Ukraine flag strikes again.

  • @comradecarti
    312 years ago

    My friend used to always say during school “when you get your first paycheck you’ll stop being a socialist”. Until he started working… he’s now a socialist.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    2 years ago

    I met a libertarian once who likes Henry George. He told me organ selling and child labour are justified, great things. Recently, in light of Russian operation, he told me NATO is a defensive organisation, and argued Putin must be killed. He also called me a tankie.

    I kept calm for the most part because he is an American teenager.

    • Arsen6331 ☭
      82 years ago

      I kept calm for the most part because he is an American teenager.

      That’s not much of an excuse. I am a teenager born and living in the US. I am also an ML. Before becoming an ML, I never really thought about ideology, but I was anti-capitalist because I realized before I was even a teenager that the incentive structure of capitalism must lead to misery because it prioritizes capital over everything.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        42 years ago

        Let us just say you either lucked out, or had natural tendencies towards striving for the greater good and equality since childhood. You probably do not realise what all fell in order for you to reach here.

        • Arsen6331 ☭
          22 years ago

          You probably do not realise what all fell in order for you to reach here.

          You’re right, that’s probably true

      • @HaSch
        2 years ago

        There are many factors that have to play together for someone in this environment of misinformation and sensory overload to become an ML. You were anti-capitalist, yes, but only because you were interested in political economics by curiosity or necessity; AND in a position to either reason or experience by force the fact that there is a fundamentally dangerous and unsustainable element to our society; AND that at its core the nature of this element is concrete, material, and economic rather than diffuse, metaphysical and cultural-political.

        Then you became a communist by realising that this element is an inextricable part of the capitalist system; AND learning what dialectics are; AND understanding the shape of the aforementioned element as a dialectical contradiction between the forces of circulation and accumulation; AND seeing how other contradictions, such as those underlying imperialism and fascism, follow logically from it.

        Then you became an ML by realising that the only way to resolve these contradictions is to establish a workers’ state; AND that state will eventually turn out to be a council republic with some sort of democratically planned economy; AND that to protect this state, it is necessary to instantly build up the means of production and defence during a transitory phase; AND that the way to do this cannot be dogmatic but must be specifically tailored to the material conditions of the country and age; AND (not for Gonzaloists or Hoxhaists) that China is finding its way right now and can be studied as a successful example.

        Just the first step towards anti-capitalist leftism filters out the overwhelming part of society, as the default ideology in modern capitalism is liberalism. Not only that, but each step past that requires further learning still, and even when you have the time and energy to study enough to become a communist, personal experience with the military and police state can mess with you enough to make you ditch the notion of the transitory state and fall for the temptation of anarcho-communism. If someone is surrounded by people, institutions, and media they trust constantly indoctrinating them with liberal ideology, or have no one to guide them through that journey, no one with whom to learn together or to reach out to, then they are practically set up to drop out somewhere along the way and retreat.

    • @pgtl_10
      42 years ago

      Libertarians have no coherent beliefs.

  • @Anatolianin
    262 years ago

    Ah, libs

    You’re a communist until you get your first paycheck, lmao

    I’ve worked in a factory for twenty years, asshole, and I’m a communist, what do you say next?

    You’re such a loser, lmao, find a better job, cattle.

    A win-win position. If a person is a communist and does not work, it means that leftists are lazy fucks who want to sit on the hump of working citizens, if a communist works, then he is a loser and a cattle.

    • @Shrike502
      232 years ago

      Relevant page of an otherwise pretentious comic

    • @holdengreen
      122 years ago

      Don’t talk to people like that. Don’t give them an inch either or they will run a mile. First inch might even be to even have them know you are a leftist if it isn’t necessary. They think that’s permission to talk to you like they wouldn’t someone else.

      • @bleepingblorp
        112 years ago

        As I like to say after having seen another comrade say something similar, “Never argue with someone John Brown would simply shoot.”

        • @holdengreen
          72 years ago

          That’s assuming the liberal doesn’t snap at you five minutes in the situation for saying truth.

      • @Anatolianin
        42 years ago

        Welp, I didn’t participate in that conversation and shitlib got dunked later but thanks nonetheless.

    • @bleepingblorp
      2 years ago

      I’m a union team lead at the factory and make plenty, in addition to my healthcare being provided for and access to numerous other resources. Experiencing the benefits of worker organizing has only made me more of a communist since I believe everyone should have the same - or better - benefits, protections, and privileges I have.

      Not every communist has a ‘dead end’ job, there are many solidly working class jobs that pay well and have many benefits and protections, often due to the efforts of communists/socialists, and syndicalists before them. Even when I was working at a UAW (United Auto Workers) plant, during orientation, which was run by union guys, we had a portion which talked about the history of the UAW and they discussed how it was founded by communists. They went on numerous strikes and fought hard to get what we had at the plant. Cops fired into the crowd of strikers at one point even, so the strikers seized on of the plants and used the tools there to make improvised slingshots where they lobbed large chunks of metal and other plant materials at the pigs. The founders of the UAW were assassinated by the Mafia, hired by Ford Motors (yes, that Ford, the same Ford founded by Henry Ford, renowned jew hating eugenicist and inspiration for Hitler. The same company that was making light armored vehicles for the Nazis throughout the entire war).

      Anyway, I digressed a bit, so I’ll stop here.

      EDIT: Added content. ANOTHER EDIT: Added more content.

  • @BenEarlDaMarxist
    222 years ago

    Something about 'murican ethnocentrist delusions, ig. Idk here’s an image of a dog:

    • @bleepingblorp
      32 years ago

      There are communists in office spaces as well, both with decent office jobs and shit office jobs.

        • @bleepingblorp
          62 years ago

          Oh no, they’d be the ones calling out non-communists in office spaces for saying goofy shit

  • DankZedong A
    212 years ago

    Why do all these people assume we are 14? Chronic online behavior, maybe? Go outside maybe. Interact with actual marxists and see how many of them are tankies. Might surprise you.

    • @cayde6ml
      112 years ago

      They’re pedophiles. I’m not joking or exaggerating. No non-pedophilic person talks about wanting to dominate 14 year olds or has a deranged blind hatred for teenagers and kids that they think they can “correct” ideas by forcing themselves on kids.

        • @cayde6ml
          62 years ago

          I’m saying that its the same energy, and that I think that most parents at least somewhat care about their children, unlike reactionaries.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            72 years ago

            The analogy falls off in the case of fresher bullies though, they usually mean to either have fun, or to feed into the conscious of the fresher that they are lower in the college hierarchy. They are not pedophiles in any case.

            Being specific about these things is important. Right wingers and their liberal acolytes find stuff like this for ammunition.

            • @cayde6ml
              42 years ago

              I get your point I just think that those people will find ammo anyway, and since it gets their dicks hard and pisses them off, might as well go full hog.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                42 years ago

                You are overestimating their abilities. They are like a house of cards.

                There was this one neo Nazi yesterday, on a chatroom, when I said that pedophilia is strictly a fascist idea that flourishes on chans and has never been advocated in socialist circles, he had to reply with “Marx held that belief”. I ripped his BS apart.

                • @cayde6ml
                  52 years ago

                  And there’s also NAMBLA.

  • @KommandoGZD
    202 years ago

    That’s exactly what creates labour struggle and uprisings and is the reason social democracy was created. Do these people ever think before opening their mouths god damn?

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      112 years ago

      Ukraine flag to me is like ❌ mark against account. Immediately invalidated opinions on anything other than technology.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          72 years ago

          Technology generally lacks politics. You will find most of the toxic politics in technology sphere amongst Western code developers (C good Rust bad) and privacy advocates (USA = privacy, freedom).

          • @bleepingblorp
            62 years ago

            I work in tech and can say tech people can and do get very political, including with the tech itself. How often I need to try to debunk my co-workers misconceptions about… well… the world… it’s exhausting.

            Also, privacy advocates aren’t usually saying USA = good. They are usually very suspicious of the US, or any government, almost to a conspiratorial level. Many are libertarians or conservative liberals/Trump folks who dislike basically any government anything.

            Even the code written by developers holds the biases of the company within it. Where data is sent and received from, how algorithms feed information to people, who hold backdoors and who are the primary clients of a tech entity, it is all politics.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              62 years ago

              Many are libertarians or conservative liberals/Trump folks who dislike basically any government anything.

              You will see them calling Snowden traitor and Assange a Russian agent, on first sight. Cory Doctorow and friends did something really bad to Naomi “SexyCyborg” Wu as far as privacy is concerned.

              What you describe are nuances that go a lot deeper. Nuances where algorithms may favour white males, backdoors that lead to 5/9/14 Eyes and Mossad, encryption key holders that are more than just the ones public are told, ideologies that make up the core of companies whose products we use and so on.

              • @bleepingblorp
                52 years ago

                You will see them calling Snowden traitor and Assange a Russian agent, on first sight. Cory Doctorow and friends did something really bad to Naomi “SexyCyborg” Wu as far as privacy is concerned.

                During my time as a class traitor in military intelligence it was usually those folks I was surrounded with then who were referring to Snowden and Assange as traitors and spies and so forth. I was in during the height of all that. However, most privacy advocates praise them, and in some cases further their causes by involving themselves in the Linux open-source world, the EFF, Tor, Privacy International, decentralized application development, etc.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                  62 years ago

                  EFF was silent during Cambridge Analytica. Amnesty is known for its funny shenanigans. There are a lot of things that go in, it works like spaghetti.

  • SovereignState
    162 years ago

    Because… they wouldn’t have time to read?

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @TheCommunismButton
    152 years ago

    I was a shitlib until I started working. I have a good job, but I didn’t always, and there were many lower-paid workers at my companies who didn’t have it so good. And even they have it better than most people of imperialized countries. I think it all comes down to having a little bit of empathy.

  • Preston Maness ☭
    102 years ago

    How did they land on 14 specifically? Because I’ve seen that number all over the place lately, across various social networks.

    And I’ve been a 14-year-old tankie going on 18 years now I guess.