Not sure I understand that rule generally, there is no back and forth if you stop replying
Not sure I understand that rule generally, there is no back and forth if you stop replying
As always this is going to be the best week of the year
Fox keeps getting my hopes up
Well astronauts did wildcat strike before
Hear me out, what if privitizing space flight was a bad idea.
And hear me out agian what if alienating the only other 2 nations who can do manned space flight was also a bad idea
I mean whete makes bread, and bread is food, I am not sure I would call it low value
I mean you joke but the Mormons would agree
Honestly I expected more from you, you are usualy ontop of the news /s
CPUSA has said they are unwilling to vanguard on there own website, called the PRC a naiton with 9 parties in congress a 1 party state and has implied that AES is not democratic in a few of there publications
lets also add to this that EVERY ELECTION they just suport the dems, no calls to withold votes, no trying to run a canidate of there own that while it may be bad electoraly would be able to show that not everyone suports the dems
they eject the only 2 chapters that opposed Isn’treal and invited an speaker from Isreal that spoke in favor of zionism to one of there confrences
they are either woefully incompetent, or they are controlled oposition, or both
Your a little late, Lizzie has been in a box for a a little while now
That depends on 1 assignment
My largest fear with this community is that it is increasing a sense of dunking and being done with the issue, or like liberals are unable to be educated, and that does not assist in the creation of any movement. I understand and do partake in the cathartic release this community provides, however, and this may just be my perseption, that the comunity as a whole has moved to a more insular stance and is faster to just attack liberals instead of attempting to educate them, and I worry that this community is playing a roll in that
Thats not nullification, thats a hung jury, Nullification you cannot re-try, if you get a hung jury you get a miss trial and you can tretry
Hope might be another Wernher von Braun… Man that name sounds awfully german, what year did he start working for the US agian?
well the first one was John Brown, postumously obviously
He has power to stop this, he did not, he is profiting from this system, he is one of the many people at fault.
WTF do you mean they lead a company, the company earns profits by exploiting workers. Not only this but this is a healthcare company, and so they also make money by refusing needed health coverate and nickle and diming coverage causing people to either go without the care they need to live, or go into debt, either way deaths are on his hands
John Brown did nothing wrong, when someone is killing through there actions and hyper exploiting, there death is justified.
my proff just said it was a truly horrific pre-planned murder
Over here we celebrate a far more important holiday on January 1st Cuban Día de la Liberación