• d-RLY?
    212 years ago

    I really don’t get why dude doesn’t just admit to being a Nazbol at least. What even is the basic points for such a weird mix of Stalinism and Libertarianism? Is it just survival of the fittest but with daily shots of testosterone while beating-off to Stalin? Dude is going to be that constantly appearing guest talking head on Fox or News Max that spreads fear of the left. Always ready to go on and on about how he “was a hardcore communist and woke up one day realizing how evil it is”. Kind of like the super grifter born again Christians that give talks about how they were atheists into sex, drugs, and crime before realizing that they were trying to fill the hole in them meant for God. Or whatever similar bullshit stuff will sell.

    Patsocs are like the an-caps and should be viewed in the same light. Right-wing assholes that like to use leftist imagery and words for their own perverted ends. We must not allow their reactionary asses take hold of anything. We are already fighting a fucked up-hill battle to undo all the anti-communist/socialist propaganda from the past 100 years that gutted so much of the left. We have already seen in the MAGA crowd what happened to the Republican party by allowing themselves to suck up to them in the name of greed. They went all-in on courting the religious extremists and the far-right racists (so long as they knew to not say the quiet shit out loud). All to get power and get rich as fuck serving the elites. They treated this shit the same as they have been treating climate change, “someone else will have to deal with it after I’m dead and had my fill”.

    Fuck letting the liberation of the working class and the masses be corrupted! Fuck letting them keep making the left out to be evil and selfish grifters! There isn’t a place for the right or conservatism in the path forward. They will only cause all progress to be stopped at best and will lead to utter regression and oppression at worst. They breed division and not the true unity that is required for humanity to advance.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    202 years ago

    “Libertarian Stalinism” have no sense at all, like i can’t think of anyone who would be in both theory and practice further from libertarianism than Stalin.

    It has even less sense than this.

    • JucheBot1988
      102 years ago

      He also kinda-sorta defends Pol Pot.

      • @FocaDDR
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • JucheBot1988
          82 years ago

          Okay, so I gave this a listen, and honestly, at first it wasn’t as horrendously bad as I thought it would be. He started out by criticizing reformism, and saying that under capitalism, so-called “progressive” policies are ultimately passed with a view to strengthening the power of the monopolies (which latter have their existence by state fiat). Nothing too atrociously wrong there.

          From here everything went south very fast. Haz did the thing he does very often: try to package communist ideas in right-wing language, to a degree that the original substance is basically lost. So we got: communists are the real libertarians, the Cultural Revolution is the real “drain the swamp,” heroes of labor are (I think) kind of like Braveheart, but better, and so on. Very, very weird.

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            2 years ago

            communists are the real libertarian

            On old chapo i once proven that communism is the only existing liberal ideology, so you know XD

          • @CriticalResist8A
            32 years ago

            try to package communist ideas in right-wing language

            I would argue it’s the other way around haha

            • JucheBot1988
              42 years ago

              I blame Zizek for this current fad of (1) saying stuff about Hegel, (2) quoting some some French post-structuralist for “shock value,” and (3), concluding with the statement that supporting the status quo is the only real revolutionary position

    • @FocaDDR
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        2 years ago

        The closest i can get to understanding this is to assume whomever did this was a russian nationalist going for the line “strong russian leader” but unbelievably stupid, not knowing about how “strong” Bloody Nicky was or that Soviets and Russians were not exactly the same. He also did that as tatoo which support my theory of incredible dumbassery. Also paid huge money since this tatoo is actually made with pretty good skill.

        • @CriticalResist8A
          52 years ago

          It’s a huge tattoo in the first place. The bigger the more expensive. I’m thinking at least 2k$

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    172 years ago

    anarcho-bidenism is gonna become a thing isn’t it? I mean, we already have Stalinism-Libertarianism

  • @FocaDDR
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @ComradeSalad
    122 years ago

    Random political word generator, any time you’re bored you get to spin the wheel and see what ideology you create!

  • @Shaggy0291
    112 years ago

    My guess is that Haz is just some kind of post left person with good enough knowledge of theory to pull the wool over the eyes of a lot of newly developing Marxists and zero scruples about using them to promote his own internet media career. He gives off the vibe of a disillusioned Marxist revolutionary that has lost all hope of being part of a revolutionary movement, but has retained the same ruthless outlook of a good Leninist.

    72 years ago

    ohhhhh boyyyyyyy

  • @sudojonz
    22 years ago

    Meat-head has finished biological puberty but is still going through Marxist-Leninist growing pains. Still hoping someday he wakes up to his cringey ideological contradictions and refines his word salad into something more material.

  • @lxvi
    22 years ago

    Can you be a Stalinist while not having read Stalin and going against the theory of his work?