common China W.

Edited title to reflect the meaning of the source, Indonesia in 2023 is under both Germany and Russia, the rest remain in order.

    • @Shrike502
      131 year ago

      whether to put Russia in Europe or Asia and just gave it its own category.

      Almost as if this separation of Eurasia is artificial and arbitrary!

    • @Franfran2424OP
      51 year ago

      Most likely both Russia and Europe have gone down, and covid likely slowed progress of some of the others a bit. It may end up to be similar to how it was in 2020

    • @Franfran2424OP
      1 year ago

      It seems they based it on a GDP PPP table and growth rates expected for 2019, extrapolating them to 2024 (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 years)

      Japan (1% growth) would be 5.875u, clearly behind China (34.2982u), USA (22.9573u) and India (14.9486u).

      **Indonesia **is the clearest error even considering that source. It had a 5.2% growth rate, which would put it in 2023 almost on par with Germany (4.5372u) and Russia (4.5578u), while Indonesia would be 4.4968u. The 4.5-4.6u range, but Indonesia was clearly on the lower end.

      A while behind would be Brazil with 2.1% growth, on 3.7390u.

      UK would be 3.22683u, France would be in 3.1574u, Mexico would be in 2.7823u.

      2022 GDP PPP numbers:

      2023 GDP PPP by IMF and estimations up to 2028:

      China, People’s Republic of33.01 thousand United States26.85 thousand India13.03 thousand Japan6.46 thousand Germany5.55 thousand Russian Federation4.99 thousand Indonesia4.4 thousand Brazil4.02 thousand France3.87 thousand United Kingdom3.85 thousand

      It seems compared to their estimations China fell a bit shorter than expected (covid), US did much better than expected (expectations were low), India didnt grow as much as expected (huge expectations).

      Japan did better than expected (expectations were low), Germany and Russia did better than expected, Indonesia had too big expectations.

      And Brazil, UK and France did all better than expected.

  • @whoami
    221 year ago

    post it to reddit so they can say either the World Bank and IMF are bought out by China or that the China and Russia are lying lmao

    • Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️
      101 year ago

      There are some decent nuggets of content here and there but by and large Reddit is the solipsism of empire. The unhinged ramblings of dead-end Western “civilization”, masquerading as too-cool-for-school edgy comment chains. Some of the worst examples of that can be found in subs like r/AskHistorians.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        51 year ago

        Wait till you see r/geopolitics. Their mod could not handle the only comment I ever made there and banned me within 20 minutes, citing Bilderberg is a conspiracy.

      • @Shrike502
        11 year ago

        Some of the worst examples of that can be found in subs like r/AskHistorians.

        Any favourites?

  • @ihaveibs
    191 year ago

    Now take out financial “production”

  • Bury The Right
    191 year ago

    Just the world slowly healing after centuries of pillaging is all.

  • 🏳️‍⚧️ Elara ☭M
    171 year ago

    Clearly the World Bank and IMF have been paid off! We all know China’s economy is going to fail tomorrow, I saw it in a YouTube thumbnail.

    • @Patyk34
      111 year ago

      Honestly I feel like we (Euros) have had nothing but Ls since 1990. Though maybe I’m just not looking at the bigger picture.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        1 year ago

        No, you’re right. At the beginning of 90’s eurolibs and succdems seen things more or less as Chomsky did, that the breaking of USSR would free them from the arms race, lesser the pressure from USA, further the integration, and allow to grab, as some even optimistically called “an euro century”. Little they did know their “sworn enemy” USSR was the thing keeping them relevant and needed by the empire. What follows are 30 years of slow decline.

        Silly buggers, not one of them got what Marx and Lenin wanted to say.

    1 year ago


    • @Navaryn
      121 year ago

      still can’t believe our country was literally put under the administration of an EU banker

        81 year ago

        mask off moment, faranno la stessa fine del duce quando il momento verrà

        ma la cosa peggiore è che quei marrani di radio radicale (che doveva chiudere anni fa, tral’altro) lo hanno chiamato UN SOCIALISTA DI MERCATO AAAAAA URLOOOOOOO draghi is the new deng xiaoping

        • @Navaryn
          21 year ago

          È che io proprio non capisco com’è che non ci sia stato un oltraggio generale.

          Cioè diocane. Mattarella chiede a un fottuto banchiere, votato da nessuno, di governare l’intero paese. E NESSUNO FA UN CAZZO A RIGUARDO.

          E il fatto che lo descrivevano come “l’uomo che ha salvato la Grecia”? Draghi ha DEVASTATO la grecia, imponendo misure di austerity assurde e gettando sui greci (che ancora oggi sono statisticamente il popolo europeo che lavora più ore al mese) la colpa di tutto. Distrutto il paese, condannato un intero paese allo stereotipo di essere lazzaroni incompetenti, e aperto la porta a un governo neofascista. We did it Patrick! We saved the Greece!

          Porcoddio dovessi morire provandoci, la mia missione mella vita è strangolare Draghi con le mie mani

            • @TranslatorBotB
              21 year ago

              I just don’t understand how it is that there hasn’t been a general outrage.

              I mean diocane. Mattarella asks a fucking banker, voted in by nobody, to govern the whole country. AND NOBODY DOES SHIT ABOUT IT.

              What about the fact that they described him as “the man who saved Greece”? Draghi DEVASTATED Greece, imposing absurd austerity measures and throwing the blame for everything on the Greeks (who are still statistically the European people who work the most hours per month). DESTROYED the country, condemned an entire country to the stereotype of being incompetent louts, and opened the door to a neo-fascist government. We did it Patrick! We saved the Greece!

              Porcoddio should I die trying, my mission mella life is to strangle Draghi with my own hands

              This text was translated using DeepL.

  • Muad'DibberA
    141 year ago

    Wonderful things are happening.

    • @Navaryn
      61 year ago

      the weeks in which decades happen are about to come

  • @Jelamzer
    131 year ago

    Lol Europe is geting cucked

  • @Socialisminmind
    101 year ago

    That graph is so fucking weird, they could just have done a normal line graph

    • @Franfran2424OP
      1 year ago

      its technically 3 graphs, with the last one being an estimate from 2020.

      doing it in a single graph and without too much clutter means doing it like this.

      but I agree its not a beautiful one

  • @m532
    1 year ago

    * projection

    Always projection

  • @quality_fun
    41 year ago

    i don’t think china’s nominal gdp is surpassing the us’s in only 1 year.

    • @Franfran2424OP
      91 year ago

      GDP PPP, the source left that out. And they already have some years ago, in 2016.

      • @quality_fun
        61 year ago

        china’s ppp surpassed the us in 2014, yes. nominal, if it happens, is projected at around 2028 or later.

        • @Franfran2424OP
          41 year ago

          sure. but gdp in USD is not going to be so relevant if the USA isnt the number one economy.

          • @quality_fun
            1 year ago

            why not? the us economy will still be a significant portion of the size of china’s.

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              1 year ago

              USA will always be globally relevant because it’s huge country with a lot of resources and potential (at least if it won’t break at some point), but if the dollar stops being the global reserve currency they will lose a lot, since something like 70% dollars in circulation are overseas - significant portion of that will come back, and it wil devalue like crazy pushing them into crisis spiral for years up to decades. Also significant portion of their economy is renter economy and financial bubbles. In real economy USA is much weaker than GDP suggest.