zfs is a great piece of software for sure. used it on freebsd in the past
Maybe use it in a VM, or find a supported wifi dongle.
I would say use it in a VM because you can try different BSD’s, and don’t have to worry about making mistakes. You can take what you learn and apply it to when you actually install for real.
The three major BSD’s are FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. Read up on both of them, and see which one you think would fit your needs. FreeBSD is probably the one with the biggest community, so it’s easier to find help when you need it.
I’m glad you’re still around, that’s all
people moving from more expensive states wanting to own a home
Fursan Al-Aqsa
looked based, until you realize no linux support :(
que digo?
Maybe there’s an alternative to the google forms; ask them directly.
You’ll always hear bad things about different parties. I think PSL is great, and they’re growing all the time.
Just responding to say I love your username OP lmao
All of that makes sense to me. I’m not using gentoo though lol. I’d probably keep a debian install around at all times out of habit…For non systemd linux probably void, and for unix like probably one of the bsd’s
well it’s up to each individual to decide if they want to use that software or not
I remember that…it’s a shame people couldn’t just accept RMS isn’t perfect. Always looking for any reason to defend him
I’m so far behind on wayland compared to everyone else
yeah systemd isn’t for me, but I don’t hate it. On debian so far it hasn’t really affected me negatively. After xz vulnerability I see increasing problems with it, and am considering using other distros including void…or one of the bsd’s…
In this specific case I’m not sure two sides of the same coin really works.
In general yes, you can find SJW’s that are libs.
I used the term in my own post mostly to shit on reactionaries that blame SJW’s for everything.
hahaha I’m using that from now on
That sub is normally trash, true. But, there’s another thread about this topic that’s a bit better.
distro I use (void linux)
How do you like that compared to other distros?
To be fair, there was another thread discussing the same topic, and many people were calling out the vaxry, and pointing out the amount of brigading going on. Once any topic like this is brought up, the worst type of people come out…
Sorry, what is “yts” in this context?