A bunch of people in my school discord were shaming me for wearing a mask, and when I argued about it they said I was just ugly and wanted to hide it and also that covid was just a cold. The worst part is that one of them was a comrade.

I feel like I can’t trust anyone I know anymore, just a few close friends.

  • @SpaceDogs
    102 years ago

    Your few close friends are more than enough. I don’t know what level of school you’re at but I think this can be universal. Whatever the discord is for, try to only use it when it comes something requires: like homework, assignments, projects, etc.

    Considering the pettiness of their comments about your appearance I’m going to assume this is high school, if it’s college I’d honestly be surprised.

    It’s almost December which means many schools will be having winter break, hopefully yours is one of them.

    This attitude and environment will change, I promise. Nobody likes a bully and if you feel safe enough you could potentially tell a teacher, if not that’s fine too. Limit as much interaction as you can with them, I could easily tell you not to be bothered but we all know it’s not that simple. In time it will be. So try to take steps to keep your school interactions a bit more positive. Avoid the assholes and just focus on yourself and your education. Connect with the people who make you happy. Indulge in your hobbies.

    They’re issues with you wearing a mask sounds like a them problem, so focus on your own. They are not worth the energy and, honestly? They have way too much time on their hands to be picking on someone for a piece of cloth.