The anti-nuclear movement must be a big oil operation.

  • @knfrmity
    401 year ago

    Anti-nuclear is 100% a big oil op. Just look at where most anti-nuke lobby groups and PR hacks get their funding from.

    • JoeMarx 193
      171 year ago

      Yep, nuclear is a good stopgap and backup while renewables are in development.

      • @knfrmity
        171 year ago

        Not just as a stop gap. I haven’t seen a single functional model for a low carbon energy grid which doesn’t include nuclear.

        • JoeMarx 193
          111 year ago

          EXACTLY! Nuclear is a good option when renewables aren’t around.

    • DankZedong A
      111 year ago

      Yes and no. My father in law, an environmental scientist, is very anti-nuclear as well. But he’s also anti-fossil and he advocates for renewable energy like wind, solar and hydro.

      He recently showed me some interesting studies and reports on how renewable energies should be more than enough (for countries like The Netherlands and Belgium, maybe not everywhere).

  • Bloops
    401 year ago

    German Greens misunderstood “climate change advocacy” as advocate in favor of climate change…

      • @Shrike502
        121 year ago

        Are they really ultra left, or just milquetoast libs?

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          1 year ago

          Grenns are just libs, but ultras also often do that, they protest against nuclear power without having any alternative and just being like “i’m sure what will replace it will be renewables” while completely ignoring the material reality like huge influence of fossil lobbies, lack of political will and technical difficulties.

    • @Shrike502
      291 year ago

      They’ve been born under the boot, they know nothing else

  • Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️
    1 year ago

    Nuclear power would destroy the artificial scarcity that capitalists need for their profit-making schemes. Especially the last thing they want to see is many sovereign states in the Global South/Third World/Periphery/whatever independently developing and expanding their own sources of nuclear power. It’s a wide open field with possibilities that include a socialist society that we all want anyway. It’s a historical snuffing out of the candle what big oil and imperialism did to nuclear power. I don’t have a lot of compliments for the French, but I do think there are things to learn from them with regards to nuclear power. They get more of their electricity from that than other country does.

    • JoeMarx 193
      241 year ago

      Capitalism is already exacerbating climate change and the ultra-left just worsened it by delaying any plan for major cities to go green. Getting rid of nuclear completely defeats the point of cities transitioning to greener sources. Rural towns don’t have this problem due to their lower demands.

  • JoeMarx 193
    221 year ago

    Dropping nuclear power is completely moronic, now what will be our green energy source aside from shit renewables?

  • @EuthanatosMurderhobo
    1 year ago

    “Yay! We’re on the US’ needle now instead of the Russian needle! And this one is loads more expensive!”

    • JucheBot1988
      111 year ago

      And comes with ten times the amount of lectures and moralizing about how UnfreeTM our country is compared to 'Murica.

    • @Anatolianin
      61 year ago

      Do you remember what one Baltic politician said?

      “It’s better to be a dump of Europe than a showcase of the USSR”

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        1 year ago

        It reminds me when Henryk Goryszewski, polish vice PM in 1993 said “It’s not important if there would be capitalism, freedom of speech or prosperity in Poland. Most important is that Poland would be catholic”.

        For context, Goryszewski was such a popular and people-loving minister that he got nicknamed “Cobra” (well he called himself that, but the meaning was a little changed). And head of his government, Hanna Suchocka was unironically compared to Margaret Thatcher by both her followers and opponents, for different reasons, but both correctly.

        And libs don’t believe me when i call Poland, Ukraine and Baltics “Stupidity Belt”.

  • JucheBot1988
    191 year ago

    Can libs talk about politics in any capacity without somehow bringing sex into it?

      • @Shrike502
        81 year ago

        Doubt it. I’ve met plenty of aged libs - 60+, 80+ even. Some are even more vocal about it than the youngins

  • @Rye
    181 year ago

    meanwhile the nuclear reactor being built in bangladesh by the russians will be paid off in Yuan now, away from USD. Industrialization prevents outside exploitation!

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    151 year ago

    What’s this based context attachment? I don’t trust it. Soon people will rely on it and it won’t be based when we need it to be because we don’t own Twitter.

    • KaffeOP
      71 year ago

      I think it’s community updated, it asked me to survey the information and vote it helpful or not.

      It will definitely be filled with bad information in some occasions.

    • JoeMarx 193
      71 year ago

      Idk but seems sus imo, just looked it up

      • JucheBot1988
        151 year ago

        But have you considered the problematic “Stalinist Aesthetics” of nuclear power? (Trying to anticipate the next wave of “leftie” video essays on Youtube).

        • @OCRBotB
          51 year ago

          Image 1 text The Standard Model @quasar_dn • 11 g. Imagine aliens watching us turn off advanced fission reactors in favor of burning wood… 16 0 317

          This action was performed by a bot.

    • @OCRBotB
      11 year ago
      URL image text

      › Mélanie Vo… @ @Melanie-Vog… • Apr 15 Sex is good but have you tried having your country shutting down its last nuclear power plants in 30 mn?

      • Currently rated helpful • Shown on Twitter Provides important context • Cites high- quality sources Only 6% of the electricity produced by the nuclear plants going offline will be from renewable energy. The rest will be coal & gas. pe/germany-nuclear-phase-out- climate- intl/index.html#:~:text=Germany%20pl ans%20to%20replace%20the,to%20hel 0%20with%20energy%20security. Coal power produces ~ 100 times more radioactive waste than nuclear power. Therefore, Europe is about to become more - not less - radioactive. /do-coal-fired-power-stations- produce-radioactive-waste/

      This action was performed by a bot.