Shalom Comrades . I Have another question i wanted to talk with you .

Is about what words and phrases should and shouldn’t be used or said ?

For example , i and another Comrade where talking about a some stuff about trolls , bots , fed/cia , psyop account and communities and what not .

And this is how a new topic was brought ( see the screenshotz below ) :


And that’s why , i need your guidance from all of you to help and correct the vocabulary of other Comrades , ( including myself )

So let’s start :

What are the words and phrases that should we as Comrades use in the first place ? . Instead of using the ones in the screenshots above mentioned ⬆️ . Can some of you please give me a list of words and phrases that are kosher ( permissible ) to say and not Asur ( prohibited ) to say ? .

For example :

the “B” word and other words that we need to get rid of our my vocabulary .

It will be very great and helpful to make a list of what words and phrases should we i use .

I hope to get an answer .


  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    Nazis haven’t stolen “based”. People getting worried about that sort of thing are, imo, being silly. “Based”, in my experience, is used plenty in light-hearted conversations between young communists online and offline. It usually just means “I agree with this politically” thus people of all ideologies will use it when they agree w/ something.

    Getting upset over it reminds me of when I was kicked from a communist Facebook group for using “Nazi arrows”, aka

    using >greentext style formating

    and called a closet Nazi for doing so. It’s literally no different than

    >using redtext like this

    >for emphasis

    but because of its association with 4chan, people have this kneejerk reaction against using a popular, easy to understand, at-its-core omnipolitical meme format.

    Not to shout down any comrades with grievances related to certain words, but in my experience the people in forums and on social media freaking out about words and actions no-one but them deems actually offensive are just power-hungry online weirdos who want the chance to police people’s language and look for an excuse to direct attention in conversation towards them and their woker than thou ivory tower.

    There are obviously words that we as revolutionaries should understand the impact of and histories behind and refrain from using, like slurs, unless one is ‘reclaiming’ them. The N word, the F word, etc. Misogynistic terminology should also be avoided like btch and whre. A lot of words a very select group of people get upset over (usually on behalf of the actually marginalized) are fine imo. I’m sorry to the anarchists, but “idiot” and “moron”, despite horribly ableist histories, are not leaving the modern lexicon any time soon, and they bear nowhere near the impact that something like the R word does in the modern day.

    I would just recommend using your best judgment. A couple of things that are less obvious is the aversion to putting “-oid” after anything, like “westoid”, as it is parodying Nazi race science - “mongoloid”, etc. Based, I think, is fine.

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago defines “based” as:

      The latter expression of it being “appropriated” by the alt-right is misleading. It’s been “appropriated” by political people of all kinds, including communists. Stalin was based, Kim Il-sung was based, etc etc. Oh, you want to resurrect Yugoslavia, comrade? Fuckin’ based.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        91 year ago

        I must praise Lil B here, i never heard before of “based” being used in the context of crack addiction.

        I also never before heard of Lil B, but it’s based reclamation nevertheless.

        • SovereignState
          1 year ago

          Yeah I hadn’t either, a much more positive connotation now :)

          Idk anything about Lil B’s politics but I know that he has held many many twitter raffles where he’s given out hundreds of dollars to people who say they need it. Idk, charity isn’t revolutionary blah blah but he seems like an overall kind and positive dude (also has said trans rights iirc)

        • ButtigiegMineralMap
          71 year ago

          Yea basically it’s from a spanish word, Base(Ba-Say) and it meant when extract was pressed out of coca leaves leaving a paste of what is later made to be cocaine. People would mix this up with other nasty shit and “freebase” or smoke the base from the mixture. This is eventually how crack came to be a thing and the CIA brought it into poor predominantly black and latino neighborhoods. The show Snowfall is really good and explains a lot of this

          • @redtea
            51 year ago

            I’ve heard ‘base head’ before. But had no idea that it was connected to ‘based’ in that way. I had assumed the political meaning was meme-ified but had started out as saying that a claim was foundational or should be respected as valuable as foundational thought. Interesting to see how language can develop.

            • ButtigiegMineralMap
              61 year ago

              Yea baseheads are what people refer to crack addicts as, idk how Lil B turned that into a good thing but good for him

  • Sankavara Gardens
    1 year ago

    AFAIK, the word “based” as used in slang comes from the rapper Lil B, more commonly known as Based God.

    So, with this particular discussion, it’s one about AAVE, African American Vernacular English. So then, this is up to our black comrades.

    Personally, I think the only issue with using AAVE as a non-black person is when you ruin the word (using it wrong, overusing it, making it something It’s not, trying to sound black for racist “comedic” effect, trying to profit off black culture, etc.) But again, I’m white, so take my comment lightly.

    Edit: as for the comment in the first screenshot, I disagree with them saying nazis took it over. I feel like “based” is really widely used atm, even in non political discussions.

    • Black AOC
      1 year ago

      thank you based god

      /uj On the level tho, you’re right on the money about where the issues regarding appropriation of AAVE is concerned. Are the odds high that you’d get an eyeroll, a roof-click, and a shake of the head out of some Black folk hearing it leave you? Yeah; but that’s more a bias kneejerk reaction borne from thousands of incidents of say, folk like who you see on r/kanye or r/hiphopheads trying to speak what they think is ‘fluent’ AAVE while being white as skim and living in a gated suburb.

    • @taiphlosion
      1 year ago

      It is annoying having our language and culture stolen from us all the time so thanks for at least acknowledging the origin of the term

      That being said I’d like to be able to reclaim our words but it’d be a waste of time to try and police the language of people as the terms just get assimilated into everyday phrases anyway, thus losing its meaning

      Which is why I propose we retire “drip” too

  • @darkcalling
    131 year ago

    I will note I appreciate especially comrades attempting to avoid using the B-word, the sexist slur that is. It’s used far too freely by men to objectify and denigrate women and I see far too many comrades who would jump down anyone’s throat for using other unacceptable words like the f-word or r-word or n-word just casually tossing it and slurs involving sex slavery/prostitution around because it like misogyny remains omni-present in culture such as music.

    That said. I will note regarding the whole objecting to people saying “based” that’s kind of absurd and I must point out that feds and other wreckers absolutely love instigating things like that.

    Not fights over real slurs like I mentioned above which we need to strive to avoid using to make our spaces welcoming but these silly little slap-fights over trivial and invented matters, things carefully twisted (often with insincere academic language and using gish-gallop tactics to fling large words and issues into the arena which take a hundred times longer to unpack and go over than it does to casually fling them into the arena to stop business and create drama) into an issue where none existed to create tension, drama, division, splits, and bog us down in annoying debates over invented issues.

    Look no further than the chapo lifeboat site, they require trigger tags for posting about meat because a militant vegan vanguard among them decided that’s a totally normal and reasonable thing to do. I’m sorry but getting triggered by meat (not even pictures, just mentioning it too) is just absurd. It makes a mockery of actual triggers survivors of real trauma have to deal with. It’s also curious they require trigger warnings for that yet none for discussions of brutalization and violence against human beings by empire. As if that’s normal and shouldn’t be upsetting and something everyone should be able to view calmly and discuss but somehow meat is exceptional and valid to be so upset it drives you to close your browser and freak out.

    • SovereignState
      41 year ago

      Agree 100% with all points.

      Your mentioning of the flippant use of misogynistic slurs even in leftist spaces got me thinking about the term “prostitute” when used as a slur against political opportunists. I understand wanting an insult with edge and weight, but understanding why “prostitute” evokes such a visceral reaction… its use comes out a little vile. I admit to having used it before to refer to comprador leaders. But most actual people stuck in the sex trade are victims, not opportunists or sellouts. Compradors and opportunists are more like pimps than anything.

      Its usefulness, as in the aforementioned “weight” of it as an insult, is also practically nil. We can see this looking back on Lenin advocating for the execution of political “prostitutes” leading to the weaponized myth that the Soviets literally executed sex workers. There is no gain, and in the end it only harms people in the sex trade and people’s view of socialism.

  • @SomeGuy
    1 year ago

    I don’t think you need to be too strict on your language as long as you’re not being an ass. Playing word police seems like a waste of time (for the most part, again, just be kind, if someone is uncomfortable with something, apologize and don’t use it around them). Also try and understand the context of the conversation. As long as you do that then you can basically say whatever (unless its inherently racist or something but those should be pretty obvious to avoid).

  • @redtea
    81 year ago

    Slurs are derogatory words or phrases, such as sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic words. Avoid slurs. I think most slurs are removed automatically and replaced with ‘removed’. You might write some slurs by accident, not knowing they are slurs, but the auto-removal will remove the word, so you do not need to worry too much about this. If the slur does show up, someone will tell you, and you can avoid that word in future.

    We should be careful policing words because we might end up stereotyping people and this might lead to an inverted kind of racial abuse. A black user who faces daily racism but uses “based” (acceptably) might feel unwelcome on Lemmygrad if everyone of their posts receives a downvote. They might not know it is because someone has taken offence to the use of “based”. They might assume (if they have mentioned that they are black in another post) that they are just facing more of the racism faced outside of Lemmygrad.

    Thinking about this topic, I came across Ernestine Johnson on ‘sounding white’. I’ll post a link because it is a good poem and I’ll let the YouTube bot do its thing:

    The quoted comment in the OP’s screenshot about automatically downvoting posts using the word “based” reminded me about David Starkey’s career-ending racism. He said that a British, black politician ‘sounded white’. (The connection is in the sense that automatic downvoting seems to assume that one can tell whether a user is black or white, but that’s not possible unless someone tells us.)

    Note: David Starkey’s remarks got a lot of publicity. If anyone reading this is tired of seeing racism, don’t google his name. His interviews, etc, are infuriating. But know that this fuck-head: lost his honorary fellowships; had a prestigious historian award revoked; had three honorary degrees revoked; was the subject of a letter signed by over a hundred historians saying that he made methodological mistakes that first-year undergraduates would not make; and was told by his long-time publisher that they would never publish his work again.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    71 year ago

    Based is cool to say. Lil B started it, The Based God Himself. And I know rightie conservatives that say it and when asked why they say Based, they just say “it’s a meme” but if you know where it’s from, then that’s cool, you’re just reciting the holy words of Based God. After that the righties said it less knowing that it makes them sound like posers

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov OP
    1 year ago

    Thank you very much my beloved comrades for your good and great answers, I am very happy and thankful for your help for guiding me with your replies,

    I know I didn’t do it right but I did not meant to make fun of anyone or make anyone feel bad or to offend anyone else I am very sorry it was not my intention , I completely promise not to use any phrase or word of that type , and I am also sorry if I made other comrades feel bad for the word I have used , I didn’t mean to offend or make anyone feel bad or make fun of anyone else, I am really sorry for saying that phrase I didn’t know what it means until now .

    I hope you all accept my sincere apologies my beloved Comrades. ❤️

    • SovereignState
      41 year ago

      The only thing offending me is how utterly positive and compassionate you are, comrade. How dare you not be cold and bitter like most of us!

      (just kidding)

  • @communist_wife
    51 year ago

    I feel like this topic isn’t just a one post thing, but something you will experience in other conversations. Writing a list of do and don’t say without context for those points is not really useful IMHO. So don’t worry about it until you’re in the moment and be open to dis ussion about language