• @chocoraisinboi
    262 years ago

    If you don’t share food with people in Mexico you’d be considered the pettiest asshole in the world. Cancellable offense no joke

  • @sudojonz
    192 years ago

    In the Netherlands, when you’re at someone’s house and they tell you it’s time for dinner it usually means it’s time for you to leave, unless they explicitly invite you to join.

    • @poldercomrade
      72 years ago

      For real, “we gaan zo eten!” is honestly synonymous with “we want you to leave”, unless you’re very close friends.

  • @201dberg
    192 years ago

    I keep certain kinds of food and drinks around for the sole purpose I might sometime need to offer food to a friend that I might one day have. One day.

    • @panic
      42 years ago

      Sickos when they see their guests eat food they bought to share: Yes… Ha Ha… YES

  • KiG V2
    182 years ago

    Spirit of capitalism indeed.

  • loathesome dongeater
    152 years ago

    I’m not able to shake off not feeding guests as “just a cultural thing.” It feels pretty abhorrent.

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    152 years ago

    I don’t know, being from southern Romania, pretty much everyone offers you something to eat. Even if you’re only around for a couple of minutes

    • Muad'DibberOPMA
      182 years ago

      Its weird, I’m almost convinced that sweden story is made up. I just can’t picture a grandma from anywhere not wanting to feed everyone that comes near.

      • @Halvaari
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @panic
          172 years ago

          Scandinavians can’t keep getting away with this. Not even coffee or tea?

          • Suburban_Witch
            122 years ago

            Even Americans are better than this. I remember once having a twizzler as my friend was literally walking out the door and my nana being upset I didn’t offer her one too.

          • Oatsteak
            52 years ago

            In my experience the older generations are good at that. They usually offer something to drink at the very least. Younger people though… not really.

            • @panic
              72 years ago

              It’s because of that damn phone

              • Oatsteak
                32 years ago

                lmao I didn’t mean to sound like a bitter old lady. I’m not complaining, just making an observation.

    • @HaSch
      92 years ago

      I had an Italian professor, she offered me tea and biscuits during the exam in her office. We really need more people like her

  • @HaSch
    112 years ago

    Huh. My family must be an outpost of the Mediterranean

    • Muad'DibberOPMA
      192 years ago

      The twitter / reddit meme of the day yesterday was a post about how someone went to their swedish friends house, the friend and his family ate breakfast and didn’t even invite the OP. Apparently not feeding house guests is standard in some places.

  • @NvMe24
    42 years ago

    i mean if they want some spam heated up in an old Panasonic oven that eats up way too much power with some cold Heinz beans with me they can be my guest

    • @Cysioland
      42 years ago

      I’ll defrost some sauce and put pasta in the pot. If you can stand the ubiquitous dog and cat hair, that is.