loathesome dongeater


a cool (brr) dude

  • 396 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2020


  • I have been thinking about what to say that could help but I am a bit of a loss owing to my own deficiencies.

    probably bad advice

    All I can suggest is that you try to find some peers since you are in college. From what I gather you are probably a commuter, and I have heard that being a commuter makes making friends a little bit difficult. But there are avenues like clubs, sports, and your classes that can help. It is tough because you say you have anxiety around this so make of this what you will. Having people to talk to and shoot shit with might help.

    Obviously I don’t know to what extent you keep to yourself and how much of it is simmering inside you so pardon me for any overreach.

  • There is another side to this where they credit this poverty alleviation to the neoliberal economic system and lump China’s contribution to this statistic with the rest of the world’s to try and make it look like the world is improving under their auspices.

    Over the last half decade or so they have dumped all pretense of wanting to tackle poverty and now it is just constant warmongering against the sinister asiatics and the orientals so lifting people out of poverty is not cool and hip anymore and the steven pinkers of the world are out of their jobs.

  • Canada does not need a military.

    Need depends on the goals. Specifically the actual goals and not the stated goals. The article addresses your point that Canada earlier did not need a military of its own because of its “military parasitism” as he calls it. They could rely on the American military for their strategic interests. Now that there is a emerging military industrial complex of its own, Canada “needs” a military because Canada is run by those who own these induatries and the existence and expansion of the military will enrich them.

  • I am pretty reticent too and it feels like a burden rather than a neutral characteristic. I feel if I could talk to someone about my thoughts or bounce my ideas off them I would feel better and maybe even flourish as a person but I can’t. Either I don’t have anyone who I think would “understand” me or I don’t know how to convey my ideas properly. It’s probably a combination of both but I don’t know what to do about the latter.