• @illume
    251 year ago

    “me at 3am thinking of ways to destroy the russian state and collapse any semblance of order within it, leading to endless violence and living conditions worse than that of the 90’s, because i love imagining dead russians”

    in all seriousness, these people really prove the point that all europe and amerika ever wanted to do was plunder russia into occupation zones rather than their supposed aims of “bringing democracy”. i can’t believe people say that american imperialism isn’t real and yet think thoughts like this are anything but overt fascism

    • @CITRUS
      161 year ago

      Redditors–well, really most people in general–don’t really think that far ahead, about the economic and political consequences on a mass scale. Redditors have idealized concepts of what a country is. These types’s view of countries is the media they consume, which is video games and memes, unlike the media we consume, such as; historical evidence, economic data, political situations, detailed first hand accounts, human empathy, and a dialectical materialist outlook to top it off.

      I am at a point now where I see states as, well, states with their own populations and political goals. When you are at a point where these Redditors are, your concept of the world is good and bad, great man theory, yada yada yada. Even last year I was around the same level of consciousness as these Redditors are, and I thought myself as being pretty aware (don’t laugh!).

      The amount of just how engrained US imperialism is the public psyche, is absolutely terrifying. Of course there’s always a decent amount thats “critical” of the empire, but the knowledge of geopolitics and countries is so infantile. I remember having ideas like, the US is evil, we know that, but some how every other imperial core country was good (?).

      Again this idea of entire countries being boiled down to individual characters instead of country with a living breathing population.

      I realize there isn’t much point to this comment other than me confessing my sins as being a teenage boy in the Redditsphere, so take that as you will, lol.

      • @Shrike502
        51 year ago

        I remember having ideas like, the US is evil, we know that, but some how every other imperial core country was good (?).

        Ah the classic “Canada good” young lib? It’s okay, comrade. A lot of us were like that, I’m sure. The important part is that you have educated yourself and continue to learn

        • @CITRUS
          31 year ago

          How did you knowwwwwwwwwwww 😭

          Crazy just how segmented the propaganda talking points are

    • @Shrike502
      111 year ago

      in all seriousness, these people really prove the point that all europe and amerika ever wanted to do was plunder russia

      And they still think themselves the good guys for it

  • stasis
    211 year ago

    the nafo tag 😬

  • @Mzuark
    191 year ago

    Interesting how these guys only concept of peace between Russia and Ukraine involves Russia being reduced to a failed, balkanized state. They just want dead slavs.

    • @Shrike502
      161 year ago

      They just want dead slavs.

      Allow me to disagree. They want dead Slav men (as well as Tatars, Buryat, Chechens and every other group within Russia), but also want indentured women (Slavic and otherwise).

      • @Mzuark
        101 year ago

        That’s true. Kill the men, enslave the women and children. The fascist barbarian wet dream for thousands of years.

  • @Samubai
    151 year ago

    Looks like a redditor, quacks like a moron. For sure, he’s a redditor.

  • 陆船。
    141 year ago

    Surprised their sinophobia hasn’t driven them to instagram lol

    • @Shrike502
      61 year ago

      Probably don’t know it’s USian

  • @The_Monocle_Debacle
    141 year ago

    I hope a good country gets NYC in the inevitable post-US partitioning after WW3

    • @Shrike502
      111 year ago

      You know these people wish they were. Their precious La Belle Époque. Before them ebil commies and muzzies rose up and ruined it all.

      Because these types always imagine themselves to be among the ruler class, never considering they’d be in shit along with those they hate.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        61 year ago

        A lot of their stereotypes also arise from Fu Manchu series. Did not know Belle Epoque was also a phenomenon.

        • @Shrike502
          61 year ago

          Well I suppose one can use the Belle Epoque in a general sense - some imaginary “good past”, where everything was fine and made sense and the person imagining would have totally be sipping coffee and discussing philosophy and who cares about the proles and their back breaking labor anyway. Look at the 1980’s simps, the 1950’s simps, and not to mention various XIX century simps.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            31 year ago

            Limiting one’s own sphere of influence and then claiming everything is alright is such a selfish and anti communist phenomenon that occurs with many people and groups. It is what individualism is meant to achieve, and why West has always used it to delete communism.

            A lot of this stuff will die with boomer and baby boomer generations. My guess is we will see the first signs of global revolution against capitalism through zoomers. It may also be possible that millenials are the ones that do it, but millenials are starting to get old despite how I think they are the ones who have been at the true intersection of timeline in terms of change in society in the 90s and early 00s. Millenials have also lived less privileged and simpler lives than zoomers.

            Maybe I am rambling a bit ambitiously, but the breaking point is close, and it is not just for USA. Their revolution will just be a lot earlier.

      • @supersolid_snake
        1 year ago

        Yep. Everyone of these types think they would be a knight in past times, odds are overwhelming they would be peasants ground into the dirt. The thing that would prevent that is ironically what they hate.

        • @Shrike502
          41 year ago

          The thing that would prevent that is ironically what they hate

          Precisely. But ignorance and over a century of carefully engineered propaganda have ensured they don’t get it

  • JucheBot1988
    101 year ago

    “Unrealistic” really doesn’t begin to describe it.