• 49 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2022


  • redteatoEuropeUK wants to add crime to the GDP
    3 days ago

    I’m fairly sure they’ll be double counting if they do that. All that money is already counted when it’s laundered. They’ve realised they’re missing the outgoing column on the crime side. They’ll just be bringing the crime sector up to speed with the rest of the economy, where everything on the incoming and outgoing columns are added together as if they’re separate.

    This is good news for petty criminals. Once the state starts seeing your crime as part of GDP, you can defend yourself in court as merely a ‘white collar’ criminal and escape the hefty prison sentences. British politicians worried about being prosecuted for participating in these crimes when they get voted out this year – fear no more!

  • redteatoGenZedongLeftypedia imploded.
    3 days ago

    You’re welcome. I hope it’s as good as I remember! It was one of the books I read as I was beginning to read Marxist works and it helped me to mentally demolish the overton window that liberalism had built into my brain.

    I think ‘centrist’ is used as a kind of shorthand, a lot of the time. Similar to ‘leftist’. And when they are used in this way, they’re practically meaningless. It seems to stem from lazy liberal thinking. Similar to ‘middle class’.

    These terms that are bandied about in mainstream liberal discourse aren’t really backed by any kind of analysis. It serves the bourgeois to have us all arguing within this very narrow horizon. And it makes it difficult to have fruitful conversations.

  • redteatoGenZedongLeftypedia imploded.
    3 days ago

    It’s been a while but I think Tariq Ali’s Extreme Centre: A Warning is a useful book. It’s quite short, too. Michael Rosen makes a similar point: the ‘centre’ isn’t so much in the middle of left and right; they are three points of a triangle. I’d add, in agreement with your conversation above, that this triangle is bourgeois.

    I’m not sure if it makes sense to map communist politics in the same way. I’m inclined to say it wouldn’t make much sense.

    Edit: wiki link – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Extreme_Centre

  • I’ve been told that, but I haven’t seen any kind of evidence supporting the theory.

    The example you’re discussing is the evidence. Reorientation does not mean fully reoriented. It means things are changing. An example that shows a changing relationship is evidence that relationships are changing. This remains true even if you don’t like the type of change or if things go back to the way they were.

    At the moment we are still witnessing quantitative changes. Enough of those and we will see qualitative changes. The fact of quantitative change does not discount the fact of change i.e. reorientation.

  • The article still manages to paint China as the bad guy and gets in a few shots at Russia. Look at this:

    Beijing didn’t limit its global influence efforts to propaganda. It announced an ambitious COVID assistance program, which included sending masks, ventilators and its own vaccines – still being tested at the time – to struggling countries. In May 2020, Xi announced that the vaccine China was developing would be made available as a “global public good,” and would ensure “vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.” Sinovac was the primary vaccine available in the Philippines for about a year until U.S.-made vaccines became more widely available there in early 2022.

    Xi you sneaky mf. Propaganda of the deed with Chinese characteristics.

    Fr, though, the US is run by truly, truly despicable people. The US could’ve chosen not to limit its global influence efforts to propaganda or straightforward coercion but instead it doubled down. Not content with murdering 1 million of it’s own, it killed countless others in the shadows. For anyone wondering whether the US ruling class would rather destroy the planet with nukes than change it’s ways or give up power, there’s your answer.