He’s on finasteride which kinda counts? Not really
He’s on finasteride which kinda counts? Not really
These deformed inbreds believe they’re the master race btw
Anyone ever wonder how they catch these guys?
It is closer to 20%.
Cool it with the antisemitism. The babies in incubators are hamas.
No no you said nothing I disagreed with, I just see it a lot in lib areas
Yes, but I don’t think it should be a taboo subject to mention. It is of course terrible to refer to any group as a monolith, it should still be discussed.
As a Muslim, the same can go towards members of my religion and homophobia. I think it should be discussed, but it should not be discussed in a way where people mention it to defend their hatred.
I’ve lived through that my entire life to be honest, any hate towards my religion hasn’t been given any pushback for racist reasons. Sacha Baron-Cohen can be openly racist on live television to a cheering crowd, but it’s okay because of our backwards culture.
I know I’m ranting like a buffoon but I do think discussions around any of these things shouldn’t be taboo as long as they are not said in order to justify racist beliefs. If so, we would be no better than the groypers who think the 13% number is worth mentioning any time they see a black person on the internet.
I wanna move there so bad 😢
I like how one guy was agreeing with another user saying Jewish people have no place to go while having the user flair of Miami/NYC
In my opinion it is a bastardization of multiple languages and is a disgrace to actual hebrew.
Sadly, in Palestine, you are encouraged to learn it. Many such cases of being kidnapped by IOF, with them yelling at you in hebrew and making you admit to things you did not do.
This is a good read: https://electronicintifada.net/content/learning-enemys-language/17661
I tried and it said I didn’t finish making my account haha, glad I didn’t!
I’ve been reading Settlers (albeit I just started it) and this seems to me that this is a core feature of the US.
Since before the US was an independent colony, there has been a reliance on imported labor (or labor of those who were here before us). From the indigenous people they enslaved, to importing slave labor from Africa.
Indentured servitude from Europe was only seen as a short misery from the settlers, and even that dropped rapidly when importing slave labor from Africa became cheaper.
The culture war that Nick Fuentes and any of these other groypers want to believe exists doesn’t. Capital doesn’t care about keeping jobs in the US, and would replace them with an immigrant without second thought if it saved them money.
I also feel that education in the US has been plummeting. Our universities are regarded as the most desirable to graduate from, but a majority of our schools provide very little practical education.
I went to a state college over the past decade and it was the top Computer Science university in my state. Most of the classes provided zero enrichment, and the ones that would have provided enrichment, were ridden with cheaters outsourcing their work on Fiverr to someone in the global south.
Realistically Hezbollah has every right to indiscriminately bomb Yafa (tel aviv).
Lazarus Group is pretty darn advanced. Which is funny to see because the west loves to talk about how NK is so technologically under-developed but yet is also somehow home to one of the most capable APTs in current times.
Tell that to Michael Jackson when he made Black or White
Beating an arab taxi driver and ripping down flags is okay though! At this point it should be shoot on sight for any ‘israelis’, they are the scum of the earth and should be properly disposed of.
We rob old ladies
I think it’s LocalAI that you can train stuff from files on your computer
The ending of the second book was so so so good.
Tap for spoiler
his holocaust surviving father still showed racist attitudes to other minorities.