• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      191 year ago

      Yeah, not really clear to me what US thinks it can do when China says no. It’s such an empty threat.

      • @201dberg
        161 year ago

        It’s all theatrics because that all they know how to do anymore. It’s all what US politics is now. It’s a show to entertain the libs. It’s what’s her face wearing a dress with “eat the rich” on it to a party with a bunch of wealthy donors. It’s every single statement that is made on any campaign trail. It’s what they do. Yapping Chihuahuas except it’s an army of them driving everyone crazy.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          121 year ago

          Exactly, and this is a self reinforcing phenomenon. The more empire unravels the more chaotic the politics become. This leads to opportunists getting into power and creating more chaos.

        • @ComradeChairmanKGB
          31 year ago

          No eat the rich might have been vaguely threatening. It was tax the rich.

  • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    311 year ago

    Even the comments on the NBC video on youtube were calling this out lol.

    When the anglo dogs are too afraid to bite, they’ll bark as loud as they can.

  • Lil Kitai
    1 year ago



    Eat shit you fucking gringo.

  • 小莱卡
    271 year ago

    these bros really be labeling everyone but themselves as authoritarian.

  • @bleepingblorp
    201 year ago

    Sure sure… The US is a leader yeah… kinda like how those US war criminal officers in Vietnam who often got fragged were leaders, no?

    • KiG V2
      41 year ago

      Shit I’ll hold the beacon 😭🙏

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      151 year ago

      Precisely what it is. I really hope China decides to send arms to Russia as a direct response to US sending arms to Taiwan.

      • @supersolid_snake
        111 year ago

        I wish they would just supply Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza with air defense.

        • KiG V2
          41 year ago

          I really hope either Russia or China eventually does what the USSR did and strongly help all revolutionary movements and gov’ts

      • @darkcalling
        61 year ago

        They really should. At least use it as leverage, through back channels leak that the Taiwan arms sale is likely to result in China being forced to retaliate by sending Russia arms and if they don’t wish this they can simply cancel and re-assess their sale and escalation there and China will likewise not sell Russia arms.

  • @big_spoon
    171 year ago

    “you should treat me as your leader!”

    “why tho?”

    “j-just because! stop making questions!”

  • commiespammer
    131 year ago

    to quote a famous duck: “How 'bout…no.”

    • @TeezyZeezy
      71 year ago

      Bomp bomp bomp, ba da da bomp

      The duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand
