Say in bullet points experiences or screenshots of patterns and things liberals in your country do. Basically shit liberals say in your country,I’ll start with algeria

  • western influence, exclusive consumeption of American and fr*nch media to the point of applying its logic and flaws here.
  • Arrogance and a false assumption of being educated on all matters, they have the assumption that they’re educated from watching some youtube vids or reading inspirational quotes from billionaires, and you can see that from using terms they don’t know their meaning then think they’ve suddenly unlocked secrets to the universe.
  • no awareness of what’s surrounding them, commonly contradicting themselves or not knowing what’s currently happening, what problems people face.
  • 100% of the time from rich families, never seen one who thinks of the poor and the avg person, only the rich should thrive to them.
  • A fetish for privatization and people “working harder”, you’d think this shit turns them on or something, and it doesn’t stop at companies but I’ve seen cases like “all education should be private and paid so kids have a reason to learn”, “the government should stop the free housing program so people work harder for a home” and on a topic of diabetes prevention “people have diabetes here because food is subsidized so they overeat, hospitals are free so they can get diagnosed, insulin is free so they don’t have to worry about it” mfs want people to be illeterate, homeless and dead, that’s their plan.
  • Colonizer apologia, I’m leaving this blank or I’ll end up writing a manifesto.
  • no regard for human life outside of the borders, “the country should stop helping Palestine SADR tunisia and other africans we already have unfixed problems in the country” Algeria doesn’t do enough.
  • ignorance of what country they’re in, no knowledge of history politics or people, like a lot of them get surprised when the PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA that used to be socialist and has a 100k Chinese population has good relations with China. not knowing events that happened even when they were alive during them even basic known stuff.
  • Complete trust of foreigners complete mistrust of their fellow Algerian, Western report: “algiers is 4th worst city world wide” omg so true!, counter points from actual Algerians are instantly ignored.
  • Pushing for demilitarization, uhhh… Libya?

I might’ve missed my own point or made this into a rant but 😣. Anyhow, I’d like to read what y’all would say.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    In The Netherlands the government does nothing and lets everything in the hands of the market it seems. Housing is unaffordable, health care is underfundes and overworked, companies can do what they want etc.

    The people seem to live in an illusion of being the best country in the world. Which in many fields it is, but it can be a whole lot better. Housing, healthcare, public transport (which is not public anymore btw), education can all be better. But because of this illusion every leftist party gets told to not complain because it can be worse. Look at the US!!! While completely ignoring the selling off to corporate interests and the rise of right wing extremism.

    The worst is just the smugness with which they operate on a daily basis. The ‘we’re the best and we know it all’ attitude of the general population. The complete lack of solidarity or socialist base.

    For example, tens of thousands of people got wrongfully labeled a fraud by the tax agency and for over a decade had to pay back thousands or hundreds of thousands of euro’s in debt. Kids were taken from their parents, houses were seized, people even killed themselves. And the agency knee they were wrong, the government knee they were wrong and resigned. Only to be re-elected again in a few weeks and so far there are no consequences or even compensation for the victims. That sort of lack of solidarity.

    I live in Belgium now. Things are not perfect but at least the people seem to be aware of class struggle and are willing to hit the streets for it.

      • Neptium
        2 years ago

        As far as I know, there is no Marxist Malaysian history book. For before 1900s, any bog standard academic history book of southeast asia should be accurate enough. For anything after the 1900s, hell if I know. Most of my knowledge came from individual historical journals, personal experience of living there, news articles and personal analysis if anything.

        In part this is also due to my own still limited knowledge. Still in the process of trying to make sense of everything and scouring for any even remotely left-wing interpretation of Malaysian history that isn’t liberal (very hard). Maybe I can come out with a better answer in a couple of years.

        Edit: This (Trotskyist) website gives a good rundown. However still has some obvious flaws, one being the typical Trotskyist cringe but also the omittance of East Malaysia. Although I can somewhat forgive the latter.

  • lil_tank
    2 years ago

    I didn’t even know about Algeria’s socialist history and relationships with China! I wonder why the french history and geography curriculum in school doesn’t mention Algeria except for this one phone call of Degaulle or something hmmmm very strange indeed

  • MessMattress
    2 years ago

    I have a few. Indo libs has a multitude of flavors. But I guess it’s mainly divided in two. The western bootlicking type and the bigoted type.

    Western Bootlicker : -Always points out how good everything in america or europe is. Including the school system and how they raise children. Especially the school system. -Consumes exclusively foreign media and speaks english only. Not because of personal taste because a 20 minute conversation reveals that they believe the forced planting program during the colonial era was actually compensated well. We’re just too greedy and corrupt as a race to divide the spoils fairly. -Thinks we would be better off if colonized by the british. -Some claim to be progressive but thinks the local trans women are trashy and creepy. -Either shit on indonesian for existing online by calling them overproud trash or would buy expensive gifts for white influencers who said thank you in indonesian once.

    Bigoted type : -Forces their kids to watch G30SPKI propaganda movie -Thinks Soeharto was great because he was tough on crime and the chinese -Believe the chinese and the jews are planning to take over the government, revives the old communist party and do an ethnic cleanse on muslims. -Thinks building a caliphate is the answer to every problem -Supports Palestine but only because theyre muslims and the story supports their persecution complex. -Raids restaurants that are open during ramadhan -The very outlandish type believe the current president is secretly a woman.

    And there’s also the secret third thing that you only see once you’re politically active. This reply is too long already so im not gonna go there but special mention to the guy who said, “Revolusi harus sesuai dengan konstitusi” (the revolution must be done according to the constitution!). Fucking cipayung students.

    2 years ago

    Italian lib starter pack:

    • hates rightist party, votes party that allied with rightist party in the past
    • pushes for neoliberalism and privatisation, even when the postal service (49%private) raises tariffs each year and the highways(100%private) are worse than the streets in fallout, they cost more every day
    • “NATO military bases are there to defend us from le evil hordes”
    • privileged as fuck, Probably petite bourgeoisie or maybe worse
    • is either 11 or 40
    • wants legal weed, like it is an end goal or something
    • 小莱卡
      2 years ago

      do they turn fascist after 40? bc that happens in mexico lol

  • Average PFLP Enjoyer
    2 years ago

    Here’s what I’ve observed in New Zealand

    • complaining that neither Labour nor National get anything done in Parliament yet are unable to offer any solutions whatsoever

    • genuinely believe the CPC is trying to seep propaganda into our politics, constant talk about the “Uyghur genocide” like it’s well-known fact.

    • more centrist liberals treat Jacinda like she’s the reincarnation of God and can do no wrong, the further right you go the more and more convinced they get she’s a secret CPC agent intent on creating a “subservient and communist country” and point to our lockdowns as proof she wants to control us

    • virtue signaling around Maori issues, will say Kia Ora in everyday conversation but refuse to entertain any discourse around meaningful reparations for Maori (muh one united country!!!)

    • The entire country despises the Americans and KNOWS that they only entered the Middle East for oil yet refuse to make the connection to Imperialism. They’re so close to getting the point about what the West truly represents but stop their critical thinking at “we hate America but at least it’s not China and North Korea”. There’s never a bigger picture about NATO and the West

    • as a side note this is one of the most depressing cultures in the world. Chronic tall poppy syndrome and refusal to acknowledge emotions leads to embarrassingly high suicide stats and a people afraid of change

  • coluna_prestes
    2 years ago

    Liberals are in a strange situation in Brazil right now (pres. election), since Bolsonaro stink too much for their tastes (if it was a white collar fascist in his place, every lib and their mother would love our tropical fascist).

    Some libs are feeling dispassionate and won’t vote either candidate. And btw, Lula is usually the moderate lib or a social democrat in his best days. So, is really telling how’s the mental gymnastics to create a false equivalency between the two.

    The other group of libs are showing their true colors and voting Bolsonaro, embracing their true fascist nature. And the last group are probably the more sane, which will vote Lula to out Bolsonaro.

    All in all, just another day in a capitalist democracy: libs complaining to the air or giving veiled support to the fascist, while the nation is on the brink of total collapse.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987
    2 years ago

    Here we go for Serbia:

    • Libs believing entering the EU will give us salaries like in Switzerland and that we should distance from Russia, China and other ‘‘dictatorship countries’’ while worshipping and licking ass of the west. Diaspora often included in this.

    • Believe every shit about China and North Korea from westoid media.

    • People who support Russia but are at same time chetnik nazis and religious extremists who support church who turns war criminals into saints and gives them monuments.

    • Only thing they know is to shit on Tito and blame him for all problems in past 30 years which were caused by capitalism.

    • Think communism destroyed Yugoslavia, tradition yada yada and killed 1(insert random number of 0s here) people

    • removed about abolished monarchy and Bleiburg pits along with ustashe

    • People who want to exterminate every LGBT person in sight(personal experience)

    • Sexists towards women who support patriarchy and ‘‘tradition’’.

    • War criminals from Australia, USA and other places

    • Deepthroat the tsar Nicholas II and his family 100+ years later claiming that ‘‘USSR and Lenin destroyed Russia after’’ while worshipping the Empire and every ruler from that time

    • Racists towards Roma, migrants from Middle East and North Africa etc

    • Mentols who in TV shows talk about ‘‘flat earth, aliens, religion, pyramids, satanists, masons, theories about WW2, the most insane takes on historical events mainly having something to do with Yugoslavia or USSR, brainwashing, lizard people, lizard evolution and blaming the Jews for all problems in world’’ conspiracy theorists etc

    These are the main ones, there is a lot more. Same thing for Montenegro and Bosnia and in North Macedonia just a little less.

  • 小莱卡
    2 years ago

    north mexico. I’ve been intentionally avoiding mainstream political discourse for my mental health but here are a few points parroted by liberals/conservatives ( literally the same ). also most things you said are also parroted here so i’ll just type the ones that are more specific to my country and im sure they will apply to every latin america country too.

    • colonizer apologia and american bootlicking. mainstream media got insanely upset when current president (who is still a lib but a tiny bit progressive) called out the fascist party of spain glorifying conquistadores.
    • any reform that is remotely progressive is literally what happened in venezuela.
    • “mexico is poor bc our mentality” - mostly said by rich kids.
    • whenever mexico abstain from siding with US on any issue bc of our non-intervention foreign policy “we are in the wrong side of history”.
    • outrage whenever mexico is remotely friendly to cuba/venezuela/bolivia/etc… like inviting cuban president to a parade is literally what happened in venezuela.
    • also they think mexico is a communist country bc some land reform back in 1940 lmao.
  • Cysioland
    2 years ago

    Fearmongering about it being bad that China is suddenly doing something, without telling outright why. Sometimes they’ll lazily throw out some Uyghur shit but that’s that.

  • CountryBreakfast
    2 years ago

    In my area of the U States it is a cycle of

    1. Make fun of “libertarians” and their very stupid ideology

    2. Regurgitate “libertarian” talking points with zero irony whatsoever

    3. Rinse and repeat