As it appears, The subreddit is likely to be banned imminently. Yet this community is still very inactive in comparison.

As a result we may lose many supporters and followers if we don’t work hard to make them aware soon.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    162 years ago

    Just a theory, but maybe it could have something to do with how there’s a bit more effort required to create an account here. It serves to vet users but it could also intimidate those that are still on the fence.

    • @201dberg
      132 years ago

      I’ve already heard some ppl saying they have had trouble getting the account verified or whatever. I don’t know what the vetting system is as my account was made in Lemmy back in the Chapo days. So I just came right over to lemmygrad with it no problem.

      You are also lucky if even 1/4 accounts of a sub are active and that’s putting it generously. You can also assume a good number are ppl with multiple accounts. I have an account I only post and comment with on lefty subs and one I brows and post on other subs. Not that there’s many but I do dabble in a few cooking, dieting, etc subs. But I sub with both to GZD because I don’t want to miss a good post if I’m on either account.

      So it’s likely a lot of the active users are here and possibly just only posting to one or the other. We won’t see it truly hit till the sub is finally banned.