Mafia trilogy, great stories in those games
Mafia trilogy, great stories in those games
Are they gonna start throwing Asians back into “internment” camps again?
Kinda par for the course for a lot of libs right.
They wish death and destruction upon entire ethnic groups living under “dictatorships” because they all deserve it and either are ‘subhuman orcs’ or ‘brainwashed yellow robots’ amirite (despite not having “the power to vote for their governments”).
But when others condemn those from the supposed liberal democratic states, all of a sudden it’s “not my fault, I didn’t vote for this”.
Even on domestic moderated platforms there are plenty of troll farm/AI posts, many of them from Taiwan’s 1450 troll army.
This is going to allow the libs in Shanghai to organize more “white paper” type protests lol. A sizeable number of them will see all the blatant sinophobia and still think “not me, I’m one of the good chosen ones”.
Interesting… Shanghai already has a reputation for being quite liberal, elitist and a tad west worshipping. This certainly is going to make it worse.
Remember the “white paper” protests during covid? We can probably expect a few more of those public displays, but not at the same violent levels as HK.
Only used Bilibili for the most part, but if they’re similar then reporting content as “spreading political misinformation” tends to work sometimes.
In the cases on XHS, most of them tended to be scared away by all of the comments calling them out lol.
Just a few examples of trans Bilibili users/channels
One of them recently went to Thailand for their surgery, only because the bookings within the country were so packed. They also make various videos answering questions on what happens after (post surgery recovery, getting a new ID etc.)
If Hinkle and his ilk knew about any of this shit his head would explode lmao
It probably helps that XHS is one of the more LGBT and feminist friendly platforms with a mix of libs sprinkled in to ease them in. Some of those same libs were shocked that Americans healthcare costs and needing to work multiple jobs to survive was actually true, and not state propaganda as they previously thought.
Taiwan’s 1450 troll army as well as the libs on reddit and twitter wanting to infiltrate XHS and pose fake shit on XinJiang or TiNyMaN SqUaRe only to get mass banned.
And then there’s some Zionists making their way onto platform only to be told to fuck right off by the users lol.
Yeah pretty much expected from the imperialists pissing into the same bucket with Erdogan’s Ottoman project and his American counterparts wanting to destabilize their peaceful ‘adversaries’.
For the most part this is true, except for the liberals (usually pro-west) who consider Israel as “the light of civilisation”
lol 1.6 billion dollars well spent to indoctrinate the citizens of the failing empire and its vassals. This latest masterpiece is probably in response to the recent successful missile launch to reassure themselves that they’re still number one.
They’re comrades afterall 🤩
Chinese games: RPGs - Gujian (1 and 2 are really cheap when on sale, 3 is really good for a relatively lower budget game) Others - Sands of Salzaar, My time at Portia
Vietnam made a free FPS called 7554 in 2011, you fight back against the french
Cuba also made an FPS in 2013 called Gesta Final, which looks a bit like CoD 1 gameplay wise
The happy selfie with the two Koreas and the PRC is one of the best moments
That and swimming is a bit over-represented too
lol Chinese users usually notice more lib trolls/bots appear during democrat presidencies, starting to go down again