• loathesome dongeaterM
    261 year ago

    you will see everything instead of actual boycott which is what would have hurt the tournament the most (apart from propaganda of the deed). it’s really pathetic. some teams’ captains were going to wear a rainbow armband but the plan has been thrown off the rails because they were threatened with ONE YELLOW CARD.

  • Hmmm, this is problematic, yes there’s a homophobia problem in Qatar, but him coming in with a pride shirt isn’t going to help, infact it’ll be used as an example of westerner meddling to the people and will bring more heat to lgbt people living there because the west doesn’t want lgbt people to live better, they just want to use a pink card to justify the next big thing like a war or a sanction, if you’ve come across the globe to a homophobic country for football don’t pretend you’re going there for anything but football. The solution to the lgbt question in the middle east should not be answered by westerners who don’t know how to communicate.

    Another thing is that justifying homosexual relations in a society that doesn’t recognize hetrosexual ones is going to be a challenge, I think the start should be aiming to lower violence acted against the members then slowly getting them more rights.

    • @Beat_da_Rich
      111 year ago

      Just another example of Western liberal queer “activism” harming the global struggle for lgbtq acceptance. Sigh.

    • Muad'DibberA
      1 year ago

      Western intelligence agencies really did read Mao, and learned to drive wedges and push contradictions to their advantage.

  • @supersolid_snake
    1 year ago

    Lol are Qatari elites trying to fight off the slavery and anti-minority narrative with claims of orientalism and racism. Ok, then allow me to use my south Asian ethnicity and minority status to say “fuck the Qatari elites”.

  • DankZedong A
    231 year ago

    This whole tournament is such a shit show and it’s not even been three days. I fully expect at least one westerner to get life in a Qatari prison for some absolute dumb shit before the end of it.

  • @lil_tank
    221 year ago

    Gotta admit that this one is a solid recuperation. In a different context I would totally agree with the response, but homophobia is definitely not a “value”, so yeah fuck this hypocrite

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    171 year ago

    How to fix.

    The west needs to embrace and be serious about their acceptance of LGBTQ. Like be materially serious. Which is to say for them to take out their own homophobic home grown terrorists.

    The west also just needs to fuck off. Just do win/win trade and stop trying to bully others with their bombs and weapons.

    Maybe in a few generations the rest of the world will come around.

    Rainbow western chauvinism isnt going to help.

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    1 year ago

    Also the Qatari government IIRC just arrested a bunch of drunk Ukrainians who drew Hitler mustaches on WC posters throughout the city…for being drunk. Of fucking course

  • @201dberg
    121 year ago

    I imagine these people see a rainbow in the sky and literally start pissing and shitting with rage.

  • @fruityloop
    111 year ago

    Homophobia isn’t “values” or should be respected, very great argument from this asshole. However, I don’t think what this journalist? did is gonna help at all whether it was a genuine gesture or not. The reactionaries are just gonna get worse because they feel “threatened” by this kind of stuff which only makes it worse for local lgbt people. I can’t really think of any solution to this mess.

    • @cfgaussian
      1 year ago

      I can think of one solution which is that these despotic gulf monarchies that are all puppets of the US should be toppled and the region united under a popular, pan-arab nationalist government. Initially it will also have reactionary positions on cultural issues since that is where the population is currently at, but if left to develop in peace without external threats, sanctions or interference, over time they will have their own organically home-grown LGBT movements.

      Unfortunately at the moment there exists an association in a lot of places in the world of LGBT activism/normalization with imperialist meddling. The concept of human rights has been so thoroughly abused for regime change purposes that it has actually set back the progress that we could have had by now on these issues. The more the imperialists use these issues as a cudgel against their enemies the harder it becomes for genuine progressive forces to gain traction.

      This is yet another example of how imperialism is the primary impediment to all revolutionary and progressive forces. It is not just the biggest obstacle in the way of socialist revolution, national independence and decolonization, and not just the most severe threat to existing socialist societies, it is also the greatest hindrance to social progress and the most solid pillar propping up reactionary forces everywhere. That is why fighting imperialism must be the number one priority.

      • Neptium
        61 year ago

        I have nothing much to add because you explained it so succinctly already.

        But I would like to reiterate that this isn’t just a mere opinion. It is an objective fact of reality that a lot of global south revolutionaries have concluded as well.

        If you are truly a communist and if you truly believe in the people, then you need to trust the people in countries where you have no impact, to carry forward social progress. Instead of sitting in a chauvinistic, nihilistic and idealistic bubble that thinks culture is static and that an external force is required to ‘civilize’ the Global South, have patience and actually trust the people living in those societies - they know better than virtue-signalling westerners.