btw this is just a ‘what if’ im not an alien believer but im just curious

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    Continued (still lmfao @ myself):


    [[continued]] I believe that the universe/multiverse is plenty big enough to house all sorts of wonders and horrors and everything in between. I want nothing more than the most extreme of cautions when and if we establish what me and the kooks call “disclosure” (where it’s an open and publicly known fact that aliens are here, and open relations begin with them), but really how does an ant prepare for the footfalls of a man? As my friend says regarding this subject and this very metaphor, “Pizarro didn’t step on every anthill on his way to conquer the Incas”; we might be lucky and be relatively insignificant. Although, again, I think if a hellishly malevolent species was aware of us and wished us harm, we would be long gone already.

    To wrap things up a bit, I will say I am fascinated by the idea of aliens. What would their culture be like? Their music, their art, their entertainment, their sports, their games, their traditions, their language, their technology, the things that don’t translate? The flora and fauna and biomes of their world. How uniquely might life evolve from us? Do they closely resemble us, or are they so alien that it is hard to fathom? What of extra-dimensional beings? I honestly have closer experience with THAT than with extraterrestrials, and it’s…a headfuck. I have experience with what some chaos practitioners have dubbed “fear eaters” (also known colloquially as “sandmen”) and while my understanding of them has gone from “demon that will make you suffer in ways your tiny little ape brain can’t even process” to “just another part of nature that could easily be called an ‘animal’,” I can say one thing for sure, and that’s after my experiences with them (and other things) I no longer go out of my way to explore spirituality/chaos magick/other dimensions/psychonautry beyond the occasional communication with the dead and with (my) God. As a matter of fact, I actively repress it, and have worked very hard to build up defense mechanisms. Curiosity oftentimes gets the better of me, but it only takes ONE SECOND of feeling the presence of a fear eater for me to run as far away from ALL of this stuff as I can for a week or a month or a year or so. It’s a little tragic really but I’m not here to wax poetic about my fried brain, scarred soul, and unquenchable ability to fear…I do hope to heal my relationship with it all one day and have positive experiences, but then again if I went on a safari to a new planet and got stung by a Space Scorpion that put me in agony for a week and has left a permanent stain on my life I don’t think it’s crazy to say that I won’t want to go anywhere near Space Scorpions again.

    So, what will we do? I don’t know, but I hope to represent one pretty far end of the spectrum when I say: proceed with as much caution as we can muster. Plan and discuss every possibility and contingency until our ears bleed and our brains have wrung out every watt of processing power we possess. At the same time, though, this might be the tarnished perspective of a traumatized individual; there are plenty of people who have experiences with the paranormal which are very healthy and positive and I respect and see as totally valid. However when someone says “nothing bad can happen to you when you astral project!” I’m just like…how do you know? How do you have the authority to say that? If I was back on that aforementioned safari to a new planet, and I stayed in some little peninsula for a few weeks, and it was all dandy, it would be extremely irresponsible of me to just say “Wow this WHOLE planet is great! Bring the whole family, it’s a blast! All I saw was Space Flowers and harmless Space Bunnies! Haters gonna hate and claim they got stung by a Space Scorpion but I’ve never seen that shit lmao what a bunch of poor babies, you have a lot of internal trauma to unpack there bud! Try some transcendental laughing yoga!”

    Okay so I’m officially rambling and this is no longer valuable in my eyes but yeah. Sorry no TLDR. If anyone wants me to elaborate on anything I would be thrilled to, even if just some tea from the wackadoodle communities I mentioned, I can gossip and laugh along just as ~65-95% of it is (IMO) total bullshit and deserves to be laughed at.