What the hell is my professor even talking about then 😭 this sounds like a nightmare book.
Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.
Yes, the dogs are also communists.
What the hell is my professor even talking about then 😭 this sounds like a nightmare book.
This mindset they have reminds me of the whole “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” thing, where they support a system they suffer under because they truly believe they will eventually make it to the top. It’s very weird.
You can res assured I have no urge to read that book, based off of the title alone. I only wrote his name down in my notes so I could look up what his controversy was, but since my professor told me during our meeting I have no need to look further into his works. Based on what you’ve said here I don’t know how he is “soft” on Marxism, claiming the Bolsheviks enslaved the USSR seems pretty aggressive to me. Does he mention anything about the Tsars in the book? Since he hates the Bolsheviks so much, does that mean he has a more positive view of the monarchy?
Considering their coalition wth the NDP fell apart I wouldn’t be surprised either but I also don’t expect the Cons to play nice since they are so hostile to the Liberals despite being on the same team, but that hatred is purely culture war related.
It’s always someone else’s fault, they can never take responsibility for their own shit. Everything wrong with the US (and the West as a whole) is because of Russia or China or even the DPRK. This is so damn childish.
Some random people of no significance except in their level of stupidity. I’ll try to find screenshots.
This reminds me of how TERFs on Twitter were transvestigating Hitler
My professor talked about this in class today 😭
It’s always the accounts with a statue as a profile pic.
Oh my god, she actually said out loud that the Nazi Ukrainians (who were not the majority, of course) were the better and “true” Ukrainians… wow. She’s worse than I initially thought. Evil, even.
Didn’t he also threaten some sort of attack on the Chinese embassy as well?
The film’s Russian-Canadian director, Anastasia Trofimova, has said the documentary is not propaganda and was filmed without the permission of the Russian government, putting her at risk.
Chrystia Freeland making this a bigger deal than it should be is putting this woman at risk, but she’s Russian so I guess it’s fine if something bad happened to her. (Sarcasm, if it wasn’t obvious). I’m almost certain Ukrainian war movies were being screened here and not a goddamn peep from Freeland, she’s really been showing her ass…
His son , on the other hand 👀
Why do they hate us so much? I don’t get it…. Is it because of pink washing or do they just think queer people are gross?
Okay, I’m actually mad about this because apparently Russian sources have been truthful and yet I have to avoid them because it’s propaganda and only western sources are good. Cool, love that.
So it’s not “disinformation.” Very interesting to admit…
This is good advice, so don’t worry about that. I know joining a club would probably be the best as it would be easier to converse with people rather than getting to know my classmates. The anxiety does halt me from joining a club but I know I’ll have to bite the bullet eventually. I do have friends outside of school, so I’m not totally alone, but I am aware that school peers are important.
This man is not important enough to be thinking this lmao
How does one fuck up that badly? This is such a clown country…
So far, yes.