• @seanchai
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    292 years ago

    I’m confident that “left unity” was created by disrupters, who wanted to use it to rip leftist parties/associations apart.

  • SovereignState
    252 years ago

    “Some people believe that Marxism and anarchism are based on the same principles and that the disagreements between them concern only tactics, so that, in the opinion of these people, it is quite impossible to draw a contrast between these two trends. This is a great mistake. We believe that the Anarchists are real enemies of Marxism. Accordingly, we also hold that a real struggle must be waged against real enemies. The point is that Marxism and anarchism are built up on entirely different principles, in spite of the fact that both come into the arena of the struggle under the flag of socialism. The cornerstone of anarchism is the individual, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the masses, the collective body. The cornerstone of Marxism, however, is the masses, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the individual. Clearly, we have here two principles, one negating the other, and not merely disagreements on tactics” - Stalin

    • @Shrike502
      222 years ago

      This would actually explain the popularity of anarchism in the west (compared to Marxism), as well as why the current system is lenient towards it.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        162 years ago

        Yeah, you can also go back to Lenin, who for the most time didn’t even bothered with explaining anarchism as it was absolute clear to him that anarchists are “petty bourgeoisie ideology” as he briefly commented on Bakunin and Kropotkin

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            172 years ago

            Yeah i know this.

            Even Lenin himself respected him and it’s a given since Kropotkin was never sellout like opportunists or a piece of shit like Bakunin. It’s just that anarchism is objectively not a proletarian ideology but a petty bourgeois one.

          • @Idliketothinkimsmart
            72 years ago

            It’s always nice when I read little excerpts like this. It’s like damn, Lenin and other revolutionaries were just dudes and dudettes doing stuff sometimes.

  • @comradecarti
    242 years ago

    I love how, in the first panel, the bolsheviks are red fash tankies. Yet, immediately in the second panel, the ‘original revolutionaries’ are ‘anarchists and libertarian socialists’.

    • @cult@lemmy.ml
      62 years ago

      I think it’s probably mostly referring to the SRs. Who were responsible for the vast majority of political assassinations of police officials and the Tsar’s appointees leading up to the revolution

  • @OrnluWolfjarl
    2 years ago

    These Western leftist types are cowards. They want to be socialists, but they dont want to defend the image Westerners have of the USSR, Cuba or any other AES state, they don’t want to abandon the liberal principles they were taught at school, they don’t want to accept that a revolution is bloody, they dont want to actually fight capitalism, they dont want to be branded as outcasts by western society. So they take the easy way out and claim they are not like the communists. Instead they are “cool” anarchists, social democrats, progressives, etc.

  • @Munrock
    232 years ago

    “Your leftist ideology is bad and wrong, and we believe the US Government when they say you’re doing bad and wrong things to (insert literally any demographic here) so we demand you cede power to a leftist group that the US Media thinks is less problematic. We will constantly attempt to undermine and oppose you until you willingly make yourselves irrelevant or are all dead. Anyway, include us!”

    “No. If you’re actually supporting our class enemies against us, you can fuck off.”

    “omg what about leftist unity? HOW DARE”

    • @cfgaussian
      2 years ago

      "There can be no unity, federal or other, with liberal-labour politicians, with disruptors of the working-class movement, with those who defy the will of the majority. […]

      Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism.

      […] No flirting with the liquidators, no diplomatic negotiations with groups of wreckers of the corporate body; concentrate all efforts on rallying the Marxist workers around the Marxist slogans, around the entire Marxist body.

      The class-conscious workers will regard as a crime any attempt to impose upon them the will of the liquidators; they will also regard as a crime the fragmentation of the forces of the genuine Marxists.

      For the basis of unity is class discipline, recognition of the will of the majority, and concerted activities in the ranks of, and in step with, that majority. We shall never tire of calling all the workers towards this unity, this discipline, and these concerted activities."

      -V. I. Lenin

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    192 years ago

    "Yes. So Leninism, Marxist-Leninism, and their offshoots is revisionism. Thank you.

    So then explain to me how libertarians and Anarchists are “fake Marxists”, because that’s who the other MLs say he’s referring to"

    Holy shit what a string of sentences.

    • @REEEEvolution
      182 years ago

      The person who claim Leninism being revisionist is hilarious. Typical anarchist bs.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      Oh damn those guys are considering themselves marxists but seriously thinks Lenin was an revisionist because he did not treated Marx’s writings as holy inchangeable eternal gospel… that’s so fucking grim.

      Their definition of “revisionism” is “had any idea”.

      Trotsky had a habit of getting thrown under the bus by tankies

      Holy fucking shit i’m out X.X

  • @lil_tank
    172 years ago

    “left unity is enforced here” - further proof they’ve got no idea what they’re talking about

  • @frippa@lemmy.ml
    142 years ago

    “Oh, those Anarchists! As the saying goes: “Blame others for your own sins.” Dialectics matured in the struggle against metaphysics and gained fame in this struggle; but according to the Anarchists, dialectics is metaphysics!”

  • stasis
    142 years ago

    they act like temporary alliances with anarchists = left unity lmao

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @NothingButBits
    122 years ago

    Anarchists love failed revolutions because if the Third World emulates them, then their status quo as labor aristocracy isn’t threatened.