step one; Cover the nazis in mustard.
step two; nazis get pissed.
step three; nazis overthrow the goverment anyways.
step four; nazis start killing everyone.
“You see tankbies, putin used his evil spy abilities to personally kill zelensky, because he is just THAT much of an evil cartoon villain!”
Noooooo stop playing this goddamn commie song, i am losing my mind already!!!
hahaha “The Internationale” go “Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый, Весь мир голодных и рабов! Кипит наш разум возмущённый И смертный бой вести готов. Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья, а затем Мы наш, мы новый мир построим, – Кто был ничем, тот станет всем.”
Yes, i am extremelly confused by what he is constantly spouting about “setlers”. He knows that every american nation is a colony right? He also know that those same nations did the same thing the US did to the natives, till today, my country still is colonizing and destroying the lifes of the natives on the amazon region, and so are evry other latin american country with an native population. Mexico is an massive graveyard of natives, all brutally genocided, and so are the central american countries.
This saying that only the US population needs to be despised for being an imperialist setler population is american exceptionalism by itself, its basically saying that the US is more evil then others simply because it is the US, and because it is the US, it will never be able of changing. This is dumb, just because an country is an colony, it doesnt mean it cant become socialist, just because an country is imperialist, it doesnt mean it cant become socialist, thinking otherwise is thirdworldism, and even worse, its american exceptionalism; “because its the US” is american exceptionalism by itself, its like saying “the US is more ‘verb’ then any other place in the world, both on the past and on present, nothing can best the US at being ‘verb’, the US is the most ‘verb’ in the world” see what i am saying? Now put “evil” or “imperialist” or “capitalist” on the place of verb, and now put an positive verb, like “free”, democratic", “civilized”, or any other of those stupid things yankees love to jerk off about their country, see how it sounds? “The US is ‘verb’ simply because it is the US, and because it is the US, it will never change”, this is american exceptionalism, plain and simple, the US is at best, the most relevant and succesfull imperialist power TODAY, 90 years ago, if you asked on Europe, they would say nazi germany was the biggest imperialist, that it was an unfixable country, and would never become socialist, 15 years later, the GDR was born, this proves that even the worse of the worse of a country can be socialist, even something as nazi germany was able to be parcially fixed. And we need to remember, Marx passed most of his life on Britain and Germany, he was able to see the imperialism of both countries, and how britain was building the biggest empire in the world, and even then, he never thought “its impossible to fix GB because its an imperialist country, and therefore, its completelly evil and will never change”, lenin lived on the Russian empire, he was able to see very close how imperialism works, he writed a book about it, but he never sayed “Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria, Belgium, The US, The ottoman empire, those are all imperialist countries, they are the worse of the worse, they will never be socialist because of that, the minds of their people are unchangeable by propaganda, might give up as an revoluctionary them lol”.
Walking Bald Eagle
Walking Bald Eagle
bottom text
Netherlands trying to not get scammed by other colonial powers and losing their own colonies for 0,0000001 seconds challenge.
Honestly the map still feels very incomplete.
Can we please just stop using this damn word altogether, forget this ever happened and continue our lifes and talk about more important stuff? This wannabe sino-soviet split is so dumb, we are fighting because of misunderstandings, badly worded texts, and because of a bunch of clowns said some stupid shit on twitter and youtube. Its so not worth it to even put energy into this, i am starting to think this is not even about patsocs anymore. Also muad’dibber constantly menacing to ban people because of this is not helping at all. I dont even get what patsocs actually are, and so do most people here, this feels like a bunch of children having angry rants about communism on school, when they dont even know the definition of it, i know this for self experience.
They lied about afghanistan, about vietnan, about cuba, about korea, about yuguslavia, they aways lied them, aways lie now, and will aways lie in the future.
I agree, sorry for being overlly angry at you, bad communication and misinformation can ruin an online conversation, thats my biggest problem with online conversations compared to irl ones. Sorry again for sounding rude, hope we can have an better conversation in the future without all of the patsoc dog whistling and badly word sentences. Hope you have an good day!
Oof, sorry for the rant, the way i readed it sounded a lot like you where being an arrogant person, putting things on my mouth i dont even agree with. This is what lack of communication does to a conversation, sorry for sounding agressive, but i am starting to get really angry at everyone here using “patsoc” as some kind of dog wistle. It remembers me of how kruschev and revisionists used the word “stalinist” or “tankie” on people that where against their revisionist bs. I think we should stop using it all together, relax, review what these words are actually meaning, show actual proff and get some actual info on those people who call themselves “patsocs”, otherwise this comment section is just turning into an shit spyral where one side is just closing their ears, screeching “patsoc” and menacing bans, and the other side cant even express their opinion without getting buried under downvotes and angry comments (btw those people downvoting everything comrades PolandAsAnStateofMind and SaddamHussain are saying are cowards, they dont know anything about “patsocs” they dont know anything about what this situation is all about, but they are still just showing blind hate towards them).
Also, Osama Bin Laden said that he did not command to throw the planes at the bridge instead of the towers (with would be dozens of times worse to the US, as it would cripple the local economy) because he wanted something that would be shocking, appear on the news and be remembered. And we all know how Al Qaeda is funded by the US for decades, so they might have told to Bin Laden to aim especifically at the towers because it would be more easilly marketeable as propaganda against the middle east, and would be less damaging then the bridge or the pentagon.
Isnt a bunch of the MGR lore criticizing american imperialism?
“Fuck i should have gotten that cyanide pill from himmler”
This will be the movie of all time, will totally beat morbious morbillion tickets on first day and sell one minillion tickets instead.
“Lenin on his own part several times purposefully reminded his European comrades that the original “proletariat” — of Imperial Rome — did not work, but was supported by the surpluses of slave labor. As the lowest free class of Roman citizens, their only duty was to father new soldiers for the Roman Legions (which is why they were called “proletarii” in Latin) while they lived off government subsidies.”
I want to point out how this view by marx and engels was wrong, parentti’s book “the murder of julius Caesar” talks about rome with an materialistic point of view and how the information about rome was tainted by the burgeoise intelingentsia, on how the people that writed about rome and the roman people where rich aristocratic assholes, that never worked hard on their lifes and aways looked at the working class on general with disgust. This was an misunderstanding and an lack of proper information by marx and engels and should not be seen as fact, but as how the burgeoise manipulation of midia gos beyond our own ages, and how they will make you sheer for the opressors, and opress the opressed.
The top black and white flag is almost like the Brittany flag lol
Fascists after i called them abunch of big bullie meanies: