Ukraine flag strikes again.

  • @bleepingblorp
    2 years ago

    I’m a union team lead at the factory and make plenty, in addition to my healthcare being provided for and access to numerous other resources. Experiencing the benefits of worker organizing has only made me more of a communist since I believe everyone should have the same - or better - benefits, protections, and privileges I have.

    Not every communist has a ‘dead end’ job, there are many solidly working class jobs that pay well and have many benefits and protections, often due to the efforts of communists/socialists, and syndicalists before them. Even when I was working at a UAW (United Auto Workers) plant, during orientation, which was run by union guys, we had a portion which talked about the history of the UAW and they discussed how it was founded by communists. They went on numerous strikes and fought hard to get what we had at the plant. Cops fired into the crowd of strikers at one point even, so the strikers seized on of the plants and used the tools there to make improvised slingshots where they lobbed large chunks of metal and other plant materials at the pigs. The founders of the UAW were assassinated by the Mafia, hired by Ford Motors (yes, that Ford, the same Ford founded by Henry Ford, renowned jew hating eugenicist and inspiration for Hitler. The same company that was making light armored vehicles for the Nazis throughout the entire war).

    Anyway, I digressed a bit, so I’ll stop here.

    EDIT: Added content. ANOTHER EDIT: Added more content.