Can confirm, I sometimes chug an energy drink to quiet my brain for a nap. I also don’t recommend anyone do this
that’s really pretty
Killing nazis is not only moral, but also funny
I find it so funny how Poland became one of the “good guys” so fast
More like 91 years too late, if you ask me.
That’s the point though, isn’t it? They clearly don’t want such customers.
The saddest part is when you finally convince a sizable part of your friends to use a more private messaging app, but then they slowly move back to whatsapp within a few months.
I haven’t really been on reddit lately, but isn’t it just quarantined? I think you need to have a verified email associated with your account to view it.
They are social democracies and evil tankie redfash totalitarian states at the same time
Transforming one of the poorest countries in Europe in a global superpower in a matter of decades?
Stupid tankie, vuvuzela iphone!
turn every square inch of land into an endless wasteland of suburbs, parking lots and strip malls
Just how God intended
“Yup, thats me. You probably wonder how I got here.”
And while they’re at it, make Ukraine as blue as the summer sky
Unfortunately I also stole it from someone else so fair enough lol
I’ll never forgive them for what they did to my boy Pepe.
It’s an artificial state created in the minds of anglos, couldn’t expect anything less than a bad name
Are they actually arguing against CCTV cameras?
I could’t find any decent translation so here’s my attempt