i mean, if you’re gonna be a cringy far-right sexual predator, you have to do it full-reddit style. no brakes
i mean, the not-so-subtle wink to fascists is just to tell to the libruls “yeah we’re far-right” if the former evidence wasn’t hamfisted enough to send the message
it’s like they’re trying to make a speedrun to make us sociaslists stronger!
some kind of pause of being slaughtered is good for palestinians…but i shouldn’t advice having high hopes. zionists stil have an unquenchable bloodthirst
i think that probably your issue is that you’re being “convinced” by liberals or media that the things you thought as communism “were capitalism all along, huh?” but that’s the thing with propaganda: make you doubt about what you’ve learned and move you to think “you know, maybe you’re being too extreme and need a cup of chill…capitalism is good and you have all these freedoms and sheeit. did you considered that maybe we’re right about gommunism being evil? why do you think we’re badmouthing about it all this time? we’re doing it for your good”
so…a communist country is beating the capitalist core in the production game?
to have that privilege you should be able to talk and mock freely without being punished, but…
those comments showing that free market is not the best option to deal with disasters
mre chili mac
i doubt that someone fed with that can catch even a old chinaman
so…usa is trying to invade something that basically belongs to them?
he’s trying to decode those subtitles
maybe light comedy like osomatsu-san for example…japanese idea of humor is very strange, but that anime is funny
seems fascinating…time to take up the slack from the last space race against capitalism
US has to deal with another flu
trump is governing again
i pity the americans
i don’t know ukraine…having a hit list of people criticizing your nazism doesn’t look good for your PR
well…the grinder is a shitty place when you learn about capitalism and you can’t blame the migrants or the jews for the evils in the world. But you’ll get your answer somehow. if you give up, the grinder wins
i’m not into those kids media, could you please provide me some of those events to add to my collection of liberal pwnage?
credgy: cringy and edgy