Again some people who carried LGBT flag were arrested during some football match as far as I know, I saw it on Telegram.

Also, again some laws on banning ‘‘LGBT pRoPaGaNdA’’ were signed by government and Putin I think, they won’t shut up about it. What is up with this?

  • JucheBot1988
    421 year ago

    I don’t like this, but my view is, it’s an issue for the Russian people to solve. Reason: me talking in the west about Russian state-sponsored homophobia is not going to change the government’s policies, but it will tend to swell the 24/7 anti-Russia hysteria in American and Europe, which is a real danger insofar as it gears people up for war. I certainly wish Putin wouldn’t hand the west talking points. But Russia right now is an important ally of AES states, and so it’s best to hand that entire fight to comrades living in Russia – nothing we do will make the situation better, and could very likely actually make things worse.

  • @nervvves
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      1 year ago

      That’s interesting, I didn’t know about any of that, thanks for the info

      Capitalism and religion really ruins everything

      • @nervvves
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • @Shrike502
      141 year ago

      homosexuality was completely normal in russia up until the monarchs at the time tried to westernize the country

      I’m going to need some sources on that, comrade

      • @nervvves
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @Shrike502
          91 year ago

          XVI century is hardly “pre-monarchy”

          • @nervvves
            9 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @Shrike502
              111 year ago

              Okay I feel a miscommunication here. If Ivan IV was the second ruler after monarchy, what does the IV in his name stand for, in your opinion?

              • @nervvves
                9 months ago

                deleted by creator

  • KiG V2
    201 year ago

    Not an expert, but my guess would be that it is yet another illustration of how it’s plummet into capitalism Was disastrous across-the-board for its peoples

  • @201dberg
    1 year ago

    The fall of the USSR was truly a terrible thing for everyone except the oligarchy. I know they didn’t have the nicest of LGBT stances but they had the best chance to fix the Tsar erra homophobia.

    • @cfgaussian
      1 year ago

      A vulgar, reductionist, and tragically short sighted view. Patriarchy and cis-/heteronormativity are integral pillars of the bourgeois superstructure that serve to enable and perpetuate capitalist exploitation (as Engels, Kollontai and others explained, the nuclear family is a product of class society and the vehicle through which unpaid reproductive labor occurs, and both women’s and LGBT liberation are a threat to that, hence why these are twin struggles) in much the same way that white supremacy and ableism do and should be fought for the same reasons. Plus, you only harm your own movement by adopting a bigoted position on gender and sexual orientation in the same way that white workers in the US were harmed by the racism that the ruling classes inculcated in them to break their solidarity with potential black and brown allies. Whether or not the oppressed group is a minority is insubstantial, a reactionary view on these issues only serves capital, it splinters the working class and turns it against itself, it is a typical divide and rule strategy (read Du Bois on “the wages of whiteness”).

      Communists are not tailists, we do not pander to the most reactionary instincts of the most backwards sections of the masses (neither the Bolsheviks nor the Chinese communists adopted tailist positions on the question of women’s liberation for instance even though the broad masses were steeped in a traditionally patriarchal culture that necessitated waging a fierce struggle to get them to accept gender equality). We educate them and we elevate the most progressive and revolutionary elements among them. Your position reeks of opportunism and Menshevism.

      • @Ottar
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
        81 year ago

        Its frankly depressing how random comrades you talk with for months turn out to be homophobic assholes. It seems those kinds of “comrades” still need purging.

        And as the de-facto manager of Catra I am giving the mantel of “angry rant god” to you. 👑

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
            51 year ago

            Why are our rights a debate comrade? Why are our literal right to exist an after thought to those who claim to oppose inequality?!

            Because they see it as a problem, as some sort of strange error. They for some reason can’t accept a reality where LGBTQ+ people exist. Also ignoring that we have always existed. Its insanity.

            The time for argument is indeed long over. You do not have to be pleasant with those like that.

            • @Ottar
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        31 year ago

        It’s dogshit takes like this lurking on this site that is making me step away and engage considerably less if not entirely after this tbh.

        I disagree. Realise that these moments are what trims the fat from this place. You need to become more resilient. There are 20 downvotes for the 3 upvotes there, so they got ratio’d.

        • @fruityloop
          141 year ago

          i get your point but being resilient is hard enough when you already have to do that in daily life and then see this dumb shit in a communist space too. It’s tiring having to censor yourself all the time then finding out the one space you don’t feel like doing that has bigots hiding in plain sight too.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            41 year ago

            That I understand, but they also got pruned out of the community immediately. The thing is, it needs to be understood that this is part of the struggle. It is not just the trans community that faces it, its just a different flavour of bigotry. There are plenty people that have bad ideas in their heads, some have less of them, and beyond a point people refuse to learn (example the one that got banned).

            This is part of the struggle. This is why resilience is important. This is still a safe space, and I think its better if people mask off themselves like this.

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @CriticalResist8A
            121 year ago

            And that user was only banned from genzedong, not the entire site

            That’s my bad, the buttons are very similar and I confuse them all the time 🤦

            I’ve updated the ban to sitewide.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            11 year ago

            Its unfortunate, and I think the takeaway from this is that we have a very long road ahead, before transphobia becomes a condemned thing across the entire scape. A really long road, just to put more emphasis. It is fucking atrocious that there are both kinds of people, those that are transphobes, and those that refuse to comprehend the coexistence of a trans culture in society. I mean, there are also TERFs.

            I am part of the minority within a minority, that are not just cool and acceptable, but friendly with trans people, while being a cis het male. It was almost a decade ago when I used to be like others, unable to comprehend this coexistence, and with this ignorant attitude, and it took a while.

            I know that it is a tough pill to swallow, but society progress bar is stuck at a low percentage. And most of internet is used by Westerners (reddit is 55% USA/Canada and 30% West EU), and you know the relationship of imperialism and normalisation of cis het gender/sexuality, so unless we develop a culture of non Western/ised internet spaces over atleast a couple decades, the effects of Westernisation will continue to exist.

            What you see as this banned poster, is merely the echoes of that West imperialist periphery mindset that exists in Lemmygrad like the rest of the internet. And then there is the problem of communist discourse itself being such a tiny blob compared to the liberal-conservative dichotomy (thanks Cold War), that uniting communists means the trans issue/agenda naturally takes a backseat.

          101 year ago

          Yeah I mean I can say from experience it was way, way worse on reddit when that American patriotism bullshit was at it’s peak. Any post shitting on American patriotism would have a 10-20% amount of downvotes and a load of comments from closeted right wingers who now unironically identify as "maga communists’.

    • DankZedong A
      191 year ago

      This has to be one of the dumbest takes I have seen here.

    • @SpaceDogs
      141 year ago

      I’m incredibly disappointed. I haven’t been here long, but from what I’ve seen you had some fairly good takes, at the very least inoffensive.

      To see something like this is quite saddening, not only due to the rampant hatred towards LGBTQ+ people, but also how there is no real marxist analysis to your perspective.

      I thought it was common knowledge that Pride parades exist due to the triumphs over abhorrent abuses the LGBTQ+ community has had to face, and still continue to struggle against; the fight isn’t over.
      When it comes to your comment about “shoving it in our faces”, what do you mean? Pride parades don’t happen everyday so what actually bothers you?
      Queer people are literally killed just from holding hands in public. Is that too much for you? If a heterosexual couple walked hand-in-hand, what then?

      Let’s not act like Pride is the reason for homophobia; Pride was born from it, in spite of it. You’d know that if you bothered to do even the slightest bit of research. Queerness and Marxism go together like peanut butter and jelly.

      Learn from this.

      (I know they’re banned but maybe they’ll see these comments anyway)

    • @Dunecat
      71 year ago

      At this point - genuinely curious what was written here that inspired so strong a reaction. I suspect, however, from a partial quote available in other comments, is that deleted comment reflected a view commonly held by a sizable part, perhaps even majority of people in the discussed country. Perhaps it was phrased in an unconsiderate form? If so, perhaps local ban was called for - if the goal is to create a specificly “safe place”. If the goal is a honest discussion of a regional phenomenon, perhaps it would be worthwhile to investigate historical, cultural and demographic issues that may have lead to such viewpoint being so widespread.

      • @CriticalResist8A
        1 year ago

        Lemmygrad is still quite small, although it has grown a lot this year, and it’s inevitable that people will see each other somewhere else on here and recognize each other as well. (edited for clarity)

        It’s not so much a problem on reddit for example because you can just create your own community and moderate it how you want. But most people on lemmygrad I’d wager are on the “local” setting which shows posts from the whole instance and not just what you’re subscribed to.

        To protect our LGBT comrades who might feel unsafe sharing such a tight community with this user the only solution was a global ban. We could also have let a debate happen but once again our comrades would have to defend their existence to someone who does not care for it, and that’s not something that should happen so frequently.

        I gave them a year off to hopefully reflect on this and we’ll see if they still care about lemmygrad after a year and if they still hold the same opinion then.

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @Dunecat
            31 year ago

            Not certain if there would be a point in an any further discussion of the topic, but I can not help but think of the quote: “We must never stop explaining.” Because opposing forces can, do, and will further weaponize any disagreements and splits.

            • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
              131 year ago

              If someone comes in and tells me “you’re mentally ill, you don’t deserve to exist,” I don’t see why I need to justify my existence to them

              • Muad'DibberA
                111 year ago

                Kind stone: “I’ve showed you my bigotry, now justify your existence.”

              • @Ottar
                1 year ago

                deleted by creator

            • @Ottar
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              81 year ago

              Opposing forces can, do and will weaponise anything, just as you say. I do not see why it is worth to expend energy on such morons. Remember, Pareto’s principle. Use your energy among 5 people who are willing to listen and be humble, instead of 1 who refuses to.

        • @GloriousDoubleK
          91 year ago

          Just to put it out there. Just to speak on it from a western position in response to this person’s post.

          There was antihomosexual violence BEFORE there were these ostentatious parades. There is antihomosexual violence DURING this period of these parades.

          It hasnt changed the reality of LGBTQ people as far as those common latent desires of anti queer violence. It would be very easy to simply write off homophobia as a reactionary/fascist phenomina that can be laser focused and dealt with.

          But there is regrettably very based communists who will look the other ways or ignore the violence. They maybe wont participate in the fascist slaughter.

          …But Im supposed to stick my neck out for communism today so that tomorrow my comrades can f*g drag me? What an AMAZING bargain. What a beautiful future a queer like me gets to look forward to.

          You can kill us all. You can let the rabble have their blood letting. It wont bring down your landlord.

          It’s very easy. Dont kill us. Dont paint us with a monstrous brush. Id trade all the pride parades in the world for queerness to just be taken as a typical, normal human thing.

          It’s okay though. My firearms are equal opportunity. Your communism wont stop me from feeling like I need to dedend myself and my loved ones.

          Let Russia handle its own affairs though. Homocolonialism and Homonationalism is some seriously fucked shit. I aint here for that.

        • @CriticalResist8A
          1 year ago

          admin interference blocked by the transparent modlog once again

        • @Dunecat
          91 year ago

          Thank you, did check the modlog.

      • Muad'DibberA
        81 year ago

        Click the modlog button at the bottom of the page or the sidebar, and you can see what was removed.

      • @Binkie55
        1 year ago

        Okay, time to hit a big one once and for fucking all and get off Lemmygrad for good. Everyone outside of our borders be like “ebil christianity, it made em russkies homophobes!!!”, “ebil puttler oppressing such homo russian population!!!” but have no idea that even proper commies unanimously stand against all this rainbowy shit. No, I’m not talking about CPRF, I’m talking about everyone but them. Reasons? Ohhhh boooy, get some air. 1. All this LGBT shit being different cases of mental and physical problems. Caused by different reasons, of course, but the nature of those cases still stands. AND YOU CAN BAN ME NOW, BECAUSE I DO AGREE WITH IT. 2. Why in the fucking universe would COMMIES of all things be bothered with this shit? Idk about Europe, America or other decadent rupturing hellhole, but in our parts all this LGBT stuff is so microscopic that you just do not need to bother. We here stand for the oppressed majority, not some groups of weird minorities. If you accentuate all this crap inside your steel-clad universal movement you’re literally causing internal split, because this way you will have a very vocal group which has different interests in mind. You do not need that. It can be weaponised and in the West they already weaponised it, you have your “beloved commie LGBT agenda” working for CIA and whatnot, being integrated into modern lib ideology. AND YES, I DO STAND FIRMLY WITH OUR RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS ON THAT TOO, WE DO NOT NEED TO BOTHER WITH LGBT IN COMMUNIST MOVEMENTS. This entire problem will solve itself once communism is in, one way or another, so we do not need to bother dealing with this libshit. Also, another point. It is a general tradition here to NOT put out your sexual life on display. If you really, reeeeeeally wanna for some reason to still sell all this crap here despite what I said - try to do it unlike in Europe, 'kay? Without parades and running around almost naked with rainbow flags. The general stance is that you can do whatever the hell you want with your love life, but do not. FUCKING. BOTHER. OTHERS. Especially if it’s something weird. Well, I’m done. Enough venting. Fuck this. I’ll be gone. Time will tell who is right in the end.