a cool (brr) dude
Neither do I think it’s signs of the West wanting conflict with China, I think it’s the opposite, a deterrence for China
You are underestimating the gravity of the implications of American military buildup around Taiwan. It would be kinda like if China started building bases and sending carriers around Hawaii to prevent an American invasion.
I am dependent media
His hate for the Euroamerican Empire is pure. As it should be.
Official US Treasury Memecoins when?
Glad to know that this is the best NYPD can muster up with the military budget of DPRK.
There is gonna be a hot potato contest for who gets to keep Zelenskyy
I will never ever understand how these ghouls are on the satanic grindset at 82. If I were them I would have tasked one of my 143 hellspawn bastard children with siphoning human blood. What is the point of this rapacious plundering if you are stumbling off a flight of stairs at a stage where you can barely string a sentence together?
At least we got the CIA DEI YouTube advert out of it already.
Google · Google
Great work designers
Yeah. Some people respond to oppression by becoming bigots for example.
Unless of course Elon Musk goes full Rasputin
I think him extending his term and such is not going to happen. I can’t tell you why though. It just doesn’t align with my understanding of the great shaitan.
Well, calling it “Thots and Trots” makes it look like it is for hooking up rather than just dating. It wouldn’t bad so bad in itself but you hear about a sex pest problem in some American left org once every two months or so. On top of that I have heard something about people coming in the orbit of the DSA just looking to get laid.
My experience with DSA and their ilk only comes from what I have read online since they and I are separated by more than a whole ocean. So I cannot definitively say if this symptomatic of larger problems. But I feel comfortable in saying a serious leftist organisation would not hold an event like this, let alone call it thots and trots. It’s incredibly weird.
It’s not though. A coup detat involves a party coming into power through unconstitutional means. They might be breaking the law now but it doesn’t make it a coup because Trump and his posse attained power through a democratic election.
I’ll have to give credit to this terminal liberal because they didn’t say that USA is becoming more like China or Norf Korea.
It wasn’t defending paedophilia directly but rather promoting tolerance of paedophiles using some rhetorical tricks like saying that vilifying them discourages them to seek help (making them look like the victims) and using weird stats like how only a tiny majority of paedos commit SA (portraying the group as relatively harmless ignoring the fact that many unaccounted in this stat consume media that is commoditised SA). I am not too deep into paedo lore but these tactics have been prominently previously for example when they started calling themselves MAPs which, incidentally, was also used in the removed post.
Edit: Maybe it was defending it directly and I don’t remember it. The post is not fresh in my mind but I just remember the parts that I understood.
Seems a bit unhinged tbh
Please respect the pronouns. It’s fine if you made a mistake initially but please do deflect attempts at correction like this.
Thanks a lot