• 41 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2019


  • Probably because of lack of knowledge and so many youtubers/twitters promoting that shit. It’s mind boggling how so many people can give financial advice on social media and not to go jail for it. They also always skew things, so that it seems that their advice was good when it really wasn’t.

    Edit: I meant “lack of knowledge” that technical analysis is based on probabilities. Even if you do everything right, there’s still a significant chance that the market goes against you. Which is when a lot of traders end up getting their accounts blown out. Brokers also give noob traders tools like leverage and margin, which only makes it more likely for people to lose everything in one bad trade.

  • Yeah, Western society is so sick that many of it’s youth only see nuclear apocalypse as the solution. The only way to fix society’s problems is through a big reset, and nuclear Armageddon is the perfect solution to this. Really explains why Fallout games are so popular. Also shows how much lack of critical thinking there is in the West. They only know neoliberal capitalism and can’t envision a society that functions differently. Even the older generations seem to have forgotten what Keynesianism was like, they’ll call that communism.