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  • 3.02K Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    You’re literally becoming incoherent at this point at discussing the way to execute and cook a chicken. There is no material analysis needed on how mother nature designed the species called homosapiens which are biologically omnivores and the fact that they eat meat. The material analysis should be for capitalist food companies, poachers, animal traders.

    You did.

    You said analysis tied to capitalism and imperialism, I don’t see any imperialism in basic biology and villagers working hard to get us meat, eggs and milk.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    We ate meat before capitalism was a concept and we did it since the cave times for hundreds of thousands of years and it didn’t destroy humanity. You cannot delete carnivores from the planet or change the diet omnivores. It’s nothing to climate when compared with fossil fuels coal, oil and gas, which guess what are also used to transport certain plants from other countries and thus wrosening the climate.

    We’ll fish and consume livestock and eggs regularly as we did always unless meat starts getting cloned which as you said, is not possible currently, simple as.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    Bruh, it’s just eating livestock, not that complicated or deep, people eat both plants and meat as we’re omnivores, that’s the point.

    Tree log, chicken, axe and cooking isn’t advanced technology.

    Ughh, I’m pretty sure that not using the time for something better and instead bothering other people about what they or should eat because you dislike the fact that humans are omnivores is the annoying part.

    I think that a villager keeping chicken and other livestock, eating eggs and drinking milk doesn’t constitute as imperialism unless I missed that part in Highest Stage of Capitalism.

    They don’t feed chickens with that, most are against it.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    I do, we just don’t have to hunt for a long time now that we have livestock, I’m eating as 99% of humans in a sense that I’m a omnivore, which is natural for human beings and other apes.

    Natural as in I don’t eat junk from McDonalds and other capitalistic companies, I eat stuff brought straight from the villages.

    You literally are(you are currently doing it) by going and moralizing, guilt tripping and annoying about this stuff, go and attack companies, poachers, animal traders and people who endanger near extinct species if you want to do something truly noble and leave normal people alone.

    Guess what, it isn’t, they don’t provide it with it. Most are explicitly against it.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    I don’t have any stance in the first place, that’s what I meant, I’m just eating like 99% humans at any point at history.

    Bruh I don’t eat diets ‘‘under capitalistic companies’’, don’t eat fast food and the like, I eat food brought fresh straight from the village.

    You’re acting like you accomplished some huge goal worth of every praise like getting sober or stopping using drugs or lost a lot of weight, when all you did is literally just change diet and try to force other people into it.

    A chicken raised by grandparents on yard in village is more environmentally friendly food source than a plants imported from across the country or from abroad.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    Guess what I don’t, because I’m an omnivore and I don’t want to change natural food chain just because 1% tells me to do so. That’s the first mistake of vegans, thinking that every human WANTS to change natural diet and become like them oh so much but they just can’t because they’re ‘‘addicted’’ to natural food like it’s a heroin or cigarette.

    Because reactionary ideologies who harm and kill millions of people is the same as eating fucking chicken and drinking milk, give me a break.

    That doesn’t change the fact that humans are natural omnivores, that’s just your personal choice of diet and you’re acting like you got off drugs or became sober for that. And also doesn’t change the fact that that plants are also living things which you eat and further damage ecosystem.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    That certainly happens a lot, idk if they’re anarchists specifically but vegans yes, there are many cases of barging into people’s farms, letting chickens out, stealing chickens, barging into restaurants etc, just look it up, I know of a particular case of British vegan tourist trying to steal chickens in Morocco.

    I’m not trying to ‘‘justify’’ anything because there isn’t anything to justify in the first place and I don’t have any problem with the fact that humans are omnivores and the natural food chain. I don’t eat apes(which would be close to cannibalism), dogs, cats, reptiles, endangered species, etc and I condemn it as I do with poaching etc, I’m just a normal human eating livestock and fish which humans did since we came to be as we’re well designed to be and it’s nutritious for us, and milk is indeed healthy.

    Yes, that’s the problem of capitalism, not normal people, besides climate change, there’s slaughterhouses, fast food companies etc, and that’s where your focus should be, and not like you said, trying to change natural food chain, majority won’t change even when these problems were dealt because the natural diet doesn’t have anything to do with that, we were the same before it and will be same after it, unless you start cloning meat, we’ll eat livestock and fish forever.

    The right thing is to attack capitalistic industry, not regular people who don’t do anything wrong.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    2 days ago

    Well you certainly met some polite people and didn’t bother them like you do it online, because here where I live specifically, this shit is not tolerated, of course you can be, it’s your choice and no one would like beat you up because of it if you thought that, but to start to moralize and constantly bother other people with this is not allowed. You’re definitely polite irl and don’t act like those lunatics who barge into restaurants, harass people and steal their animals. There are vegans here but they are in minority as they are everywhere else.

    I just mentioned ultra religious people because they can be some of the most annoying people imaginable, yet even they don’t do this and don’t come on this level. I didn’t mention to appeal to anything, just to show how far vegans can go when they surpass even them.

    This is the general consensus you’ll get here:


    I just said that I don’t get it, I literally never said that I would like to do it. But most vegans seem to assume that all people want to start to eat only grass so badly and automatically assumed that I wanted it to when I never said that. You’re not going to transform the food chain and diet of entire human race just because you dislike meat, we’re omnivores and if you like taking pills or whatnot later in life because of teeth problems, I’m not the one to judge. Go against slaughterhouses and fast food companies which are inhumane and are consequences of capitalism, but leave normal people and farmers tf alone.

    Guess what, my grandparents didn’t send animals to slaughterhouses and didn’t participate in it, they were just normal farmers as are most people from villages here and my uncle is a hunter, not a poacher who kills hundreds of members of near extinct species. If you cared so much about nature you’d know that plants are also living things, yet you eat them? Wait, even some plants are carnivorous.

    And of course, a certain Austrian painter was a vegan later in his life, is he by any chance better than 99% of human population which eats meat just because of it? So if you’re going to equate eating a fish or drinking milk with blowing up a building full of innocent civilians, don’t do it with other people. Communism is a political ideology and being vegan is dietary choice, a communist shouldn’t give a shit if someone is vegan/vegetarian or not and certainly not try to brainwash people into it.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    3 days ago


    I never saw anyone forcing diets onto people more than vegans, not even ultra religious people who feast(because even Jesus said to them that humans can eat everything), I knew few vegetarians who never even mentioned this stuff on regular basis to people, because that wasn’t their entire personality and I respect it. But vegans specifically do, stealing people’s chickens, letting them in wild(which results in them getting eaten by fox immediately), vandalizing, lecturing people, moralizing, annoying people en masse, barging into farms on villages and destroying people’s jobs which is how they make a living etc, no one does this shit.

    No one is forcing you to eat meat, or fish, or eggs, or even milk for that matter, you’re the ones who force this shit and sound EXACTLY like this guy:

    I never thought that there would be a situation where I would get vegan lecturing on Lemmy of all places.

    I do, I understand basic biology and the fact that humans are OMNIVORES, and milk is healthy, what even is the problem with fucking MILK? You don’t even have to kill and cook anything to get it. You’re not going to change the food chain and diet of an entire species lasting tens of thousands to millions of years by doing this.

    If you ever come or pass in Balkans, I’m legitimately asking you to try this here.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    3 days ago

    You don’t, but it’s not healthy(I’m talking about not eating even fish or milk) and humans ALWAYS historically had balanced diet of both since you simply can’t get something which is exclusive to meat from a plant, includes vitamins, calcium etc. You should be embarrassed just like the others like you who force this shit onto people and act like you have some high ground, it’s a choice, plain and simple. There’s a lot of things to be angry about in the world and natural eating diets, omnivores and carnivores aren’t one of them.

    And don’t eat Venus Flytrap by any chance, it’s carnivorous.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    3 days ago

    That too, so think about it before you judge other places, but I meant ancestors as in caveman since humans first came to be.

    There are many proteins and calories in meat and fish which you simply won’t get from plants only, human beings are naturally omnivores, it’s not good to eat way too much of either, the best is a balanced diet, especially in case of weight problems or so. You can choose to eat only plants but that’s not my problem. The problem is that this is my first time encountering a salty vegan who wants to force this shit to others if we ignore that one time when some mf tried to kidnap a chicken from store which I heard of… I ate fruits and some vegetables (potato) but I eat and prefer other stuff a lot more.

    As I said, you wouldn’t last 2 days in Balkans.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    3 days ago

    What did your ancestors do? Did they eat grass all the time or did they hunt Mammoths and Deer? I never: poached, killed endangered species, tortured innocent animals, wasted food, encourage slaughterhouses or hunt species on the brink of extinction. So no.

    You wouldn’t mentally survive 2 days in the Balkans I swear to Christ.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987toComradeship // FreechatMy thoughts on veganism
    3 days ago

    Yeah I hate broccoli, but this’ll shock you, I never eat chicken nuggets either, I love it classically cooked/roasted, particularly wings and legs. But just because I love potatoes, watermelon, oranges, grapes and peach doesn’t mean that I love every single plant and that my diet has to consist exclusively on it.

    It could go the other way: ‘‘I want to eat only plants and force it upon others just because I dislike meat and can’t comprehend the fact that human beings are omnivorous and ate meat since we came to existence’’.

    I’d recommend you to explain this stuff to a Polar or Grizzly Bear… Actually don’t, bad idea, try it with Raccoons and Crows instead for starters and see how it goes.