This reminds me of the I Want To Sex the Meinhof copypasta (please don’t search it up it’s positively awful)
jre/jrem. Chinese ethnically.
| Pronouns | jre/jrem|
This reminds me of the I Want To Sex the Meinhof copypasta (please don’t search it up it’s positively awful)
Have a great week!
Evangelion fans arguing about which mentally unstable 14 year old girl they want to be dominated by the most(we need help):
I don’t think they’re defending Elon Musk, are you sure you replied to the right comment?
Fahrenheit 451 did a good job portraying this, though there are some aspects of the book which are a bit shaky.
based, I have a giant folder full of random soviet/anime songs I’ve liked for a little bit and downloaded for no reason, sorted in a half-complete and obsessive way in ‘properties’ by my characters I think fit with them best.
rural-urban dichotomists in shambles
There’s also this random yugoslav music channel that I recognized in the comments of yugopnik lol
As someone who lives in hell (suburbia) I feel you. I’ve actually pretty much never seen heavily populated places except school and China.
antielectorialists in shambles rn (/s I know how this could not happen in the west due to how entrenched the capitalists are and the institutions in place etc etc)
maybe, but I don’t know anything outside of hoi4 lol
Holy shit they’re trying to do Hyperborea but in real life
This one is the hoi4 communist japan tag. It’s… pretty stupid, but it’s something.
Someone needs to draw journalist Putin furiously writing fake russian propaganda for all the major American newspapers.
Looks like I need to catch up on Chinese culture lol
Hi, nice to see someone new around here! It’s great to meet you.
Didn’t know Putin wrote for Ukrainian news
History repeats itself twice. First as tragedy…
Honestly that’s pretty exciting and I’ve never made that kinda progress with anybody! Personally, I would mix ideological progress with becoming friends outside of politics, since there was once someone very special to me whom I tried to convert, going too far without making much personal progress (also me doing some weird things I’m not too proud of), and it ended badly.