I get the pun but it seems you had us a little too convinced in the first half.
I get the pun but it seems you had us a little too convinced in the first half.
Just to mention, I appreciate the effort but I don’t trust chatGPT or any other big LLM for anything of this nature.
I try not to make friends with cops in the first place. I even had some friends who ended up deciding to join the police force, very enthusiastically. I have not spoken with them since. As for family I find that discussing anything political with them is almost never worthwhile, unless you don’t mind becoming very estranged, as I’ve learned the hard way.
Thanks for the information. I’m always a bit hesitant to support farmer’s protests, because it’s often the case that they’re just powerful land owners and petite bourgeoisie types that get mad at the government attempting to regulate them, particularly the ones in Europe which almost always tend to do so in opposition to regulations regarding climate change.
Can some Indian comrades please explain these protests a little? I’m still unsure what to make of them, as I’ve read about Indian farmer protests happening for the past 5 years at this point. What are their goals? What’s their class nature? Is it anything like the European farmer protests in the last couple of years?
Dutch socialist subreddit
So the CIA. lol
There are actual primary sources that propagate through telegram because anywhere else they are likely to be censored or banned, particularly in regards to Palestine, and also in the Ukraine. I recommend looking into the ecosystem of how this sort of news gets around, as it’s how a lot of the firsthand accounts and atrocities from people are made visible, without the corporate middleman that usually spins it.
Nazi adventure in Kursk? Can’t think of any “success” more recent than that.
I’ve just been reading your responses and I think one point you might want to be careful with is “Human Nature” as if it’s a fixed static thing. Humans are capable of all manner of things in our natural form, but that does not automatically mean that those things are inherently good, healthy, or moral. According to just basic natural ability, and simple evolutionary strategy, every man should go around impregnating as many women as possible in order to propagate his DNA to the next generation. This was what our ancestors used to do, and it’s what many animals do in nature all the time, which is completely biologically feasible. However, as humans we are uniquely capable of rational thought, and we have the ability to rise above simple animal behavior, which is why the average person won’t go around killing each other’s children and taking each others mates. It’s an extreme example but I was hoping to maybe give you some idea of how the “Nature” talking point can be twisted to justify things that any normal person would see as absurd.
In most places it probably depends more on the school than the country, society, or even the religion in question. I’m from a place that most would say is religious, and most people here have some faith of some kind, but if you go to a religious school, you’ll get a much more faith based upbringing than if you go to an international school. My school wasn’t an actual religious school, but we did have religious lessons once a week. Although nobody really took it that seriously, not even the teachers, they just treated it as mandatory curriculum and most of my classmates turned out not too religious after graduating, and I was openly atheist and nobody seemed to mind. My father went to a full on catholic school even though he wasn’t from a very religious family, and he did take religion seriously when he was young at least.
That’s got a good chance of being the case, but I’m just really disillusioned with AJ as a media outlet. They have some good staff but as an institution they are so fucking corrupt I cannot bring myself to sympathize with them here. I just hope that at the very least somehow individual voices can get the truth out without this shitty rag using them to prop up terrorists.
You’re right about the PA. They’re a puppet government of the Israeli’s for decades by now, and their reasoning for kicking out AJ are probably not coming from a good place. But if they kicked out the AP, TRT or any similar outlet it would elicit the same response. At the end of the day they are not trustworthy, not anymore. How you can still think this after they lied about Gaddaffi, lied about the Syrian opposition, and in the midst of a genocide where they were able to so clearly report about Israel’s crimes, CHOSE to lie again about Syria and divert their readership to further their agenda, shows genuine malice as they of all people should literally know better at a time like this. It’s not ignorance but deliberate ethical malpractice.
I don’t care for the PA, but I have come to despise Al-Jazeera in particular. You expect this sort of bullshit from western outlets because they’ve always lied about everything in this region, when Al Jazeera had broadly told the truth, it turns out they’ve not changed at all either. It’s bleak, I know that, but I cannot have any sympathy for these liars, I just hope that someone with better intentions can take their place.
No offense but independent media has way bigger reach than mainstream outlets like AJ, NYT and the like. Twitter, Tiktok and Telegram are the primary news source for a lot of people, particularly in out here in the developing world. It’s inaccurate to assume that big outlets have some sort of monopoly on readership, when this just isn’t the case anymore. Maybe ten years ago they may have had a unique role compared to the rest, but today they mainly compete alongside independent news on these same platforms, and are doing more harm than good and have outlived their purpose. Maybe they’re not comparable to NYT and the guardian, but a better comparison would be TRT world, it’s still imperialist state broadcasting that is using Palestinian suffering as a way to stir up religious divides to further a political agenda that doesn’t give a shit about Palestine at all. The end result of their efforts over the course of this 14 month genocidal campaign is to weaken the Palestinian cause on the ground, and funnel well meaning people into dangerous and counterproductive ideologies.
I understand what you’re getting at, but I’ve read their reporting on Palestine for the last 10 years or so, and I agree that they are, out of the bigger news outlets, better than most when it comes to reporting on Palestine. They have good journalists working for them, and have had good reporters over the years. But more and more lately they are almost irredeemable because of how they abuse the goodwill they built up by reporting this one issue in order to manufacture consent among Arabs, Muslims, pro Palestinians alike against Iran, Syria and other actual resistance forces in the region. Believe me, I don’t dismiss sources as propaganda lightly, but in this case it is very bloody blatant. The only reason they are willing to report honestly about Palestine occasionally is because they get to funnel that readership towards rooting for literal ISIS for their own gain. The sheer bullshit they spun about Syria is part of the reason so many Arabs and Muslims around the world celebrated the end of the SAR.
What does it matter if they report accurately on occasion, if at the end of the day, they end up steering so many well meaning people to cheer on the same side as fucking Netanyahu. Sure they tell the truth occasionally, but they are not honest actors, and absolutely deserve to be booted, if it’s journalism you’re after it’s better to get it from independent voices and not those that at the end of the day have interests that align with Zionism. There is little that functionally sets them apart from NYC, Guardian, BBC, when all of them are running cover to help their governments build pipelines no matter the cost.
Again, this sort of characterization risks becoming cartoonish, Saudi Arabia is a shitty place, but nothing is going to actually happen to you if people find out you’re a practicing Christian. It’s not some big scary secret as if you’re Jesus and his followers being persecuted by the romans, which is the kind of imagery western chauvinists are trained to associate Christian’s treament in the middle east, China, DPRK etc. with.
Tbh I don’t think this post is attracting all that much attention, it’s like, 3 or 4 people having a comically drawn out discussion where all parties are from seemingly completely different planets and can’t seem to figure out what the others are saying, pretty entertaining but not so productive.
I know, but I am not sorry to see Al Jazeera get booted, they’ve proven to be dishonest and opportunistic, especially after the atrocious propaganda they’ve been spewing for the past month about Syria.
Al Jazeera is still Qatari propaganda. PA’s accusations have a high likelihood of being true.
A little sensationalized, this is not uncommon. Nearly every country’s top searched nationality in porn is one of their neighbors.