btw this is just a ‘what if’ im not an alien believer but im just curious

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    2 years ago

    IMO, you should believe in aliens. The top astrophysicists do and it’s extremely likely statistically given the size of the universe. Belief in aliens doesn’t necessarily mean UFO culture.

    • CountryBreakfast
      2 years ago

      The top astrophysicists do

      You mean pop scientists in the sensational and profit driven media

      it’s extremely likely statistically given the size of the universe.

      People stay leaving time out of the equation. But furthermore, no lab that studies exo planets even agrees on a definition for “earth like.” IMO the search for life in outer space is a pathological search for ourselves as much as it is an actual inquiry.

      • redshiftedbrazilian
        2 years ago

        You mean pop scientists in the sensational and profit driven media

        I know real not-pop-at-all scientists who say the same, but in a much less sensationalized way. Thing is, this kind of discussion is ± irrelevant for now bc it is unlikely we will find anything, even in “earth-like” planets (i.e. telluric planets with a significant amount of water and oxigen in its composition)

        • CountryBreakfast
          2 years ago

          Who knows what we might find. It’s an exciting time for astronomy at least.

    2 years ago

    “haha we will kill all of your leaders and powerful people” “thx bro go ahead”

    2 years ago

    Well to get to being a super advanced space society, the aliens would have to be commies, and probably want to stay out of the way till we throw off the yoke of Capitalism, as not to tamper with us.

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    So I’m happy someone else brought this up first so I don’t have to look like a complete lunatic (please allow me to proceed and make myself look like a total lunatic).

    So a good quarter of the reason I’m a communist today is that I was a conspiracist first. I no longer readily believe whatever exciting new thing some dark corner of the web tells me to believe with little to no evidence but to this day I’m a pretty strong believer in A) extraterrestrial life that B) operates in and has operated on Earth and in human society to some degree. More fundamentally I draw the line in the sand as “I am a believer that this is some weird fuckshit going on with aliens.”

    If you have time to kill (I do think this discussion is important to have but I also can appreciate how long this is, I promise it’s not terribly unhinged):


    So first there’s anecdotal evidence. I am no stranger to the paranormal and while I have never seen a UFO or any other alien-related phenomenon I have lived a life where I have either witnessed strong evidence of reality/power beyond our senses/current tools of measurement or I am completely and debilitatingly insane. Secondly, I have heard a lot of firsthand tales from people in my life who claim they HAVE seen UFOs, and it’s very interesting: the stories sometimes have anomalies but broadly speaking are almost identical. I have heard these stories both from the “take with a grain of salt” type people who tend to inflate stories with hyperbole and their wishful thinking tends to manifest odd occurrences in their perception, and from the people I would trust with my life who mean word-for-word what they say at all times and who have no joy in being exposed to, frankly, such terrifying experiences, nor do they enjoy the ridicule of sharing them and being “the person who claims to have seen a UFO.”

    Not only UFO sightings, but crop circles. I don’t personally know anybody that has seen crop circles but I have seen people swear up and down to these strange phenomenon that can’t be written off as “drunken teenagers fucking around” IMO. I won’t die on this hill as hard as UFOs but again the evidence is compelling.

    Not all of it, and I understand something being believable doesn’t necessitate that it’s true. Quick aside: this all to me is more about building a general case, a grand sum that seems to make it harder to rationalize that there AREN’T aliens when one considers all these various parts.

    There’s the weird overlap with the completely fucking bonkers spiritual community. But here’s the thing: a lot of my (IMO irrefutable) paranormal experiences are in this field. I’ve had experiences communicating with the dead, receiving prophecies, performing energy work, various chaos magick (dark offshoot) practices and a completely stone-cold-sober astral projection. A lot of these people are fucking complete nutcases but there is truth at the core of all the chakra /crystal /tarot /energies /dimensions /entities /dreaming /etc. etc. etc. mumbo jumbo that I will defend to my last breath. Anyways I digress: there is a lot of weird overlap between aliens X modern pan-spiritualism that, again, has a lot of overlap, a lot of consistencies, and a lot of compelling stories in between the completely disjointed, madlib slurry of batshit that forms the majority of these niches.

    Okay so you try and suss out what is the insane bullshit and what might have some little kernel of truth in it, right? So that’s where things get a little weird for me, and where we finally loop back to politics.

    There’s a lot of questions that come up regarding extraterrestrial space-faring civilizations and Earth politics. Are they communist? Capitalist? Fascist? Something totally different, some weird combination? Is it possible for any system to “make it” this far? A lot of left-leaning people half-jokingly say that only a communist society could make it to interstellar space travel, the whole “fully automated gay space communism” meme, but honestly I’ve never been a die-hard fan of the whole “capitalism will totally 100% just kill itself given enough time trust me bro trust me” and I feel like it’s not entirely wild to conceptualize the idea of a capitalist or fascist society (of some degree) that has achieved a few rungs above us regarding technology.

    The implications of that, of course, being absolutely fucking terrible and terrifying.

    Of course I would love the idea of communist aliens showing up, vaporizing the ruling class and giving us all matter replicators and laser vision. But…if aliens exist, and they’re communist/benevolent, why hasn’t this happened?

    This has several possible answers:

    1. Aliens AREN’T here or aren’t here in any noteworthy amount.
    2. Communism is not a solve-all even as a civilization blossoms into post-scarcity; they have their own problems, their own geopolitics, the galactic sort.
    3. They ARE here but they AREN’T communist, benevolent, or, at the very least, a united civilization on either of these fronts.
    4. They are non-interventionists of some sort. They don’t want to interfere because they either want us to “learn it for ourselves” and develop independent of their sudden deus ex machina, they think we “aren’t ready” for uplifting and would cause THEM/the galactic community trouble, or it would cause too much trouble for ourselves (e.g. fascist reaction, I mean imagine a bunch of UFOs pulling up to the White House in 2022 and saying “okay guys, you all are communist now! we are your overlords lol!”).

    If they DO exist and they DO operate here, the good news is, I would like to think if they were wholly malevolent (or even simply as malevolent as, say, the United States) we would just be…what…vaporized? In hell? I mean, what use would a space-faring civilization have with us apes anyways? Consciousness harvesting or something similar is the only thing I can imagine (albeit plenty disturbing) but that (I would like to think) sounds a little far-fetched and a little “I’ve been programmed by a shit life here on Earth to expect the fantastically terrible out of the unknown.”

    Speaking of fantastically terrible aliens…this is a weird thing I’ve noticed. On one hand–again, operating on the assumption that aliens are real and that they’re here–there is one good indicator that they might be good, and that’s the total determination of the powers that be to portray aliens for the last 50 years as evil. One could argue that this is America & Friends slowly priming people to unite under fascism to beat the ultimate scapegoat, a foreign invader…and the thing is, this doesn’t even necessitate aliens existing or operating here, there are plenty of UFO-heads who will say that there are “real” UFOs that are alien craft and then there’s “fake” UFOs that are man-made and operated gimmicks of these. It’s not hard to imagine the CIA or whoever having some massive program to manufacture exploitable fear of non-existent aliens, they’ve done weirder things more expansively.

    And things ARE weird. Because when you get into alien culture, you have big names like Steven Greer or the roster of suits they bring on for Cosmic Disclosure and all those kooky Gaia TV shows who tell stories that are…well, they’re weird. They simultaneously link it all the military industrial complex (careful to never use the ‘C’ word, but essentially capitalism) but then somehow among all these allegedly independent sources there is hardly EVER any information regarding aliens and OTHER world powers. No mention of USSR (besides aliens supposedly stopping both sides from nuking each other several times during Cold War), no China, no country that’s not the usual Western countries. A Canadian politician claiming aliens are real and XYZ. A French politician claiming aliens are real and XYZ. The ex-space chief for Israel claiming aliens are real and they have a joint alien X human base on Mars operated (on the human side) by Israel and America. American ex-diplomats, ex-military brass, ex-this ex-that all saying similar shit.

    Okay, so what gives? Somebody is lying. Some fuckshit is up, for sure. But what? Are they just trying to sow confusion? Are they seriously in contact with aliens but lying about their relationship? Are they NOT lying and aliens are mega-cringe and only seem to deal with America & the Cringe Boys? Do they operate with other countries seperately? If any of this is real, why all the heavy pressure that seems to go towards making sure aliens are portrayed as genocidal monsters in media? Is that just a coincidence of “people fear the unknown and playing on fears is profitable” or is it like how the State Department reviews scripts to make sure brave American soldiers are at worst portrayed as flawed heroes?

    The baddies seem to take the idea of aliens serious enough to be investing some sort of resources into it, even if it’s just all a dead-end rabbithole made to dirty the waters with more lies and bullshit.

    However, at the end of the day, while it all very well might be bullshit, I think it is foolish to automatically assume and operate under that logic. What if it ISN’T? I find it very arrogant to think we know everything about everything–even with all my experiences with the aforementioned, I could never give a 100% confident take on anything–and we need to be open to the idea that aliens are real and that they operate here, and if so, then what? What is our course of action, our policy, our contingencies, as communists? I understand at some instinctual, subconscious level I believe people don’t like seriously entertaining the idea because frankly it fucks everything we know up to shreds and it is terrifying. We are apex predators of Earth, imagine suddenly being knocked halfway down the foodchain and being at the mercy of organisms that look at us the way we look at ants. Even if they ARE benevolent/communist, that’s pretty fucking scary. I believe [[oops ran out of space lmfao]]

    • KiG V2
      2 years ago

      Continued (still lmfao @ myself):


      [[continued]] I believe that the universe/multiverse is plenty big enough to house all sorts of wonders and horrors and everything in between. I want nothing more than the most extreme of cautions when and if we establish what me and the kooks call “disclosure” (where it’s an open and publicly known fact that aliens are here, and open relations begin with them), but really how does an ant prepare for the footfalls of a man? As my friend says regarding this subject and this very metaphor, “Pizarro didn’t step on every anthill on his way to conquer the Incas”; we might be lucky and be relatively insignificant. Although, again, I think if a hellishly malevolent species was aware of us and wished us harm, we would be long gone already.

      To wrap things up a bit, I will say I am fascinated by the idea of aliens. What would their culture be like? Their music, their art, their entertainment, their sports, their games, their traditions, their language, their technology, the things that don’t translate? The flora and fauna and biomes of their world. How uniquely might life evolve from us? Do they closely resemble us, or are they so alien that it is hard to fathom? What of extra-dimensional beings? I honestly have closer experience with THAT than with extraterrestrials, and it’s…a headfuck. I have experience with what some chaos practitioners have dubbed “fear eaters” (also known colloquially as “sandmen”) and while my understanding of them has gone from “demon that will make you suffer in ways your tiny little ape brain can’t even process” to “just another part of nature that could easily be called an ‘animal’,” I can say one thing for sure, and that’s after my experiences with them (and other things) I no longer go out of my way to explore spirituality/chaos magick/other dimensions/psychonautry beyond the occasional communication with the dead and with (my) God. As a matter of fact, I actively repress it, and have worked very hard to build up defense mechanisms. Curiosity oftentimes gets the better of me, but it only takes ONE SECOND of feeling the presence of a fear eater for me to run as far away from ALL of this stuff as I can for a week or a month or a year or so. It’s a little tragic really but I’m not here to wax poetic about my fried brain, scarred soul, and unquenchable ability to fear…I do hope to heal my relationship with it all one day and have positive experiences, but then again if I went on a safari to a new planet and got stung by a Space Scorpion that put me in agony for a week and has left a permanent stain on my life I don’t think it’s crazy to say that I won’t want to go anywhere near Space Scorpions again.

      So, what will we do? I don’t know, but I hope to represent one pretty far end of the spectrum when I say: proceed with as much caution as we can muster. Plan and discuss every possibility and contingency until our ears bleed and our brains have wrung out every watt of processing power we possess. At the same time, though, this might be the tarnished perspective of a traumatized individual; there are plenty of people who have experiences with the paranormal which are very healthy and positive and I respect and see as totally valid. However when someone says “nothing bad can happen to you when you astral project!” I’m just like…how do you know? How do you have the authority to say that? If I was back on that aforementioned safari to a new planet, and I stayed in some little peninsula for a few weeks, and it was all dandy, it would be extremely irresponsible of me to just say “Wow this WHOLE planet is great! Bring the whole family, it’s a blast! All I saw was Space Flowers and harmless Space Bunnies! Haters gonna hate and claim they got stung by a Space Scorpion but I’ve never seen that shit lmao what a bunch of poor babies, you have a lot of internal trauma to unpack there bud! Try some transcendental laughing yoga!”

      Okay so I’m officially rambling and this is no longer valuable in my eyes but yeah. Sorry no TLDR. If anyone wants me to elaborate on anything I would be thrilled to, even if just some tea from the wackadoodle communities I mentioned, I can gossip and laugh along just as ~65-95% of it is (IMO) total bullshit and deserves to be laughed at.

  • redshiftedbrazilian
    2 years ago

    I know some people in the physics field. Here is the thing about aliens:

    We don’t know anything, yet they also say that it is extremely likely that there is life out there. Statisticaly speaking.

    I think that if we ever find life outside earth it will be something dumb like bacterias.

    But supposing advanced aliens visit us I think three things can happen:

    1 - They colonize the earth, kinda like the brit*sh did.

    2 - They come in peace but people get scared and a country (probably the US) nukes them and they obliterate us

    3 - They are peaceful and are impressed by juche, so they kill all billioneires and we all live in peace

  • KiwiProle
    2 years ago

    Ngl I would flip the fuck out. 50% of me would be overjoyed 50% would be terrified of the potential danger

    • KiG V2
      2 years ago

      Idk, worst case scenario in my head is some Black Mirror shit like getting tortured past the furthest extremities of mere human senses for 10,000,000,000,000 years per every picosecond you’re kept in the Cool Alien Torture Box.

  • reactorFigure
    2 years ago

    Say that we’re not all like the USA, who will shortly be arriving.

  • panic
    2 years ago

    I’m not a horny person by any means. But, listen, maybe-

    • BungkarnoenjoyerOP
      2 years ago

      The people’s VOLCEL VANGUARD are on the scene! PLEASE RESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS FOR STRATEGIC ACTS OF MASS REVOLUTIONARY CUMMING!!! انتباه!! انتباه!! هنا جنود الحرية الجنسية. لدعم الثورة ، نطلب منك الابتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية والحفاظ على الحيوانات المنوية الخاصة بك من أجل العربدة الثورية الجماعية. يرجى الامتناع عن سخيف وامتصاص. الليبراليون البيض!

  • darkcalling
    2 years ago

    Who is we? We’re no ones and unless they show up at our houses we have no ability to speak to them

    I would initially think any such contact to be a likely hoax to be honest. Perpetrated by the US government/NATO. I think they have for years cultivated UFO culture and conspiracies in order to cover up real conspiracies and misdirect people from both shady awful shit they do as well as advanced beyond next generation military capabilities they’re testing and want to keep secret.

    Notice if you will how every now and then news comes out of some new Congressional probe or pentagon report declassified that does nothing definitive but sucks a lot of the oxygen out of the news cycle while really only acknowledging the claim by the military/government that there are unidentified flying objects that they claim have done things that don’t seem possibly by our standards of technology. No hard evidence. No smoking gun of concrete cover-ups. Just tantalizing whiffs to distract people and keep them looking in the direction the government wants them looking.

    This is not a novel idea. The X-Files explored it and I can say without having gone too deep down the rabbit hole (which I think is full of fabrications, false memories, distortions, omissions, fame-seekers, etc) but having looked at it a little that I don’t think there would be any reason for intelligent aliens to come here just to probe some farmers or mess up some fields or whatever.

    A lot of it is very anglo-centric, white supremacist as well. The whole “brown people couldn’t have done that, ancient aliens must have helped them” thing about Pyramids, etc.

  • ComradeChairmanKGB
    2 years ago

    Humanity is an existential threat to other life and I hope we kill ourselves off before we do awful things to any extraterrestrial life. Look how we treat each other, just imagine the insane scale of genocide/rape/slavery/etc we would perpetrate on them if we could.