Shalom Comrades . I Have another question i wanted to talk with you .

Is about what words and phrases should and shouldn’t be used or said ?

For example , i and another Comrade where talking about a some stuff about trolls , bots , fed/cia , psyop account and communities and what not .

And this is how a new topic was brought ( see the screenshotz below ) :


And that’s why , i need your guidance from all of you to help and correct the vocabulary of other Comrades , ( including myself )

So let’s start :

What are the words and phrases that should we as Comrades use in the first place ? . Instead of using the ones in the screenshots above mentioned ⬆️ . Can some of you please give me a list of words and phrases that are kosher ( permissible ) to say and not Asur ( prohibited ) to say ? .

For example :

the “B” word and other words that we need to get rid of our my vocabulary .

It will be very great and helpful to make a list of what words and phrases should we i use .

I hope to get an answer .


  • @redtea
    81 year ago

    Slurs are derogatory words or phrases, such as sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic words. Avoid slurs. I think most slurs are removed automatically and replaced with ‘removed’. You might write some slurs by accident, not knowing they are slurs, but the auto-removal will remove the word, so you do not need to worry too much about this. If the slur does show up, someone will tell you, and you can avoid that word in future.

    We should be careful policing words because we might end up stereotyping people and this might lead to an inverted kind of racial abuse. A black user who faces daily racism but uses “based” (acceptably) might feel unwelcome on Lemmygrad if everyone of their posts receives a downvote. They might not know it is because someone has taken offence to the use of “based”. They might assume (if they have mentioned that they are black in another post) that they are just facing more of the racism faced outside of Lemmygrad.

    Thinking about this topic, I came across Ernestine Johnson on ‘sounding white’. I’ll post a link because it is a good poem and I’ll let the YouTube bot do its thing:

    The quoted comment in the OP’s screenshot about automatically downvoting posts using the word “based” reminded me about David Starkey’s career-ending racism. He said that a British, black politician ‘sounded white’. (The connection is in the sense that automatic downvoting seems to assume that one can tell whether a user is black or white, but that’s not possible unless someone tells us.)

    Note: David Starkey’s remarks got a lot of publicity. If anyone reading this is tired of seeing racism, don’t google his name. His interviews, etc, are infuriating. But know that this fuck-head: lost his honorary fellowships; had a prestigious historian award revoked; had three honorary degrees revoked; was the subject of a letter signed by over a hundred historians saying that he made methodological mistakes that first-year undergraduates would not make; and was told by his long-time publisher that they would never publish his work again.