btw this is just a ‘what if’ im not an alien believer but im just curious

  • redshiftedbrazilian
    2 years ago

    I know some people in the physics field. Here is the thing about aliens:

    We don’t know anything, yet they also say that it is extremely likely that there is life out there. Statisticaly speaking.

    I think that if we ever find life outside earth it will be something dumb like bacterias.

    But supposing advanced aliens visit us I think three things can happen:

    1 - They colonize the earth, kinda like the brit*sh did.

    2 - They come in peace but people get scared and a country (probably the US) nukes them and they obliterate us

    3 - They are peaceful and are impressed by juche, so they kill all billioneires and we all live in peace