I’m quite fond of communism, personally.
It’s so funny that mensa means stupid in Spanish. Apuesto a que ninguno de los mensos saben eso jajaja
The communists of China promoted literacy by creating simplified Chinese and developing pinyin. The communists of the West must follow in their footsteps by eliminating all remnants of French.
Because that is definitely how communism will gain traction in the west: by accommodating pedophiles LMAO
I remember when MAP used to mean Multi-Animator Project. It’s such a shame that perverts appropriated that term.
If your walls are completely barren then that’s sad and you should definitely buy something to hang. If you want it to be practical, get a wall clock.
So they made a long post defending pedophilia? What would the point of that even be that’s so bizarre. This is a puny communist forum… just, why?
Según el acuerdo, la base militar ayudará a combatir actividades ilícitas en la zona, como el narcotráfico, la pesca ilegal y otros crímenes marítimos.
Entonces para pelear los narcos y crímenes, Ecuador va a invitar la organización más narcotraficante y criminal del mundo? Qué no saben cómo se comporta el ejército americano en Okinawa o Hawai o hasta en su propia tierra?
But the guy in the original photo was blocking the tanks from leaving the square. As in, he wanted the army to stay and stamp out the rest of the protest.
Why would Palestinians want Israel and the rest to remain in Palestine?
There are some big companies that have loyalty rewards programs and some assign numbers to it, but it’s generally like it is here in the west. It’s not a government thing.
The government thing is basically just intense accounting. They keep very close track of financial stuff and though it’s mostly aimed at businesses, they also note when individuals take out loans or credit cards and that can impact a person’s life if they default. People and companies can also be blacklisted for stuff like fraud. But again, that’s pretty much the same in the west too.
It’s true that there is less anonymity in China though because people have to use their real names for everything. Like on social media, even if a user has a screen name, their legal name is still tied to their account through their phone number or internet connection or associated bank account (you can do online shopping through basically every Chinese app) or all of the above. Westerners nominally have more privacy in that regard but let’s be real, if a western government wanted to know who’s behind an “anonymous” internet post, they would know.
From beginning to end, it’s actually closer to 8 hours. And if you count transportation it’s often around 9 thanks to the car blight.
Is this real? What’s the context and is that an OC Pokemon?
The Google account seems unnecessary if you’re attaching a number bc you could just sign up using only the number.
Anyway, I think I’m going to stick with the account I made using a dud gmail address and cope with being unable to post or comment anything
That’s not much better because you need either a Facebook account or a phone number (again) for that too ))):
It’s making me sign up with either a phone number or a Google account ):
And you need to attach a phone number to comment anything. Are there any issues with using one of those temporary fake phone number generators?
I lost years of my life thanks to this
A Pokemon that’s bold enough to hunt Pikachu despite being quadruple weak to electric.
Have you tried playing dreams? I mean the game made by media molecule, not the minecraft youtuber. If you have a ps4 or 5 then I recommend trying it out because it’s astonishing how streamlined game development is on that thing. Modeling, rigging, making music, programming, and rendering is all instant. It’s seriously revolutionary and would be industry standard if it were possible to create on PC.
The sheer amount of dedication it takes to keep up a ruse for that long is astonishing. He made it all the way to leadership of Utah, that’s ridiculous!
And he probably could’ve gone even further since I don’t think it was necessary for him to bail when he did. He only sent an email warning a local politician about a death threat. It’s the US, I figure that’s a routine thing. The woman calling for the assassination could reasonably have been blamed for the leak instead since she’s a civilian who probably doesn’t practice good security. Idk it just doesn’t seem as incriminating to me as it did to him.
And if someone doesn’t comply to that, what then? Do they get actually arrested for obstructing the investigation? jfc this is a paper-thin excuse to legally violate people at a whim :|
In final fantasy 15, Bahamut has Noctis’s face. The first king of Lucis, Ardyn’s brother Somnus, also looks the same. You can never see Bahamut’s full face in-game because his mask covers everything except his eyes, but the novel mentions his appearance explicitly and makes the connection textual. They clearly have a father/son/holy spirit thing going on between them where Ardyn is Satan. Well not clearly, but it’s there.
Really, the full plot of FFXV could be described as deep lore because it’s scattered between the games, DLCs, movie, book, and OVA. Here’s some more important details that the main game glosses over:
spoilers, obviously