I cannot not share this

    • @nour
      151 year ago

      Text version, for easier copypasting: (I had fun typing that off, lol)

      Revisionist rats!

      I did nothing but good for your project, yet you banned me for my ideology in haste!

      I gave you many chances to unban me, I could have made thousands of edits, yet you rejected me.

      Now… you have forced me to go THERMONUCLEAR!

  • @ComradeChairmanKGB
    151 year ago

    You ate the last of my chicken tendies? You have forced me to go THERMONUCLEAR!

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    1 year ago

    ‘‘Godzilla’s radiation levels are reaching critical mass, we got about 12 minutes before he goes thermonuclear!’’

  • Dialectical Drip
    121 year ago

    Surely they are not hoarding a Hydrogen bomb arsenal in their backyard. Surely.

    • @CITRUS
      91 year ago

      (History class in the 3rd millennium)

      TEACHER: So class, can anyone tell me why world war 3 was started?

      ALL STUDENTS: The Ukrainian conflict!

      TEACHER: Thats correct! Does anyone know why?

      STUDENT: Because the proxy evolved into a full on escalation between NATO against the Russia Federation?

      TEACHER: Well that would have been a logical possibility, but what caused WW3 via the Ukraine conflict was this: At the beginning of the conflict US media outlets censored all platforms going against the narrative. This led to an online Marxist Leninist forum community called GenZeDong to transform into its own site called Lemmygrad. On this niche forum site, one user, self proclaimed as Wisconcom, would occasionally edit and argue with everyone around him spouting his ideology as Hoxhaism. Lemmygrad exiled him away but he would consistently make alternate accounts and continue harassing the community. Lemmygraders in return made fun of his pathetic attempts to “radicalize” the users. Little did they know that this user had the ability and the guts to go… THERMONUCLEAR!!!

  • @CriticalResist8OPA
    1 year ago

    btw I shared this thread to wisconcom on his substack so please leave some nice messages for him because I know he’ll see this – he obsessively checks lemmygrad every day.

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      181 year ago

      yes he sent this over on reddit on modmail.

      And he’s very mad we made it public:

      So from now on I’ll keep publicising everything he sends over “private” messaging.

        • @CriticalResist8OPA
          121 year ago

          He’s always like that. One minute we are the vilest revisionists in existence, and the next he’s all “I was joking” or “that wasn’t serious” or fake apologising and extending the olive branch.

        • SovereignState
          81 year ago

          P.S. Wisconcom has sent us a silly letter. We will print it and laugh at him.

      • @SyntheticStardust
        71 year ago

        i have no idea what’s happening but this is very funny regardless lol

      • @201dberg
        1 year ago

        I have 2 outdoor barn cats. We got them not too long ago as kittens. Adorable little shits. They have finally gotten old enough to start hunting. The other day I went to feed them breakfast and one cat was gone. I was very worried because these guys just DO NOT miss a meal right? Well I walked around for a while looking for him and couldn’t find him. Even when back into the forested areas around out house. Right before I went back in I here his frantic meowing and he is running up with a mouse in his mouth. He brings it up and drops it. It was then I realized the mouse was not entirely dead. It tried to crawl away and he proceeded to toss it around and “play” with it. I was pretty horrified by this as it’s basically torture. I told the cat to “just kill the poor thing.”

        After reading your response to that reddit modmail… “Just kill the poor thing.”…

  • Black AOC
    91 year ago

    I can’t wait for the day we find out this is all just some elaborate Hideo Kojima bit

    • @ComradeSalad
      1 year ago

      This is literally some shit a Metal Gear villain would say in the final act during their boss fight.

  • @fire86743
    61 year ago

    Will this Wisconcom guy just get a life already?

  • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    21 year ago

    “This is not my final form!”

    “This is Super Saiyan 3!!”

    vibes lol