemmygrad thing can get taken down?

      No, we’re a separate instance. But lemmy.ml is sort of like a sister instance, so it’s sad to see it in this state.

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

  • Oatsteak
    232 years ago

    So we can’t tell people to fuck off when we’re unjustly accused of being fascists and constantly strawmanned, but libs get to ban us entirely just for calling them libs. Wtf else do you want us to call you? “The correct ones”? Are we allowed to have opinions that differ from yours so long as we kiss your ass or is us having a different opinion a slight in and of itself? Like jesus you people have all of mainstream society. Let us have this ONE thing.

    • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺M
      22 years ago

      Does “Monsters who do not care about the suffering caused by capitalism” work? I know it is a bit long and unwieldy, but I feel that it gets the same basic point across

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
    182 years ago

    Ratto has enshrined themselves in the halls of greatness.

    Also Critical Resist lol. They hated libs too much. Lemmy will miss their presence.

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • @CriticalResist8A
      162 years ago

      I have no problem with beehaw and sopuli existing, or any instance existing. It’s impossible to control who makes instances because Lemmy is open source and has pretty simple installation instructions.

      My problem is that their recruitment tactic is to bring down Lemmygrad (including lying about it) and try to create their fame out of that. As an admin, long time and active user of lemmygrad, I’ll defend this instance if they keep trying to defame it. If they stopped and just tried to build their instances without trying to stir trouble with us, then I think all of us would also stop going after them on lemmy. They can also talk shit all they want on their own instances if they want.

      The admins on lemmy must be having a field day but if there is a solution to this issue (which will eventually pass, like everything), it’s to tell the sopuli and beehaw people to stop attacking other instances. Maybe make it a rule on lemmy. I mean, we’re the only instance that’s ever being attacked but just for fairness don’t point us out specifically, just ban all inter-instance trouble-brewing.

      • Lenins2ndCat
        2 years ago

        sopuli and beehaw people to stop attacking other instances

        Warfare between instances is analogous to the methods of brigading and drama-creation that are weaponised on reddit.

        By that I mean /r/subredditdrama solely exists to function as an attack tool against political targets of the liberal modteam and to bring together sitewide drama against their intended targets, creating pressure upon the admins to act. In this situation a similar tactic is being employed.

      • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        Just came across this comment. Can you point out where Beehaw attacked Lemmygrad, or tried to bring it down? Of course if they violate our site rules, I will do something about it, but I dont remember seeing any reports like that.

        • @CriticalResist8A
          22 years ago

          That’s asking me to go into months-old archives to try and document it 😅 I’ll look it up and see if I can find their comments again.

          • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
            02 years ago

            Ideally you should have reported it when you first saw it. The instance is so active now that its impossible for us admins to read all the comments, and we have to rely on reports.

            • @CriticalResist8A
              22 years ago

              I did report it, but it was resolved on our end by one of our admins:

              I can’t remember how long the report stayed up, but it was between several hours and a day.

              ^ Another report which I don’t necessarily entirely agree with, but it was made. Again though resolved by one of our admin after some time.

              And just yesterday sopuli joining in: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/379764/comment/284180. Which I reported just now since it’s proper procedure. But when I see our reports stay up for a day or more and seemingly never getting worked on, it doesn’t give me faith that lemmy.ml takes our reports seriously. How many reports does the instance get in a day if I may ask?

              If I properly documented how they are working to recruit by defaming Lemmygrad, I would need way more time and create a cohesive document.

              There is no documentation about reports so I’m still confused how they work. I understand all relevant instances are tagged for the report. But when we resolve a report about a lemmy.ml post, for example, does it still show up on lemmy.ml’s report queue? Then I could tell the rest of the admin team about it so we don’t resolve reports made by our users to other instances.

              • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
                02 years ago

                Reports work in a very basic way for now. Basically they are sent to all mods of the community, and to instance admins. If any one of them decides to resolve the report, others will generally not see it anymore. Also, the action of resolving a report isnt federated at all. So basically, a report needs to resolved once on each instance. Here is an issue about improving reports, feel free to add suggestions.

                I would say that the comments you mention are simply subjective views of these two individuals. You might not agree with those views, but calling it lying seems exaggerated. I also dont understand how you can hold the entire instances responsible for actions of individual users. In any case, I will discuss this with our admin team.

                • @CriticalResist8A
                  52 years ago

                  So basically, a report needs to resolved once on each instance. Here is an issue about improving reports, feel free to add suggestions.

                  Thanks for the answer, sometimes reports sit on our queue for hours because I’m not sure we can solve them without impacting the lemmy reports queue (which they are meant for). I’ll be able to solve them now when relevant.

                  I might do an exposé on beehaw and sopuli eventually. It was more flagrant when these problems surfaced a month ago. Graphito if you remember was banned from Lemmy when they had an account from there, and went to beehaw afterwards (and again banned on lemmy temporarily). Beehaw and perthchat, an inactive instance, share a lot of overlap now and moderators too.

                  I also had another comment to point out in my previous comment but the direct link doesn’t seem to work. It might have been this one:

                  (Parent comment was deleted so 23 days later I really cannot remember what it was a response to). I think I have more stuff from this user (sopuli btw) doing the same thing altair and graphito are doing.

                  Beehaw indicated not federating with us because we “took up too much disk space because Lemmygrad is so active” (https://beehaw.org/post/93236/comment/25352), when lemmy.ml is just as active (and in the end it wasn’t even us, it was a bug). Of course they can not federate with us if they don’t want to, that’s their problem, but it was a bit weird seeing us blamed out of the blue for something that was not our fault. And dots start to form that I’m starting to connect.

                  Catraism was instantly banned from beehaw after making an account there, and was not using their Catraism-Stalinism name so as to avoid direct references to communism.

                  I have, to be honest, rarely seen beehaw and sopuli advertise their instance without using someone else’s platform to do it (on lemmy.ml). For example when conquestofbed made their thread 2 days ago, the first comment there was promoting beehaw and not adding anything else to the discussion. If you sort by old:


                  You’re right that they are, for now, just a few users. But they are users that are very integrated on beehaw and sopuli (moderators of a few communities, lots of overlap) – which are instances so small that they almost form a clique. I.e. they are the only users of those instances.

  • @201dberg
    162 years ago

    How big even is lemmy in comparison to lemmygrad? We just need to get Hexbearies to join the federation or whatever and let them loose over there. lol. It’ll be a bloodbath until they ban everyone.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      2 years ago

      I sincerely think if hexbear federates, it will be akin to removing the “great firewall” in China. Libs think they’ll be making friends but they are not ready for the carnage.

      Comrade Awoo has really galvanised the people of lemmygrad for the hexbear cause and while I do not code, I encourage everyone who does to join with them so they can migrate back to lemmy ASAP and federate with us.

      • Lenins2ndCat
        2 years ago

        Comrade Awoo has really galvanised the people of lemmygrad for the hexbear cause and while I do not code

        Stronger united.

        If Lemmygrad holds the “explicitly communist” position and Hexbear holds the “soft-left and mixed” position then the only positions left in the ecosystem are liberal and fascist.

        Hexbear will displace any other community attempting to make an alternative liberal-led fake soft-left pro-imperialist space and prevent them from faking being leftist. Getting it caught up and federated is the best method to pull heat off lemmygrad right now.

        Hexbear users being everywhere on lemmy will also be extremely funny.

      • @201dberg
        132 years ago

        I have actual dreams of if the great firewall coming down as 10s of millions of Chinese shit posters flood reddit and overwhelm all the libs. Imagine the liberal seething. The copium. Their tears will rehydrate and revitalize the parched earth that is my soul.

        • @CriticalResist8A
          122 years ago

          Just tens of millions? There’s gonna be hundreds of millions!

          It’s been discussed before and libs really seem to think they will expose the “brainwashed” Chinese people to wikipedia, CNN, reddit, and all the stuff their government “doesn’t tell them”. In reality libs will be completely submerged by a billion people that support their government and criticize liberal democracy.

          We estimate there are 1.1 billion English speakers on the Internet. And that’s about as many people that use the Internet in China. They are not ready.

          • @201dberg
            42 years ago

            I was being cautious. What is it called the 1:9:90 rule or something? Where only like 1% of the subscribers are actively commenting and posting them 9% upvoting and occasionally interact then the rest are lurkers and or dead accounts? lol. Even at 10s of millions we would crush reddit. Hundreds of millions would be reaching Nirvana.

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

      • @Cysioland
        42 years ago

        That’s why they won’t federate with us, just with lib instances. Like szmer.info did

  • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    152 years ago

    Showing their true colours when they side with the libs of all people

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      32 years ago

      For example, this thread is still not cleaned, despite having outright nazi and murder apologia and indirect holocaust denial. Not to mention obvious trolling, blatant disrespect and bad faith “discussion”.

      • DankZedong A
        2 years ago

        What a nice thread to start your day with.

        I always wonder if we seem as unhinged to them as they seem to me. I always love it when tankies type a wall of text only to be countered with some snarky gotcha comment. Zero understanding of how this shit works.

  • stasis
    2 years ago

    what the heck is happening in lemmy rn