As it appears, The subreddit is likely to be banned imminently. Yet this community is still very inactive in comparison.

As a result we may lose many supporters and followers if we don’t work hard to make them aware soon.

  • @Kind_Stone
    92 years ago

    They might also just disappear and move on. Or just move to another subreddit. That’s totally an option in this case.

    • @PorkrollPosadist
      102 years ago

      This is just an anecdote, but of the 140,000+ accounts subscribed to r/ChapoTrapHouse, only 10,000 made it to the Discord and it still took a while after that for the site to hit that number. And this was with a pretty sophisticated digital “street team” operation we had organized.

      A lot of people are not going to make the pilgrimage. Reddit has already won the battle simply by deciding to drop the hammer. The key is to be in this for the long haul. We will wage a protracted posting war from the hills.