• @CriticalResist8A
    152 years ago

    Just look at their sidebar and tell me it’s a “pro free speech” instance. They have to be transphobic and antivax right in the sidebar, and their banner picture is the “viking” guy from the Jan 6 Capitol riot.

    It’s a tale as old as fascism; they claim some liberal language like free speech, tolerance or objectivity and then use and abuse it while clueless libs cheer on them for elevating the marketplace of ideas.

    This is exactly what I saw when I created antifastonetoss and when I was on Reddit btw. I even once reported an outright fascist to the mods of a biggish subreddit (he was a regular there) and they told me “as long as they don’t bring any of that here we won’t ban them”.

    Fascists use that, they’re very good at playing just within the boundaries and not crossing the line too overtly, painting themselves as victims when you say anything.