A bunch of people in my school discord were shaming me for wearing a mask, and when I argued about it they said I was just ugly and wanted to hide it and also that covid was just a cold. The worst part is that one of them was a comrade.

I feel like I can’t trust anyone I know anymore, just a few close friends.

  • Yiazmat
    2 years ago

    bruh I’m still wearing a mask whenever I leave my apartment because I’ve gone this long without getting the virus, I sure as shit am not gonna risk getting it now.

    It sucks that so many people just gave up trying to fight it. I look at other countries where wearing masks is pretty normal (even before the virus) and wish mine could be like that. It still blows my mind that america opened back up so fast. Over a million people are dead because of this shit.

    You should know there are still a lot of people who feel the same way. In fact I was just in a shop the other day that had a big “Masks required” sign on their door, and when someone came in without one the employee working there politely asked him to mask up. The guy was like “come on, really? you’re still doing this?” and the employee raised his voice “Either put on a mask or get out.” Which made me feel better, like at least I’m not the only one who still cares about it.

  • KiG V2
    202 years ago

    Definitely listen to some other takes besides this but my personal thing…man people are fucked up.

    I don’t know how old you are, but when I was in high school I tried really hard to be friends with people. Both in a vain, corrupt desire for popularity, but also a genuine and wholesome desire to just be kind and have community. TLDR a lot of people ended up being generally shitty to me, it culminated in one incident that led to me losing most of my social group I had spent years trying to build.

    But honestly, looking back? Thank God. Those people were rotten fucking snakes. Just by virtue of you being a human being, you deserve having friends that aren’t being cruel so needlessly like that…and because you just want to not get sick and be careful? Bruh. They sound like scumbags. Unfortunately you will also find that even half of the people who share vaguely the same politics…don’t mean they’re not some POS fair weather friend that would put you in a wood chipper for some addictive Social Brownie Points.

    I have had to learn and relearn the lesson over the past decade-ish that 60-80% of people just straight up suck ass. That doesn’t mean you have to waste energy hating them or discarding their humanity, they are after all just the predictable products of a very very deeply, intimately sick society. I still love everyone as a communist and as a “religious” person. But fuck me if in the day-to-day I’m not hard avoiding contact with so many people. Narcissistic, self-lobotomized, petty, sadistic, back-stabbing, spoiled, ignorant, unforgiving, manipulative, exploitative, boring, copycat, dipshit filthy lying cowards? No thanks.

    Obviously I’m projecting a LOT about my own school experiences here but I hope if I can give anything to you it’s the idea that it is a GOOD thing that you can see this group of people’s true colors. Why waste being friends and giving energy and time to people who would put you in that wood chipper for a cheap laugh? They’ll all try and gaslight you (I hate the overuse of that word but it’s apt here) and make you seem like you’re just being sensitive or they “didn’t mean it like that” or whatever excuse but in all likelihood you know the difference between an argument, or fun banter (even really spicy banter), and just…being shitty.

    You have some close friends still? Shit dog that’s all you need. The wider your circle gets, the more snakes show up in your lawn. Sometimes they’ll hiss and even bite you to remind you they’re there. Do not grieve if they slither on elsewhere and always keep the lawn mower ready (no hate or advocated violence against IRL snakes as in the animals btw btw btw (maybe against traitor friends (ha ha ha I kid FBI ha ha ha))).

    People will laugh. People always do shit that will make you feel bad. You will have to find strength the weather that. Luckily, one day it will genuinely not bother you, or at least not so much. Less and less as time passes…and this is someone that if you asked me for years I would have said nope, that doesn’t apply to me, I will just hate life and hate life and hate life and it will get worse and worse in my head and one day I’ll just [REDACTED]. But then? Shit I woke up one day like…lol…no. And now I’m hashtag big chillin. Good in all senses.

    I’m super mega ramble mode rn so Ima stfu but fr fr just uhhh shit what was it uhhhh fuck a dorky ass hater? 🥴 Them acting like that ONLY says shit about themselves…thanks for the tip ya’all! You’re dead to me 😂

    Okay okay but fr fr hope you feel better man, best wishes, you deserve better friends, snakes ain’t shit, ain’t nothing, just lessons.

  • Soviet Snake
    202 years ago

    I assume you live in the US, I wouldn’t mind about their opinion a lot to be fair, except a very small amount of people everyone who lives there are in a state of delusion about almost every topic you can think of. Try to get a few friends who you know you can trust, tell the rest to fuck off, they’re probably going to die of the new Covid variant anyway, specially with how the government is taking care of that.

    • @holdengreen
      2 years ago

      they’re probably going to die of the new Covid

      How scared should I be? I was gonna schedule my booster shot but couldn’t get it in time for my protest today.

      At bart rn and they jam me onto tightly packed bus. (I wear the mask tightly tho)

      • Soviet Snake
        132 years ago

        I aint no expert so i was generalizing since us health agencies suck ass, id try to be helpful regardless, if you see shit hits the fan try to not go to crowded places even if its for political reasons.

      • @TeezyZeezy
        32 years ago

        I am as scared as is permissible for myself, that depends on where you live and who you’re around. I am pretty nervous right now. It certainly is not over.

        I am glad you’re at protests! But yeah, shit is insane. Wear two if you can (at least, that’s what I do, not sure if super effective but)

    • @TeezyZeezy
      42 years ago

      For real. Most people have given up and don’t know shit. The entirety of the US population is in delusion.

      Joe promised. He lied. Big surprise. I am just as scared for the future as I was with Trump.

  • @Leninismydad
    192 years ago

    The west and not wearing masks in public places with lots of people is dumb as fuck.

  • @NothingButBits
    172 years ago

    I’ve stopped wearing a mask because the government here in Portugal has declared that Covid is now a normal disease. That’s right, if you become infected you have to come to work and there is no isolation anymore. This is irresponsible. So I’m not sure if there’s a point in continuing to wear a mask, since they seem to be actively trying to get everyone infected.

    • Nax
      102 years ago

      You shouldn’t have to come into work having any disease.

    • @bobs_guns
      42 years ago

      Yes, it’s actually more important than ever to wear a mask that can protect you from getting infected. That means an n95 or ffp2 mask, not with ear loops, fit tested. It won’t be 100% effective at keeping you from getting Covid but it will decrease the frequency which gives you more time to recover between getting reinfected, which should decrease your chance of serious sequelae somewhat. If you can bring a corsi-rosenthal box in to your workplace and open a window to let the virus out it will also help remove virus from the air and reduce exposure.

  • commiespammerOP
    162 years ago

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I’ll try my best to ignore them all and do my own thing.

    • @TeezyZeezy
      32 years ago

      Good. I am the only one in my uni that wears one (as far as I have seen) and I don’t give a fuck. Fine, y’all can get sick and have permanent fog and coughs. Whatever. I tried to tell you.

      We’re here for you, comrade.

  • SovereignState
    162 years ago

    I’m sorry to hear that. High school? Teenagers can be cruel. Anyone that called you names or ugly is in for a rude awakening once age sets in, even in the next few years. Beauty fades and it fades quick. Then all they’ll be left with is their egos, bitter shells of their past life.

    If they’re against masks, they’re probably also getting that idea from their shitty parents. It might be fair to expect some apology DMs years from now as people realize what shitheads they were when they were younger. Because of mob mentality, I bullied this girl hard when I was in primary school, along with everybody else. I apologized years later and thinking about it sometimes still keeps me up at night. This will pass. Pettiness and ugliness are ubiquitous in adult life as well, but those people are more often than not ostracized and humiliated for bullying others rather than how it happens in high school. I don’t know if this is just a platitude or what, but try to remember that this will pass and you’re on the right side of history here. I hope you’re okay comrade, but I think you will be.

    • @holdengreen
      2 years ago

      I was at BART and I let a mom and tot have the seats. Later they sit in front of me and the little kid starts talking to me and I’m listing and talking to him. it was really perfect so it’s sad that so many grow up to be mean.

      actually I think about it and that could have been my dad in another world… exactly what my grandma who I am going to meet now did for my dad after BART first began operation

    • KiG V2
      52 years ago

      Plus tbh the people who shine in high school get the most terrible inside and outside so fast. Meanwhile the people they are calling “ugly” glow up and look much better in their 20s and 30s, at least IMO

  • DankZedong A
    142 years ago

    Punch them in the throat. When they say they can’t breath tell them that will be them without mask.

    On a more serious note, others in the thread have made good points.

  • @201dberg
    122 years ago

    Tell them you wear the mask because you can’t stand how terrible everyone smells because some one them obviously don’t bathe regularly. That you’d rather wear a mask and look like a drok them have to smell their sweaty unwashed pits.

    This is no joke a part of why I still wear my mask when I go out in public. I cut out a piece of merve 13 air filter cloth as an insert to my mask. Last time I went to the store without it I almost gagged walking past a few ppl. I never realized how much smell it blocks.

  • @TeezyZeezy
    112 years ago

    Jesus. I promise you are in the right. I am wearing a mask right now.

    Do not doubt your scientific beliefs. Honestly though, fuck them. They are idiots. I wear one everywhere I go.

    Just because others gave up doesn’t mean we should. Seriously, this is real shit and the economy and certain social benefits do not outweigh our fucking lives.

    Ignore ignorance.

  • @SpaceDogs
    102 years ago

    Your few close friends are more than enough. I don’t know what level of school you’re at but I think this can be universal. Whatever the discord is for, try to only use it when it comes something requires: like homework, assignments, projects, etc.

    Considering the pettiness of their comments about your appearance I’m going to assume this is high school, if it’s college I’d honestly be surprised.

    It’s almost December which means many schools will be having winter break, hopefully yours is one of them.

    This attitude and environment will change, I promise. Nobody likes a bully and if you feel safe enough you could potentially tell a teacher, if not that’s fine too. Limit as much interaction as you can with them, I could easily tell you not to be bothered but we all know it’s not that simple. In time it will be. So try to take steps to keep your school interactions a bit more positive. Avoid the assholes and just focus on yourself and your education. Connect with the people who make you happy. Indulge in your hobbies.

    They’re issues with you wearing a mask sounds like a them problem, so focus on your own. They are not worth the energy and, honestly? They have way too much time on their hands to be picking on someone for a piece of cloth.

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    102 years ago

    “Try and take my mask from me. I’ll take something from you that’s permanent you psycho fucks!”

    Dont really talks this kind of smack.

    But believe me; I feel your frustration.

  • @sqw@lemmy.sdf.org
    110 months ago

    i still wear a mask indoors whenever possible and avoid long stints indoors in public. covid is not over. dont let schoolmates tell you whats right, they are probably just bullying for the fun of it