As it appears, The subreddit is likely to be banned imminently. Yet this community is still very inactive in comparison.

As a result we may lose many supporters and followers if we don’t work hard to make them aware soon.

  • @Thebeyond1
    392 years ago

    Some of us will stay here, but we can’t deny that having a sub on one of the most popular websites is important. If I hadn’t stumbled upon that sub I’d probably be a demsoc who likes Cuba but hates China still. I love this site but it does have this feeling of isolation.

    • @Bl00dyH3ll
      222 years ago

      Yeah, we still need some sort of presence on mainstream websites, like reddit. A small group of communists talking to themselves won’t change anything.

      • @Idliketothinkimsmart
        112 years ago

        A small group of communists talking to themselves won’t change anything.

        A small group of communists getting together and going outside on the other hand… 😳😳

        • @castroatedeeznuts
          2 years ago

          let’s prove the liberal cucks the ultimate virgins by doing the ultimate chad move and touching grass and uploading it to the community so we all can say we’ve touched grass and thus have the upper hand against shitlibs who have only seen grass in league of legends and in photos of “outside” 😳 😳😳

    • @KommandoGZD
      112 years ago

      Just needs critical mass of users and people posting normal stuff, not just politics.

  • @Mana
    342 years ago

    Yeah there was a massive push initially and then everyone seems to be going back to reddit. IDK why. I can see censorship on all of my non-communist subs. My feed on Reddit has been totally washed. r/news is full of useless stories and ukraine simps, r/collapse is anti russia ant only discuss superficial stuff despite the world descending into chaos. I have also noticed Reddit pushing other subreddits with not-serious subject matter such as r/interestingthings and r/insects and r/mildlyinfuriating. I’m like, dude, I want to watch the East cripple US hedgemony in real time wtf!

  • @Zhenjiu_Guangfu
    282 years ago

    Been here since you posted Lemmygrad info on reddit. Reposted link earlier today. Got your back, comrade.

  • DankZedong A
    202 years ago

    I think it takes time. SLS has caught some of the GZD members but it’s not really the same. I think if more people posted content on this site it will become more active with comments as well. Looking into how I can contribute with more posts atm.

      92 years ago

      Crossposting from rising is a time-efficient way to do it. There’s already some amount of curation but also you’re not posting day-old front page content

      • DankZedong A
        2 years ago

        I joined genzedong because there were a lot of posts about stuff going on in China etc and because of the debunking of western talking points. I think that’s something that needs to continue but right now people are rightfully focussed on the Ukraine war so posts about other stuff are not that prevalent. The world does go one beyond this war though and I think there needs to be a newer focus on socialism/communism related content. I will look what I can find at my job as this is something I’m involved with.

        I think if we give this time and people are willing to share stuff they find or participate in discussions more then this place will grow eventually.

        • MexicanCCPBot
          92 years ago

          Same. It’s nothing but Ukraine posting right now, but I was radicalized by informational and educational posts about socialist countries, imperialist atrocities, and so on

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    162 years ago

    Just a theory, but maybe it could have something to do with how there’s a bit more effort required to create an account here. It serves to vet users but it could also intimidate those that are still on the fence.

    • @201dberg
      132 years ago

      I’ve already heard some ppl saying they have had trouble getting the account verified or whatever. I don’t know what the vetting system is as my account was made in Lemmy back in the Chapo days. So I just came right over to lemmygrad with it no problem.

      You are also lucky if even 1/4 accounts of a sub are active and that’s putting it generously. You can also assume a good number are ppl with multiple accounts. I have an account I only post and comment with on lefty subs and one I brows and post on other subs. Not that there’s many but I do dabble in a few cooking, dieting, etc subs. But I sub with both to GZD because I don’t want to miss a good post if I’m on either account.

      So it’s likely a lot of the active users are here and possibly just only posting to one or the other. We won’t see it truly hit till the sub is finally banned.

  • @CaptCalhounA
    152 years ago

    These things flex. Right now our users still have access to GenZedong . They will stay there. The main option is til tell others a about this place. Once the Subreddit is banned. They will join the Long March to Lemmy

    • DankZedong A
      92 years ago

      How do people still have access? Can’t find it on the Reddit app anymore

    • @Kind_Stone
      92 years ago

      They might also just disappear and move on. Or just move to another subreddit. That’s totally an option in this case.

      • @PorkrollPosadist
        102 years ago

        This is just an anecdote, but of the 140,000+ accounts subscribed to r/ChapoTrapHouse, only 10,000 made it to the Discord and it still took a while after that for the site to hit that number. And this was with a pretty sophisticated digital “street team” operation we had organized.

        A lot of people are not going to make the pilgrimage. Reddit has already won the battle simply by deciding to drop the hammer. The key is to be in this for the long haul. We will wage a protracted posting war from the hills.

  • @holdengreen
    132 years ago

    I would like it if someone makes a full archive of the subreddit. There is a lot of good stuff on there but I cannot figure out how to download it.

  • @KiaKaha
    122 years ago

    Learn from other banned subs. In particular, TD.

    1. Enable accounts to register and immediately post.
    2. Deputise some more mods to handle the ensuing mess.
    3. Lock the subreddit, except for stickied and front page posts directing people here.
  • @soviet_slaughter
    102 years ago

    Lets be honest, they’ll be another subreddit.

    First it was chapo and the spin offs, yet sls and genzedong still got pretty big

    • @201dberg
      102 years ago

      The thing is though. Chappo had hundreds of thousands of subscribers or more. Did it cross 1mil? At any rate GZD had what 50k? Every time a new sub comes up admins get on it harder and faster. It’s only going to get worse when they go public with stocks. Shit people can’t even make pics of a cat on place without admins erasing it and then banning anyone that calls them out. Censorship is getting worse and worse. To the point where even some libs are starting to complain.

      So honestly I don’t see a new sub happening. The will keep crushing them at smaller and smaller numbers.

      • @soviet_slaughter
        112 years ago

        ShitLiberalsSay has almost 170,000 which is apprently in line with chapo- if you compare GenZedong with moretankiechapo GenZedong is double that.

        I think it feels worse because everyone became much more cynical in recent years, chapo used to be much more light hearted and meme’y than the current subs - everything is just sadder.

        • @201dberg
          102 years ago

          Capitalism working as intended.