• Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    312 years ago

    And there’s so many idiots defending this shit in the replies 😭

    “But she’s a celebrity! But she sometimes rents her plane, so it’s not all her! But she does charitable actions sometimes!”

    Fucking hell, I hate celebrities.

  • @ivy
    252 years ago

    jesus christ, why can’t they use a regular plane? they fly the same air. I hate celebrity culture.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      142 years ago

      In some cases for equipment a normal plane would probably be over capacity, even your average band travels with a load of equipment. And they want to make sure it arrives there safely.

      But I’m glad the article actually pointed out private planes because I absolutely hate those people that tell us to “stop flying”. The plane will be taking off whether I’m in it or not, and airlines have showed they will not reduce the frequency of their flights anyway.

      • @mylifeforaiur
        2 years ago

        A modern band tour almost certainly requires trucks for the equipment. If you are touring overseas, you typically will rent most of the heavy stuff in the country you are traveling to. The bands core equipment like guitars and drums and shit can definitely be checked on commercial flights.

      • @triplenadir
        102 years ago

        I 100% agree with you that private planes are a huge issue, and totally separate from public airline travel. We’d also probably agree that government subsidy of airlines is a problem with a political rather than civic solution (tax cuts, bailouts, public spending on airports). On the personal, if you don’t believe your plane ticket has any direct economic impact on the airline, and the future of the route you’re flying then sure, it’s debatable, who knows? Probably not even airline execs. But another, better reason to not fly is cultural: this deeply unsustainable activity is currently completely socially normalised, and denormalising it seems like a critical part of the solution to me.

  • loathesome dongeater
    192 years ago

    The good thing is that we can play one of her bangers while she is facing the wall

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    102 years ago

    But remember, it’s YOUR PERSONAL responsibility to save the environment. Not the aristocratic class with their excessive lives or the gigacorporations’.

    • Anarcho-Bolshevik
      52 years ago

      G‐d, I hate that mentality. It implies that we’re all just as culpable as the upper classes for the earth’s decay, which is classist and demonstrably untrue.

  • @supersolid_snake
    72 years ago

    Wrong focus again. Although this is bad… They don’t count the pentagon when it comes to this shit. A few sorties probably waste a lot more fuel than a thousand Taylor swifts

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
      82 years ago

      Well yeah, but lib culture has all these “stop picking on my favorite bourgeoisie 😭” stans and they need to see the divide in class interests with their own eyeballs, apparently.

    • @bleepingblorp
      42 years ago

      Just because one entity is worse than another doesn’t mean we should ignore the lesser-of-the-evils entity. It is entirely possible to abolish both the uber-proletarian elite and the imperialist military arm.

      • @supersolid_snake
        2 years ago

        Oh I agree. My point is that, without the state dept reducing its pollution, that earth is still hurdling towards disaster and these celebs are minor. From extinction rebellion to people commenting on celeb waste, I never see the military mentioned is all, although in magnitude they are dozens of multiples worse.