Star Wars Enjoyer

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms Engineer

May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

  • 363 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019

  • Star Wars Enjoyer AtoShit Reactionaries SayNo...obviously not
    6 hours ago

    if somebody has the time and the mental ability to sit through this video, i wanna know what the verdict was.

    Obvi, in reality, the USSR was a union. Each of the SRs had their own government, made their own decisions, and had the right to petition to leave the Union at will. But anti-communists hate that the USSR had such a fair system, so HM will probably quote directly from those “historians”.

  • moving to a reply for a similar story (really it’s a rant) of my own.

    My party had a few anarchists in it, they made up something like 10% of the party at a point. A small enough percentage that you can simply ignore them during votes or party motions, but a big enough number that you couldn’t ignore them during discussions.

    There was one Anarchist who would volunteer themself to speak on behalf of all Anarchists at every discussion, taking personal issue with anything that could possibly upset an Anarchist. A member of the party might want to simply talk about the great technological innovations that happened in the USSR, and that Anarchist would find a way to steer the discussion towards “USSR bad”. A member might want to discuss the guerrilla fighting in the Cuban revolution, the Anarchist would go on and on about how Cuba is “an authoritarian dictatorship”. This goes so on, and so forth. And every time we tried to bring up the issues that were created by them doing that, the 29 other Anarchists would stand up with them and claim we were trying to make them leave.

    Leadership thought it would be a good idea to make them their own wing within the party, so they could be autonomous and have their own discussions apart from the main party discussions. They treated it like we were moving them to the “kiddie’s table” and threatened to start disrupting other party functions. A few members of leadership decided, without consulting all of leadership, to appoint that very vocal Anarchist to a seat within leadership to keep them from complaining as much.

    Nobody abused the power of leadership in our party like they did. They would make unilateral decisions without asking anyone else.

    Later on, we would find out that the whole thing was an ego trip for them. They liked feeling like they were at odds against any authority, so they’d put themself into positions to be at odds with party leadership. When they were put into leadership, they had no idea how difficult the position actually was, so they simply refused to act within the guidelines.

  • Reading this made me remember how much I do not miss being a party leader.

    There are two good ways to can try to handle this situation, and both may look like hostility if egos are at play.

    The first is to simply talk to the Trot directly in private and try to direct them towards better historians and convince them to read ML theory. If they’re receptive, they might shift their ideological position and stop being a nuisance. If it fails, they could claim that you’re trying to “bully” them into being a “Stalinist”.

    The second is to talk to either party leadership or fellow party members and try to get them to agree on more rigid party lines. If successful, it’ll become easier to keep conversations on track and productive, as most of your party members will agree that tirades against the USSR aren’t helpful. You can pair this with readings or studies of the USSR to help the less informed members of the party come to a mutual understanding. If it fails, they could accuse you of trying to co-opt the party and get you kicked out.

    These are the kinds of murky waters I had to try to navigate daily within my party when it existed, inner-party politics is a hard game to play, and it usually results in battles of egos.

  • really it’s just the mental gymnastics of Ukraine supporters. Russia is simultaneously both winning and unstoppable, while also being weak and nearing failure. Western governments need to prepare for the war to last 10 years and put plans into place to ensure that Ukraine won’t fall, and Russia is losing the war and will collapse because of it.

  • All I’m seeing is people putting themselves into hysterics talking about it on social media, demanding that it has to be staged and his death would be an objectively good thing. And it’s all just people who don’t know what they’re talking about, but refuse to ever shut up.

    The right is going to retaliate for this eventually, but Trump getting off with only a minor injury was the best possible outcome of this. If the injury was serious or fatal, the fascist bandit armies would come out in droves. It would be worse for everyone. Remember a few years ago when the right kept doing terror attacks in progressive spaces? Imagine how much worse that would be if their dear leader was murdered on camera. Liberals really need to stop celebrating the idea of this attempted assassination, all it did was open a door that none of us should want to go through. This is a rallying cry for the right, this is a green light for violence. The far-right will use this event for years to come to justify murders and hate crimes.

  • I won’t discount the possibility that it’s staged, but this one doesn’t ring that bell for me.

    It’s very possible that some liberal with a rifle and a dream thought he’d become a hero. Given the media coverage that Trump gets from the “”“left”“”, it’s most likely that he’s just the victim of someone who lost the mental health battle.

    By all accounts, he had to have been actually injured based on the wound and the blood pattern. More than what a razor blade could do. As well, Trump would’ve needed to make the incision himself. It’s extremely unlikely that he would’ve agreed to do something like this while he’s already leading in the polls and doesn’t need a stunt.

    His reaction is also normal for someone who has just been grazed by a bullet. The first thing our body will do in an extreme situation is fill our brain with adrenaline, numbing pain. It’s well documented that soldiers could be shot more than once in combat before fully realizing what’s happened, this is even more true for grazes. An injury like this won’t be fatal, and won’t cause any long-term damage. His ear will get patched up, and he’ll be back to normal with nothing but a scar and possible mental anguish.

    And I’d like to close with a personal gripe, I’m seeing way too many people who aren’t big into marksmanship not understanding why the shot missed. The head is a target the size of a cantaloupe, and a man like Trump never stops moving. From the noise of the rounds in the footage, I estimate a minimum distance of 150m. That is a damn difficult shot to make, of course it’s going to miss. Then factor in that the shooter took (I counted but could be wrong) three shots. After that first round, it gets significantly harder to keep the rifle on target. The two follow-up shots might as well have been directed at random. Media has made so many people believe that hitting shots like that is easy, but it really isn’t. Please stop with this one.

  • There’s not a lot that can be done if they’re unwilling to learn.

    You could try to explain the lies colonialists told, and the systems of oppression they built. You could try to show them the direct results of colonialism, like the famines, the reservations, etc. But if they’re closed off from accepting that colonialism was an evil system, perpetrated by white supremacists, you won’t be able to fix their issue.

  • The simplest explanation is that the American “left” is rightwing, because they’ve been told that actual leftism is bad.

    We’re only told about leftist ideology or politics in the context of “these bad people in the past did bad things”, and many Americans refuse to actually tackle those lies. because of this, no one in the American “left” is willing to be anti-capitalist in any way that actually matters. Nor are they willing to use materialism in their dialectics, because their political education comes from Liberalism, so they’re more willing to listen to right-wing talking points and integrate them into their views.

    This is why you’ll see Americans who’ll call themselves “leftists” pair a statement for working rights with a statement against immigration. Or you’ll see them decry the horrors of fascism, then support whatever new war NATO has wrought.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer AtoMemesAuthoritarian
    4 months ago

    Anarchists will really try to rip us apart for being “authoritarian”, but when you ask them how their system would deal with crimes, upholding socialism, or maintaining any semblance of order, their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.

    Genuinely had an Anarchist call me an “evil person” and a “future baby killer” for saying that I’m ML. Then when I asked them about their proposed methods for preventing counter-revolution, they described a system where anyone can murder anyone else if the victim was suspected of wanting to act against the revolution. No trial, no investigation, just the word of the murderer.

    Edit to add another thought to; “their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.”

    If it’s not more extreme, it’s lax to the point of being nothing. So the poles are either a system of total chaos, or substanceless idealism.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer AtoGenZedongEU farmers are pissed off at Ukraine
    5 months ago

    once again right-leaning proletariats show that they’re still better than any Western politician.

    It’s almost as though the people who actually live and work with certain things know more about it than liberal politicians. I would, of course, prefer if they’d use class consciousness and advocate for a leftwing solution to the green deal. But I can’t really change reality.

  • The TLDR version of this history;

    Lenin and Stalin were colleagues, and there’s not much that actually supports any sort of “beef”. The thing that’s usually used is this letter, wherein Lenin complains about Stalin. There is reason to believe that the letter is faked by devious actors, but even if it is real, it just reads as venting. Taking “Lenin hated Stalin!” from the letter is like assuming best friends secretly hate each other because one of them made a post while upset on social media.

    Stalin was a staunch supporter of Leninism, and stayed true to Lenin’s ideals of the Soviet Union while expanding the theory to fit the geopolitical situations that unfolded under Stalin’s time as chairman. Foundations of Leninism is a summary of Leninism written by Stalin himself, who wasn’t much of a writer.

    The whole thing seems to be propaganda by Trots and Anti-Communists to pose Stalin as an evil dictator who illegally took power of the Soviet Union for his own benefit, against the will of Lenin. But the reality is Stalin was democratically elected into this position and staunchly upheld Marxism-Leninism and led projects that benefitted the entire Union and her people. Stalin is a beloved figure by not just Russians and Communists in the western-sphere, but by people in every corner of the world for good reason.