As it appears, The subreddit is likely to be banned imminently. Yet this community is still very inactive in comparison.

As a result we may lose many supporters and followers if we don’t work hard to make them aware soon.

  • @Mana
    342 years ago

    Yeah there was a massive push initially and then everyone seems to be going back to reddit. IDK why. I can see censorship on all of my non-communist subs. My feed on Reddit has been totally washed. r/news is full of useless stories and ukraine simps, r/collapse is anti russia ant only discuss superficial stuff despite the world descending into chaos. I have also noticed Reddit pushing other subreddits with not-serious subject matter such as r/interestingthings and r/insects and r/mildlyinfuriating. I’m like, dude, I want to watch the East cripple US hedgemony in real time wtf!