You are free to go wherever you wish in the maze we carefully engineered.
You are free to go wherever you wish in the maze we carefully engineered.
Read the article and basically what this means is that the B-21 is dead on arrival.
Correct Joshua, and it also means your overseas investments will be liquidated.
This is the sort of news that genuinely uplifts me. Taking concrete steps towards self-determination like this is what earns my highest degree of respect.
Living in the US feels right now feels like being in one of those slow burn crazy cult horror movies like Midsommar.
The JCP is one of the largest communist parties in a non-socialist country that also happens to be a US vassal but it comes at the cost of it being infected with this sort of left-liberalism. Just a product of it’s environment really.
Yeah, poor old little Western countries doing nothing to counter the big bad Russian propaganda. RT should be deluxe banned and Westerners need to hear to about Russian propaganda 100 times a day instead of 10.
I suppose the one good thing about standard anticommunists/reactionaries is that they carry a stench that is easy to smell, I still remember that one GenUSA infiltrator that got booted out within a day. Something from this angle is much easier to smuggle in.
Weird how countries that put effort into nurturing and cultivating their citizens come out on top over those who leave them to go fuck knows where after their half-assed public schooling is over.
Thing is, conditions suck so much for a lot of Americans right now that blatantly extorting other countries for money (or they believe so at least) is pretty popular right now, which countries exactly doesn’t even matter much anymore.
I assume it was deemed to be a scammer or spam bot. Talking from experience my brother once fell for sending $500 (don’t ask me why he lacked so much common sense) to a woman claiming have been left stranded by her husband in Nigeria, only to find out later that it was a indeed a guy catfishing and scamming suckers for money.
We are watching “We need to stop China from getting their hands on our tech” become “We need to get our hands on China’s tech” in real time. The US fall/China rise is very much like a large ship sinking, slow and barely noticeable at first and then before you know it the ship is practically falling into the ocean.
Had me going “Oh for fucks sake, another color revolution? Really?” until I searched Laos in the news and didn’t see anything.
Any Youtube channel where half the videos are some variant of “China is collapsing” with Xi Jinping on the thumbnail can be safely assumed to be Falun Gong linked.
I now identify myself as a social credit.
Neoconservatism is the pragmatic choice, Zionism is the moral one.
What I’m on about is that you don’t get to yap about freedom while simultaneously advocating for sweeping bans that apply to all citizens in a completely undemocratic manner. Whether the app sucks or is dangerous is completely besides the point.
If you think it’s US security interest to enact sweeping bans you are welcome to believe that as far as I’m concerned, but you don’t get to have it both ways and also go on about “free country” nonsense in same paragraph. Pick one and own up to it.
Taking the mask and smashing it with a sledgehammer moment.