Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
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I got a lot of motivation and have been doing a lot of things I was ignoring. (except my school work lol)
School does not matter anyway right?
I think it definitely does.
That’s good.
Sometimes, you gotta do what you’re motivated to do less you lose the moment.
So now it seems that making comments critical of Israel on Reddit gets you banned for “threatening violence”
I didn’t actually threaten any violence whatsoever but if the censorship is this bad then fuck it, every day should be Oct 7th
Down with pissrael, Zionists gets the wall
2025 is Near Upon Us, Comrades, What Are You Planning For Next Year ?
Job-hunting and, hopefully, the start of my career.
I’m graduating in November. Well, the ceremony is in mid to late November.
So that should be fun.
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Last of year of undergrad and taking a language class. Also have to mentally prepare for the Canadian federal elections because I’m certain people are going to be totally normal during that time.
Transferring to a University, doing more dad stuff, spending more time in nature
I might travel for a larger part of the year, not sure yet.
I want to continue lifting and ideally running a marathon after getting injured this year.
I also want to take the first step towards a career change. I want to become a gardener basically but for people who want to rewild their garden.
Bought an ebike and started cycling to work. Plan is to get down to my target weight by the end of 2025, so I’m getting a head start before new years hits.
I’m back after a pretty long break. Got a nasty head injury and I’ve been out of it for the past few weeks. But I’m better now, and trying to get back into the swing of things.
welcome bac
good to be bac, had to lay off devices for a while because bright lights gave me headaches
Wow, I hope you’re healing with speed, comrade.
Thank you, dear American friend.
I was so very stressful yesterday.
How so?
Full academic pressure due to ton of assignments
Hope you’re doing better today!
I hope you all have a nice week :D
Can I just have the week off and lie in bed all week?
I hope u have a nice week too :>
Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the nicest week of them all? ✨
And a nice one to you too!
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You 2 :D
Vibdeo dont worgk
Have a nice week, Oppo! 😁🫡
Are you sure about that? 🤣🤣
It’s what the comments said
Silver lining to consider for those of you in the US: once the election is over and a new president is sworn in, you will either: 1) have fresh-faced liberals who are more willing to listen to you because they are terrified of Trump or 2) get a little more peace and quiet from the rabid liberals who have been browbeating about how you should vote.
Or 3. Liberals who still won’t get with the program.
I do High School debate in the United States. Never in my life have I met more rabid neoliberal imperialists in my life. I need to cleanse my mind.
Those always bring out the debate bros who think minority rights are just another thing to debate
Once when I was debating student debt forgiveness, the person I was debating with (not my opponent) literally said that the US shouldn’t forgive student debt because it’s unfair to the white majority.
hello (⊙ω⊙)7 new in town.
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Hello and welcome!
greetings, O greeted one.
Have a nice week!
Man you know a nation is in a healthy state when it’s election season and everyone is convinced that the other guys are plotting to kill them. Normally, people are mad about taxes or funding but these last 2 cycles have been genuine terror at the thought of the other candidate getting elected.
Literally the only thing I have seen this election is ‘I’m not Trump’ or ‘I’m not Harris’. I don’t have the slightest clue what any of the candidates want to actually do.
The electoral democracy theatre has perfected itself and distilled it’s own essence into it’s purest and most honest form.
Trump wants to resurrect Hitler and create Nazi Germany with Handmaiden characteristics, while Harris will cure cancer, end world hunger, establish world peace, and make every person in America upper middle class with a two-car garage and a pony. At least that’s what reddit tells me…
I’ve had political campaign volunteers knocking on my door multiple times a day and calling me non-stop, mainly to try to get me to vote Democrat for the last week. The amount of political flyers they send to each house is obscene. I had a good sized pile of them I collect just from last week. Talking to the volunteers is ok. We’re always respectful with each other and I participate in their surveys, but their campaign has reached the levels of harassment, so in a moment of mischief, I acted out to entertain myself a bit.
I’ve made my own version of the little free library, for all the political flyers I collected and posted it outside my home: Little propaganda library. Take a flyer, share a flyer.
They’ve stopped knocking on my door.
It took me two months of working at one of my work’s ‘worst’ locations and I feel like I have lost all my patience with people lol. Like, manners don’t exist here. If you don’t act tough you won’t make it here. I feel like a monkey trying to fight other monkeys to stay on top of the monkey rock.
And this is towards our clients, not my colleagues. They are nice.
Have you tried being a bit of an asshole back? I don’t mean just being rude, but familiar like in the way that their friends might give them grief in a joking way, without all the typical customer service framing.
My work moved a store from a small city to a small town once and there was a bit of a cultural difference between the locations. I could swear at my clients and say things that would have gotten me complaints from in the city, but at the new location, everyone loved it. If I treated them with the typical sort of customer service the people in the city preferred, it came off as fake. They wanted “genuine” people (not actually genuine, just the appearance of feeling of it, which is why I say it was cultural). Most of our clients were long-haul truckers, ranchers/farmers, and mill workers.
I don’t come off as a tough guy or particularly masculine at all, I just started responding to their crap with half-joking grief and eventually learned it was better to just dish some out from the beginning. Swearing also helped a lot.
I don’t know the specifics of your work and it could be a completely different situation, but maybe there is something about this location that is different from the other stores and approaching your clients differently would help ease the pressure? Likewise, maybe they’re just assholes for some reason.
Well we get those people too. Typical blue collar workers with their heart on their sleeve. I don’t really mind them, they are straightforward but friendly.
We get frustrated people too. I don’t mind them either. The system can be frustrating.
The people I talk about are just rude people. Trying to intimidatie you, yelling, physical threats, trying to get it their way by walking all over you, not listening to what you tell them, refusing to take out earphones for example.
Basically they just try to do some powerplay to stay on top of the situation. I learned quickly not to accept that because if you give them a finger they will take your hand.
It’s a bit sad because I am a naturally calm person but I find myself in dick swinging contests more often these days.
Ah yeah, that type. I just didn’t serve them until they quit their shit, but I was lucky enough not to have a boss present that could scold me for it. Just turn your back and walk away kind of moments.
What do you think brings so many more of them to that one location?
I have an avi now.
For the first time since I started my account in years.
Why can’t I just ask people to repeat themselves? I feel so much shame for being hard of hearing. I feel like a burden.
Before I started losing my hearing I was already used to asking people to repeat themselves, since I was living abroad and not fluent in the language after all. Although back then nobody seemed to mind, since its normal for foreigners. Ironically its my own countrymen who had less patience for it.
People take it so personally, don’t they
I wish people asked me to repeat myself rather than assuming that they heard/understood what I had said.