I’ve seen some pretty weird posts regarding psychology in certain places here, so I’m wondering how much people around here know about the brain.

  • JucheBot1988
    292 years ago

    I know that anarchists and libs don’t have one.

    But more seriously, I think you do find a sort of general mistrust in (Western) psychology among certain Marxists. It probably has to do with the perception that psychology tends to treat general societal problems solely on the individual level – e.g., the epidemic of suicide among American teenagers can’t possibly be rooted in the collapsing economy, and instead has everything to do with a young person’s relationship with their parents – and the undoubted fact that much institutional medicine in the west is in the pocket of the same pharmaceutical industry that got millions of working-class people addicted to opioids. Old Sigmund Freud and his deterministic views on women’s sexual development especially also tend to cast a long shadow.

  • DankZedong A
    122 years ago

    I have understanding of what it does and what the different areas in the brain are responsible for.

    I understand psychology, basic psychiatry and basic meds and their effects on the brain.

    But I’m not a neuroscientist.

    • commiespammerOP
      12 years ago

      It has neurons covered by oligodendrocytes in it, and sometimes Schwann cells. It controls thought and is controlled by a few basic chemicals. Not much else.

  • Soviet Snake
    92 years ago

    Cogito ergo sum? Braen maeks thinks stuffs?

  • @mlcolo
    1 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • commiespammerOP
      32 years ago

      general. Thanks for taking time to reply.

  • @m532
    62 years ago

    The brain sends electric signals to the muscles to control them. Those signals can be read by putting electrodes (any metal things), like, around the arm. At least theoretically. Practically, those signals are almost unreadable, in my experience.

  • @tamagotchicowboy
    62 years ago

    Some, bs in neurosci we’ll broadly say. Never really did much with it though, mostly just underemployed.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    62 years ago

    A neurosurgeon once explained to me they could elicit fear responses by stimulating a person’s brain with diodes – he participated in that trial and saw it himself in fact – and that’s about all I know about it, but I think it says a lot already.

  • @nervvves
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @whoami
    52 years ago

    Not much.

    What posts about psychology are you referencing?