The anti-nuclear movement must be a big oil operation.

    • @OCRBotB
      11 year ago
      URL image text

      › Mélanie Vo… @ @Melanie-Vog… • Apr 15 Sex is good but have you tried having your country shutting down its last nuclear power plants in 30 mn?

      • Currently rated helpful • Shown on Twitter Provides important context • Cites high- quality sources Only 6% of the electricity produced by the nuclear plants going offline will be from renewable energy. The rest will be coal & gas. pe/germany-nuclear-phase-out- climate- intl/index.html#:~:text=Germany%20pl ans%20to%20replace%20the,to%20hel 0%20with%20energy%20security. Coal power produces ~ 100 times more radioactive waste than nuclear power. Therefore, Europe is about to become more - not less - radioactive. /do-coal-fired-power-stations- produce-radioactive-waste/

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