• Hmmm, this is problematic, yes there’s a homophobia problem in Qatar, but him coming in with a pride shirt isn’t going to help, infact it’ll be used as an example of westerner meddling to the people and will bring more heat to lgbt people living there because the west doesn’t want lgbt people to live better, they just want to use a pink card to justify the next big thing like a war or a sanction, if you’ve come across the globe to a homophobic country for football don’t pretend you’re going there for anything but football. The solution to the lgbt question in the middle east should not be answered by westerners who don’t know how to communicate.

    Another thing is that justifying homosexual relations in a society that doesn’t recognize hetrosexual ones is going to be a challenge, I think the start should be aiming to lower violence acted against the members then slowly getting them more rights.

    • @Beat_da_Rich
      111 year ago

      Just another example of Western liberal queer “activism” harming the global struggle for lgbtq acceptance. Sigh.

    • Muad'DibberA
      1 year ago

      Western intelligence agencies really did read Mao, and learned to drive wedges and push contradictions to their advantage.