• 139 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020

  • Good article. Shame about the bad faith liberal in the comments.

    Question though. Why are all their links obfuscated through some weird tracking service instead of just being direct links? They all redirect through: media.us12.list-manage [dot] com/track/click?

    Looks like something from email marketing. Very unprofessional and ugly looking. Also very bad practice as links like that probably won’t still be valid in 5 years. Also as communists it brings up questions about opsec, being tracked for every single source link you click.

  • Eh they have the island chains which help a lot. I’m not saying they can strangle them like Cuba and stop everything in and out. I’m saying they can make it uneconomical, painful, expensive, economically hard on China by trying to intercept most boats. They can’t stop China from running some small boats, speed boats, etc or doing stuff over land but they can stop the big cargo ships which make up the bulk of Chinese trade and shipping, those are easy to spot using satellites and drone fleets and can be tracked out from port.

    China would likely intervene against this which is why I think the US is planning on using autonomous robot death drones IF and I repeat IF they actually want to go the physical blockade route (economic may be all they try). Basically advanced sea-faring, self-propelled mines. Their special forces top leadership have talked of creating such a minefield to deny the PRC Taiwan in a battle and buy time to land US forces, I think though they’d try and use traditional naval ships to enforce it that their plan is as soon as those start getting sunk they get the angry public behind creating masses of kind of AI or autonomous/semi-autonomous self-propelled and seeking drones and just litter international waterways that access China with them.

    I’m not saying the plan would work but it would escalate things in the way they want towards the ends they want which is buying time, driving up anger at China and trying to make things painful and costly and a drag on them. And more importantly towards making China hit them, they’ve been trying to get China to strike them, to give them an excuse, etc for some time and the Chinese keep ducking it and proceeding calmly with the plan. So if their plan is to use “rules based order cordon” around China and China uses military force to disrupt it then they’ve succeeded in their long-time goal there of getting to claim their actions are merely retaliation for “aggression”.

    The bigger issue is still US sanctions. Once they slap those on a lot of countries significantly reduce trade with China because they refuse to confront the US or make an enemy of them because whoever does that first gets the US navy and marines in their face to make an example of them and no one wants to go first. If not the direct force then at least devastating sanctions against industry that torpedo a given country’s economy.

  • What may very well be happening right now is a soft coup that will place Trump as dictator for life, for lack of a better word. Remember that Nazi Germany was funded by capitalists (much like the Musks of the time) and gained power through the limits of liberal ideals. Hitler didn’t seize power with a rifle; he was invited to rule by the elected chancellor. Before that, he was also considered to be a joke and a clown.

    Increasingly feeling this way myself. Especially the whole clown thing ringing a little too close for comfort. I suppose the one thing that makes me question it is Trump’s age. He is not in the best of shape though with the healthcare he receives I suppose he could easily live another 10 years even with the stressors of office. Though it also strikes me with the Greenland stuff, incorporating Mexico, beyond being part of a potential wider plan and move by the bourgeoisie may be vain attempts as well to secure his legacy, that he desperately wants some lasting thing that confers greatness to his name in historic terms.

    Certainly the naming of harmful, deranged sycophants like RFK who just cleared committee and wants to add to trans people, also people with ADHD, probably others non-neurotypical people who take drugs to help their conditions by setting up camps for them and setting them up as another enemy or at least victim to brutalize while claiming to “help”.

    It’d be hilarious how easy it is for them to just stop environmental laws and good health practices purely via executive department actions because none of this was even a little codified by Democrats in congress if it wasn’t so vicious and I wasn’t so increasingly worried about whether in 2 years buying prepared food has a 5% chance of just killing you with some illness or heavy metals or whatever because those regulations have all been destroyed along with any consequences and the bourgeoisie have received the loud and clear signal to grab as much profit as they can. And the Democratic party apparatchiks nod approvingly at this “disciplining” of their base for daring not to vote for them for genocide in Gaza (Trump just announced plans to clear Gaza, maybe use the US military but approval of displacing all the Palestinian people there and building a luxury resort city).

    Very, very bleak stuff. Obviously long-term this does point to a decent chance the empire falls for good but those stuck in it like myself are in for some dangerous and interesting times.

  • Also you have the fact that the economic problems are going to keep piling on, and the ruling class is having more and more trouble keeping the lid on, keeping the population from realizing how badly they’re being fucked over and who is to blame. It is getting borderline impossible to hide the fact that other countries are doing much better. The whole TikTok ban/Rednote migration phenomenon showed that it just isn’t feasible anymore to try and keep an entire population controlled in that way.

    Then you had the whole Luigi incident, and more than the incident itself the reaction of the US population to it was an ominous sign to say the least if you are a member of the ruling class. I don’t know exactly what the future has in store for the US but i know it’s definitely going to be some interesting times. History is back with a vengeance.

    I mean it is to a degree, much more so than they’ve managed. They just need better information/narrative control and they’re currently pushing through some things which could be preludes to a more sweeping kind of control that to say nothing of the obvious fact the Tiktok ban over Palestine was obviously an information control thing. And there are people among them saying this, the Republicans especially the real interventionist ghouls but also some Democrats who after all pushed the whole narrative of Russian disinfo and bot farms stealing an election for Trump and all the consent for suppression that created among the populace.

    It may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle but they can definitely suppress it by passing sweeping bans on Chinese apps, by building a US firewall, by banning Chinese media, by forcing Google/Apple to remove these things from their app stores globally to suppress them globally, by forcing ISPs to block access to such resources over the web and so on. The talk of this piracy blocking for instance would create the first real system in the US that could be easily with the flip of a switch repurposed to block anything labeled “disinformation” by the newly created department of American Patriotism (or whatever the Democrats would name it).

    What might sabotage such plans is in-fighting of course. I don’t think the Republicans can necessarily resist abusing such a mechanism once created to not do some level of suppression of liberal Democrat thinking and causes, probably only a little, probably mainly fringe stuff the party officials themselves waffle on or condemn on a surface level but it’s enough to anger the populace and wake up some portion of them.

    But information control is coming to the fore. All the proclamations of an open internet and freedom bringing prosperity dropped inf favor of fearful rhetoric of foreigners, or manipulation, of contamination, of theft of American money via piracy, etc, etc.

  • The scale of collapse requires radical restructuring, which the capitalist system is structurally incapable of delivering.

    Which makes me think a pivot to the gloved fist and truncheon is more likely. A pivot to what might be called fascism and a dropping of the facade of liberal democracy.

    It may very well be that they’ve decided that the charade of liberal democracy cannot sustain them much longer so perhaps we’ll get permanent locking out of Democrats from power so corralled progressives in the US will be discontent but shrug it off as a dictatorship they can’t do much about while the hooting chuds of the Republican party, the proud reactionaries will celebrate and be happy to step up to use violence to maintain this hold even as conditions worsen because they have that Protestant Slave Mentality (falsely called a “work ethic”) and thus allow the bourgeoisie to cling on to power longer.

    It’s a move of desperation obviously but I think in a reactionary place like the US with such low class consciousness combined with the historical high of power of all natures (military violence, finance, domestic/international spying, etc) that they could keep such an naked reactionary dictatorship going longer than the ~10 years the Nazis held power.

    Fascism does allow the radicalization to be directed towards maintaining capital and empire and sadly with how reactionary many young people, especially young men in the west are becoming in our alienating, atomized society I think that’s probably the way things go in the US and those people will hold true to such a decaying order and can keep the US under their boot for several decades.

  • I have to agree. There will come a point where the US navy will do something like throw up a blockade and just steal any Chinese ships that attempt to approach Africa to buy raw minerals and China can either try and construct the most elaborate smuggling scheme in the world or they have to confront NATO with force, maybe sink some ships, maybe just escort their own and start providing military assistance to friendly African or other states who risk being couped or attacked by western forces. It’ll likely be very low confrontation and framed as defensive and limited in nature to start as I don’t see China wanting to war with the west even if the west takes off both gauntlets and slaps them repeatedly across the face. It then becomes a question of whether Chinese assistance can overcome centuries of western expertise and experience couping, dividing and conquering, creating proxy forces, sectarian strife fostering, blackmail, and destabilizing regions for profit and imperialism. It tends to be easier to destroy than to build so it’s going to be rough.

  • Wow. Old school imperialism consisting of direct threats works? Who would have thought. There are those who have a bit too rosy of a view of the ability of Latin America to escape the grasp of the US so soon IMO. As well as those who underestimate the US’s threat globally to the B&R.

    Trying to seize control or favorable treatment of key maritime passageways from this to Greenland is certainly a move to lock down ocean power and the hegemony it confers. It’s part of the larger plan to contain China and now Russia. They can’t use their navy on the land which is why they’ve long been fomenting terrorism, extremism, separatism and anti-China sentiment in west Asia as well as locking down defense treaty alliances between the US colonial military genocide outpost in Palestine and their Arab puppet states who like a lover trying to create petty jealousy and get some favors may bat their eyes and glance forlornly at China while the US is there to see it in making a few overtures but ultimately benefit from the US-led order and are in too deep, over a barrel with the west to really break free anytime soon.

    The chessboard is coming together. The game-plan many have long known they’d use is in play. Russia has been cut off from Europe over the Ukraine conflict, the EU vassals have been brought to heel under NATO. Moves to seize key passageways and staging bases in the arctic as well as access to minerals to secure western industry and profits are well underway. The ring of steel, bases around China remains to hem them in. In West Asia US spread extremism and puppet states reign supreme blocking the route of trade to Africa and Europe over land. Next steps are start a hot proxy war with China over Taiwan, use it to slap massive sanctions and decoupling measures that force companies to retreat, to rally Euro-liberal and so on to decouple much more harshly than the US from China to inflict a painful and they hope fatal blow. To cut off the ability of African nations, Latin American nations, etc to supply China with raw minerals and other resources via sanctions. And to do all this with dollar hegemony, with control of SWIFT because BRICS still doesn’t dare upset the US yet over this.

    Things are warming up. These are interesting times. Either the empire’s plan falls short or flat and their doom is all but ensured in the next 5-10 years or they buy time and inflict pain on the Chinese people and indeed the proletariat globally.

  • Please don’t. It’s not worth elevating fed attention and nothing will come of it sadly.

    There are so, so many pedophiles openly breaking the law online that police never interact with. It’s a sickening reminder of the priorities of a bourgeois state. Just think of those pedo lemmy instances still online I presume.

    Since they’ve been banned there’s nothing you can give them but an IP address and it’s not enough for a warrant if they’re in most of the Anglo zone so it’ll die there (assuming it was just justifications in text and not admissions of specific acts). But if they see what our site is about, well they’ll suddenly have resources for /that/. You’ve done what you can and I know the community is grateful you’re keeping us safe.

  • I wouldn’t say that sadly. To this day I see western liberals saying their little slogan. In the minds of western liberals it’s opened another front alongside Xinjiang and Tibet as an area in China they can point to as being subject to brutal repression by the see see pee. It in that way keeps the hatred of China, the impression of it as le evil dictatorship alive whereas it was fading a bit.

  • It’s depressing how many people just are so willing to throw themselves and their loved ones into the meat grinder on command from the empire. I’m convinced once the US tells Taiwan to declare independence and then China reacts by invading these same indoctrinated tools will claim it was “unprovoked” and that we have to send people to die against them.

    Which does raise an interesting thought. (Warning: Tangent) Think tanks have variously pegged 2026-2028 as the latest the US can get into a war with China and prevail. The whole Biden chip strategy of just trying to bribe chip makers to return production only had limited returns. If the empire KNOWS for a fact it’s going to start a war and either sacrifice Taiwan or lose access to its chips when they blow up the foundries then IF (big if) Trump actually makes good on his threat of slapping 25% tariffs on Taiwan chip exports it would be a further sign that this is part of a desperate plan to force as much decoupling as they can, to get as much production back in the US before they pull the trigger and start the war. It could yet still be Trump bluster or bullshit (or an attempt to fish for bribes or concessions) but the whip coming in following the carrot in such a short time span is suspicious and alarming and if such tariffs do go through and are not immediately repealed by demand of the tech bourgeoisie then I think it’s a sure sign that the US is going to pull the trigger on war with China over Taiwan and use that to institute further decoupling, that the bourgeoisie are onboard with this, at least the old money ones who may be forcing new money to heel.

    People have long doubted the will or ability of the US to decouple from China on here and HB, yet the bourgeoisie seem to be lining up in ever increasing class solidarity with the aims of empire even as such aims hit individual interests and wallets.

  • US building of internet firewall against China intensifies

    On the other hand:

    This would also give residents the freedom to use popular social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, contributing to Shanghai’s growth as a global economic hub.

    Why. Why. Why would you allow these of all things? They should have to abide by Chinese law, operate from Chinese servers, censor according to Chinese government regulations, etc. All of which in the past they’ve refused. Besides that they’re all brainrotting garbage by design.

    It does make me wonder though. Someone mused about China striking a deal with Trump, they’d allow in US social media companies in exchange for the US allowing Tiktok. It’s the one thing that might placate Zuck and Musk. But it’s very risky.

    Absolutely on par with the risk they incurred in allowing all the liberalization and foreign capital penetration. That corruption very nearly succeeded in growing to the heights necessary to risk the party’s rule and state security. So let us hope it’s a carefully thought through decision rather than a hasty trade made for the expediency of keeping the door open. Opportunities for reaching the west but also risks.

    Put another way, if the west themselves don’t slam the door shut on Chinese internet users and Americans interacting within 5 years it’s because of one of two things: 1) They’ve somehow accepted defeat and/or been entirely bought off or much more likely 2) They have the upper hand in the deal and are setting up spy rings, terrorist rings, and theft of technology rings at such a pace that they think they’ll be ahead to leave it open longer. In other words China should be very suspicious if the US doesn’t in the near future move to cut this all off and slam down a firewall. I do hope the American people see too much before that happens and that maybe yet we might live to see class consciousness and something better within the next 30 years.