• @frippa@lemmy.ml
    341 year ago

    Noooooo Liberal propaganda has infiltered the DPRK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    Edit: her room is also a proof that socialism is superior to capitalism. A third world country under the worst sanctions on earth function better than a moderately rich first world country, that girl has a better room that I do smh

  • @ivy
    301 year ago

    Other North Korean YouTubers have uploaded videos of themselves eating popsicles, going fishing, hitting the gym, and shopping for groceries.

    Oh no! Them filming a lifestyle vlog? Sounds suspicious.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    261 year ago

    There are telling signs that Ryan’s World’s videos may be scripted, or at least not as candid as his channel portrays. His eyes often dart away from the camera, as though looking to someone for guidance, and he speaks as though reciting lines from a play.

    American YouTube channels like his might be part of a push by Joseph Biden to get more “creative” with propaganda techniques, William Williams, a research professor of American studies at Education Management Corporation, told Lemmy.

    • @Shrike502
      131 year ago

      What’s “Ryan’s world”?

        • @ComradeSalad
          261 year ago

          That kid is going to be so extremely traumatized and maladapted by the time he’s even 12. I can’t even begin to comprehend the psychological effects that this level of exploitation at such a young age would bring. It does seem like all harmless family friendly fun, but I doubt the scene when the camera isn’t rolling is very healthy. This kid is getting used by a prop by his caretakers to essentially print money.

          I just hope that he might at least see a small portion of what he’s earned so that he can recover well and not be to impacted by this further down in his future.

  • @big_spoon
    161 year ago

    "the facilities shown off on YouTube channels like Song A’s are only accessible to “special people in a special class” we’re talking about communism, right?

  • @Mzuark
    151 year ago

    Someone considered her a threat clearly

      • @supersolid_snake
        161 year ago

        Remember that she is just an 11 year old girl, not a DPRK soldier or government official, etc. That’s how you know when a westerner says they hate the govt and not the people, they are full to the brim of shit.

    • @redtea
      141 year ago

      I wish I spoke so eloquently in any language.

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    151 year ago

    Personally, I think she shouldn’t be on YouTube for a completely different reason. The internet is actually unsafe for children that young and there are a lot of disgusting pervs on YouTube. You’re not supposed to be on social media till you’re 13, and I think even that is too young, a safer age is probably 15 or 16.

    And as we’ve seen here, if you’re from a country the west hates, you’re a target. Even if you’re a child. Not against people in the DPRK posting to YouTube, obviously, but for their safety it should be limited to full adults only.

  • @SpaceDogs
    131 year ago

    North Koreans can’t do shit unless it’s defecting.

    • @cayde6ml
      111 year ago

      “North Korean uploads video of themselves taking a shit, clearly anti-American propaganda”

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    101 year ago

    Wait, I thought those were banned! The west would never lie about countries they hate!

  • @redtea
    81 year ago

    deleted by creator